北京延庆靳家堡中学八级英语期中复习6 北师大.doc

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1、北京市延庆县靳家堡中学八年级英语上学期期中复习6 北师大版完成句子(白给分的题 一背了之)1. 为什么周六不举行宴会呢?_ a party.2. 我喜欢北京的秋天,你呢?I like Autumn Beijing, _ you ?3. 你多听英文歌曲很有好处。_ English songs.4.妈妈常常告诉我们回家要先做作业。Mom often _after we get home.5. 六点了,该吃午饭啦。Its six oclock. _.6. 姚明身高大约是2.12米。Yao Ming _.7. 我们过去常常看故事书。We _story books.上面来自教科书P5 2.4课文 (要求

2、文中勾画关键词)1. Did Sarah have a fantastic time?_2. When did Sarah supervise games for the younger children. _3. What is Sarah doing right now?_4. What did they do today?_5. Did they lose the football game?_6. What is Sarah going to do?_上面来自教科书P7 2.4课文 (要求文中勾画关键词)1. What did they do on Monday?_2. Is the

3、exhibition abut the history of aiplanes?_3. How many tests did they have?_4. When did they play football against Freemont Junior High?_5. Did they win the game?_6. What did they do on Friday?_7. When did they visited grandparents?_Hi, SandraI am at the camp with the school kids. Were keeping very bu

4、sy. Tomorrow morning were going to swim in the lake and then were going to have a diving class! Im very excited about it. In the afternoon were taking the kids on a boat trip. Imagine, six five-year olds and me on the lake! On Sunday morning Im going to visit the town Nature Museum. Im getting you a

5、 present there. What about a key ring with a spider-for good luck? Im going back home on Sunday night. What are you doing this weekend? Call me, okay?June上面来自教科书P21 2.1课文 (要求文中勾画关键词)1. Are they busy?_2. What are they going to do tomorrow morning?_3. Is June excited about it?_4. When are they taking the kids on a boat trip?_5. How many people on the lake?_6. What are they going to visit on Sunday morning?_7. What is June going to give as a present for Sandra?_3用心 爱心 专心


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