河北石家庄藁城区八级英语期末考试人教新目标 1.doc

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1、河北省石家庄市藁城区2015-2016学年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题藁城区2015-2016学年度第一学期期末考试 初 二 英 语 答 案卷I听力部分I. 1-5. ABBBC II. 6-10 CBCBA III. 11-18. ACBCBABB IV. 19-25. BACACBA笔试部分V. 26-30. DCADD 31-35. BBACC 36-40. CBBBCIV. 41-45. BACAD 46-50. BDCCAVII. 5155. BABCA 56-60. DDADC 61-65 DBCBD 卷II听力部分VIII. 66. a middle school 67. No

2、one 68. advice 69. friendly 70. useful笔试部分IX. 71. T 72. his own window was dirty 73. In a city. 74. We should judge ourselves before we judge others. 75. 我想知道为什么她不擦洗她的窗户。X. 76. took 77. visiting 78. fell 79. to pick 80. getXI. A)81. Nick met his best friend in the park.82. Is Tom smarter than Sam?83

3、. Where did the actors go yesterday?84. Tom is going to be a scientist in the future.85. They are too tired to walk farther.B) One possible version: Dear Jack, Nice to hear from you. Im very glad to know that youre coming to China for a short stay. Id be happy to give you some advice. When you visit

4、 a Chinese family, its a good idea to bring a small gift like fruits, tea, flowers, or something special from your country. Usually Chinese people will give you a present in return. In that case, you must accept it with both hands. Remember not to open it immediately but later. Of all the festivals

5、in China, the Spring Festival is the most important. There are some special traditions for you to follow. Try not to break anything. If you do, say “Suisuipingan” which means “be safe all the time”. Youd better not say the words “die, break, bad”. Besides, dont clean your room on the first day of Ch

6、inese New Year, it will sweep away good luck. I hope this help and if you have any questions, just write to me again. Enjoy your stay! Best wishes, Li Hua本题共15分,按5个档次给分。评分时根据其内容、语言表达的准确程度及其书写情况分档,最后确定分数。内容要点可用不同方式表达,对紧扣主题的适当发挥可加分。评分档次:第1档:(1315分)紧紧围绕中心话题,内容详实,表述准确完整,语言流畅,语法、拼写无误,书写工整。第2档:(912分)能够围绕中心话题,表述比较清楚,语句较通顺完整,基本上无语法、拼写错误,书写工整。第3档:(68分)能够围绕中心话题,表述基本清楚,语句基本通顺,有一些语法、拼写错误,但不影响句意理解,书写工整。第4档:(35分)能够表述中心话题的一些方面,语句不够通顺完整,语法、拼写错误较多,书写不够工整。第5档:(02分)对中心话题表述不清,语法、拼写错误多,不知所云,书写混乱。10


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