中考英语复习资料 阅读练习20.doc

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1、中考英语复习精品资料阅读练习20Most animals only have animals of a different kind for food. But sometimes two kinds of animals come together in a partnership (伙伴关系) which is good for them. You may have noticed some birds on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food i

2、n the parasites (寄生虫) on sheep. The sheep let the birds do so because they can stop the parasites from troubling them. So though they can do with it by themselves, they can do better together with each other. Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners c

3、annot do without each other. This is so in corals of the sea. Inside their bodies they have very small plants, which act as “cleaners”, taking the useless things from the coral and giving oxygen in return. That is what the animal needs to live. If the plants are killed, or are even kept from receivi

4、ng light so that they cannot live as usual, the corals will die.1. Some birds like to sit on a sheep because _.A. they can eat its parasites B. they enjoy traveling with the sheepC. they cant live without its parasites D. they want to find the warm place2. The underlined word “they” in the first par

5、agraph means _.A. birds and parasites B. birds and sheep C. parasites and sheep D. birds, parasites and sheep3. We learn from the passage that corals need plants for _.A. friends B. light C. food D. oxygen4. The Chinese for the word “oxygen” is _.A. 氧气 B. 空气 C. 废气 D.二氧化碳5. What is the second paragra

6、ph mainly about?A. Some animals and plants cannot live without each other.B. Some animals and plants cannot develop their friendship easily.C. Some plants eat each other.D. Some animals live better together.【答案与解析】自然界中里的事情总是那么的奇妙。很多动物都以不同种类的动物作为自己的食物,有时两种动物还具有伙伴关系呢。有些动物也以植物作为伙伴。比如:海洋生物珊瑚的体内有一种很小的植物。

7、这些植物消耗珊瑚身体内无用的东西,并释放出氧气。而这些氧气又是珊瑚生存所必需的。1. A.本题属于表层理解题。答案即在“This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫) on sheep.”一句之中。2. B.前文中的“The sheep let the birds do so because they can stop the parasites from troubling them.”的意思是说“绵羊让鸟儿落在自己身上,因为鸟儿可以将它们身上的寄生虫吃掉

8、。”;另一句“So though they can do with it by themselves”的意思是说“尽管它们自己也能对付寄生虫”。综合上面两句话的意思,再结合“they can do better together with each other.”这一句话,即得答案。3. D.显然,根据“taking the useless things from the coral and giving oxygen in return. That is what the animal needs to live.”这两句话可知,珊瑚需要植物提供的氧气才能生存下去。4. D.联系生物学常识,氧气是各种生物赖以生存所必需的,所以由此可以推测出该词的意思是“氧气”。5. A.根据这一自然段的内容,珊瑚和它们体内的植物具有相互依存的关系。因此,答案非A莫属。选项D迷惑性较大。因为这一自然段主要说明了珊瑚与体内植物的关系,它们在一块生存得很好。但选项D意思是“一些动物在一起生存得更好。”只要注意“动物”和“植物”这两个字眼,即可将此项排除2用心 爱心 专心


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