九级英语Unit 3 The Great Lakes Lesson 9&ampamp;10人教四制.doc

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1、用心 爱心 专心 九年级英语九年级英语 Unit 3 The Great Lakes Lesson 9 10 人教四年制版人教四年制版 同步教育信息同步教育信息 一 本周教学内容 本周我们将学习第四册第三单元 五大湖 中的第 9 课及第 10 课中的部分内容 Unit 3 The Great Lakes Lesson 9 10 二 重点 难点 1 Have you ever swum it 你游过苏必利尔湖吗 swim 一词可以做不及物动词用 也可以做及物动词用 eg Could you swim when you were four 当你 4 岁的时候 你会游泳吗 Using a board

2、 he could swim this river 用一块木板 他能游过这条河 2 It s so big that when you sail on it you can t see the land 它太大了 以至于你在它上面航行时 一眼望不到边 句中 so that 表示 如此 以至于 引导结果状语从句 口语中 that 可省略 eg She was so angry that she couldn t say a word 她太生气了以致于说不出话来了 I was so tired that I couldn t walk any longer 我太累了以至于我不能再走了 注意 注意

3、so that 连在一起时用法有所不同 1 表示目的 意为 以便 为了 I got up early so that I could catch the early bus 我早起床 以便能赶上早班车 2 也可表示结果 意为 所以 I was caught in the rain so that all my clothes got wet 我被雨淋了 所以衣服全湿了 3 When I lived in Michigan I swam as far as 2 kilometres at one time 我住在密歇根州的时候 曾经一次游过两公里 1 句中 as far as 表示程度 意为 远

4、至 否定句可以用 so far as We did not go so as far as the bridge 我们没有走到桥那么远 另外 as far as 还可以表示 就 而言 As far as I know it will be impossible for my sisters to do the work 就我所知 要我的姐妹做这事是不可能的 as far as 又可以表示 尽 所能 I will help you as far as I can 我会尽力帮你 2 句中 at one time 意思是 一度 从前 一次 做完某事 同时 At one time there were

5、 not so many cars on the streets 从前 街上没有这么多车 They all tried to talk at one time 用心 爱心 专心 他们都想一起说 The boy was so hungry that he ate up 3 bowls of rice at one time 那个男孩太饿了 一次吃掉了 3 碗米饭 4 The lake had already melted by the end of February 到 2 月底的时候湖水已经融化了 melt 使 融化 使 熔解 使 溶解 The hot sun melted the ice 炎

6、热的太阳把冰融化了 The fire melted the metal 火熔解了金属 The snow is melting in the sun 雪在阳光下融化 5 What two words is this word made up of 这个单词是由哪两个单词组成的 1 make sth up 形成 构成或组成某物 What are the qualities that make up her character 形成她性格的特质是什么 2 be made up of 由 组成 Society is made up of people of widely differing abili

7、ties 社会是由能力迥异的人组成的 3 be made in 在 制造 This watch is made in Switzerland 这块表是瑞士制造的 4 注意区分 be made of 与 be made from 6 Why do you think it is important to pay attention to the ecosystem of our world 你认为为什么注意我们世界的生态系统是重要的 1 do you think 为插入语 不做句子成份 When do you think he will come back 你认为他什么时候将回来 Who do

8、you think is the most hard working person in your class 你认为在你们班里谁是最用功的人 2 pay attention to sth 注意 Please pay much attention to your pronunciation 请多注意一下你的发音 It was so noisy in the classroom that I couldn t pay attention to the lecturer 教室里太吵 我不能专心听讲师上课 7 Ever since then people have lived beside the

9、lakes hunting fishing washing clothes ice skating and doing many other things 从那时起 人们就一直住在湖边 狩猎 捕鱼 洗衣服 溜冰或做其他事情 1 ever since 意为 从 之后一直 He got a job with the company in 1990 and has worked there ever since 1990 年他在那家公司任职 尔后一直在那里工作 I ve known her ever since she was a baby 自从她一出生我就认识她了 2 句中 hunting fis

10、hing washing clothes ice skating and doing many other things 为 现在分词作状语 修饰谓语动词 have lived 现在分词所表示的时间与谓语动词同时 在意 义上表示谓语动词的方式 在句中可充当方式状语 伴随状语以及结果状语 eg 用心 爱心 专心 She went back home singing 她在回家的路上边走边唱 试比较 She went back home and sang 她回到了家 还唱歌 Laughing and talking the students went out of the school 学生们又说又

11、笑地走出学校 表方式 He came running back to tell us the news 他跑着回来告诉我们这个消息 表方式 The child fell striking his head against the door 小孩摔了一跤 头碰到了门上 表结果 8 The factories would put their waste into the Lakes 工厂总是把废料排入湖内 此句中 would 用以表示过去的习惯和倾向 used to 表示过去持续的状态或情况 eg There used to be a school there 从前那里有所学校 On Sunday

12、s he would come to our school 过去他常常在星期天来我们学校 9 Pretty soon the lakes ecosystem wasn t right any more 很快湖区的生态系统就不正常了 pretty adv 相当 颇 pretty soon 很快 eg Pretty soon he caught up with his classmates 很快 他就赶上了同班同学 She seemed pretty satisfied with the result 她对结果似乎相当满意 另外 pretty 也可用作形容词 表示 漂亮的 好看的 一般用来形容女性

13、或小而 精致 可爱的东西 10 They asked the government for a special program to help them clean up the lakes and make them healthy again 他们请求政府实施一个特殊方案来帮助他们净化湖水并让湖泊重新恢复健康 1 ask sb for sth 要求 某人 给某事物 Did you ask your boss for a pay increase 你请求 老板 给你加薪了吗 2 clean sth up 净 除去污物使某一地方干 把某地方打扫干净 污物 垃圾等除去 Please clean

14、up the room after the party 聚会后请把房间打扫干净 3 make sb sth adj 使某人 某物 变得 模拟试题模拟试题 一 词形转换 1 Why Lily not see the film yesterday Because she see it already 2 Please wait until she come back 3 When you phone me last night I watch TV with my parents 4 How long your mother be at this school 用心 爱心 专心 For over

15、twenty years 5 Would you like eat something now 二 从 II 栏中找出与 I 栏相对应的答案 I 1 What do you think of China 2 What can I do for you 3 Can I borrow your ruler 4 What day is it today 5 It s hot today isn t it 6 Would you like some pears 7 Shall we go and play games 8 Hello Is that Mrs Liu 9 Is everyone here

16、 today 10 Congratulations boys II A Yes why not take off your coat B No Jack isn t here C Yes please D I m looking for a shirt E Certainly Here you are F It s Monday G Thank you Mr Wu H What a good idea Let s go I I like it very much The people are very friendly J I m afraid she is not in 三 单项选择 1 It always takes my grandfather a long time every morning A get dressed B to get dressed in C getting dressed D to get dressed 2 I found one leg of the desk A break B to break C broken D breaking 3 I ha


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