吉林长春八级英语下册Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame测新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit 5测试题I 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)1.Its d_ to put your head out of the window while driving.2.The table is made of w_.It looks nice . 3.My a_ clock didnt go off so I got up late.4.Whats the d_ today? Its February 8th, 20145.The baby is a_. Dont make a noise.II 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(30分)1 Her mother _ ( s

2、hop) at the time of the rainstorm yesterday . 2 -Why did the police stop your car ?- I _(make ) a phone call at that moment . 3.Bens mom was putting some candles and _(match) on the table.4.Robert and his friends were _(complete )surprised to hear the news.5 We were climbing up the mountain when it

3、began to rain _ (heavy).6 .Ben didnt fall asleep until the wind _ (die) down at around 3:00 a.m.7 .He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in_ (silent).8.Be careful ! The road is _ ( ice) .9.Kate didnt think her friend was telling the _(true) about the event .10 In autumn , the gol

4、den _ (fall) leaves on the ground are also beautiful . 11 Are you against _(pull) down that old building ?12 These children were sleeping when their parents _ ( leave) home . 13 I received a letter from her _ ( recent) .14 Seeing his mother , this boy stopped _ ( cry) and laughed . 15 -Thats a nice

5、mobile phone . - It is . My aunt _( buy) it for my last birthday . III 单项选择(30分)( ) 1 . What were you doing _last Sunday morning? A. at B. inC. overD. / ( ) 2.The bad news made him very _ .A happily B happy C unhappy D unhappily( ) 3 .I found a dog lying in the grass _ I was walking in the park. A.

6、before B. while C. after D when ( ) 4 .Paul walked into the bedroom _ because his wife and baby were sleeping.A. silent B. silently C. quiet D quietly ( ) 5.After the strong wind _ , children came out to play again . A cut down B turned down C died down D put down ( ) 6. -Dad, can you _ at six ocloc

7、k tomorrow ? I need to catch the early bus . - OK. A wake up me B wake me up C cheer up me D cheer me up( ) 7. Li Ming is so careful that he always looks over his exercise to _ there are no mistakes. A. make sure B. find out C. think about D set up ( ) 8 .Sam was reading a newspaper _ his father fel

8、l on the ground. A. when B. as soon as C. if D while( ) 9 .- How long can I _ the book, please ?- for only one week . A. borrow B. lend C. buy D keep ( ) 10 .What _ to him yesterday evening? A. was happening B. happened C. happen D happening ( )11 -What are you doing ? - I am thinking about at the c

9、lass meeting. A. how say B. what say C. how to say D. what to say ( ) 12.The boy with two dogs _in the yard when the earthquake hit the city. A. is playingB. are playing C. were playingD. was playing( )13. _ beautiful park Xiaoyaojin Park is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( )14.-What a big storm

10、last night ! - Yes, I was doing my homework . Suddenly , all the lights in my house _ .A turned off B took off C went off D got off ( )15. - Mr. King , I have trouble _ the article . - Remember _ it three or four times at least . A to understand , reading B understanding , reading C to understand ,

11、to read D understanding , to read IV补全对话(5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。 A: 26_ B: I was flying a kite. A: 27_ B: By the river. A lot of children were flying kites there ,too. A: It blew yesterday, didnt it? B: 28_ It was good weather for flying a kite. A: 29_ B: Zhang Lei and Liu Hua. T

12、hey both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did. A: Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?B: 30_ A. Who helped you to mend the kite? B. B.What were you doing yesterday afternoon? C. Who did you fly kites with? D. Yes, but the wind wasnt strong.E. Were you very busy yesterday? F. Where di

13、d you fly the kite? G. Yes, we did. We played there for about three hours. V 按照要求完成句子。(一空一词)(10分)V 按照要求完成句子。( 每空一词)( 10分 )1 I was reading when my father arrived home . ( 划线提问 )_ were you _ when your father arrived home ?2 Frank was waiting for the bus when I called him up . ( 否定句 ) Frank _ _ for the bus when I called him up . 3 While I was shopping , I met her . ( 同义句 ) I was shopping _ I _ her . 4 Linda was so scared that she couldnt say a word . ( 同义句 ) Linda was _scared t_ say a word . 5 They didnt say anything and walked home . ( 同义句 ) They walked home _ _ . 六书面表达 (15分)根据提示写一段短文,谈谈你和M


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