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1、Unit 4 TV programmes总课题9A Unit 4 TV programmes总课时10第2课时课题Reading (I)课型新授教学目标知识目标To recognize and understand vocabulary related to programmes.能力目标To identify statements as true or false based on the reading passage.情感目标To match students preferences and schedules to TV programmes.教学重点The same as the a

2、ims.教学难点Infer general meaning from title and context.教 (学) 活 动自主个案预习导学翻译下列短语。1. 报道不同的体育(信息)2. 发现有点枯燥/烦扰3. 即将到来的星期六4. 宣布结果5. 获得两张免费的音乐会门票6. 充满7. 一小时的记录片8. 比熊猫消失得还要快9. 自然的栖息地10. 获得优秀摄影奖教学过程Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Free talk Have a free talk with the students. Revise something learned How many hours of

3、TV do you watch every day?What is your favorite TV Programmes?What is your favorite host?Step 3 Presentation1. Ask students whether they plan their TV viewing or if they just switch the TV on when they find information about which programmes are on and what the programmes are about.2. Play the tape

4、and students read after it. Ask students if they have ever watched such programmes. 3. Ask Ss some questions to check their understandingStep 4 Practice1. Ask students to put forward their own questions and discuss in class.2 .Encourage students to think them over3. Ask Ss to find out the language p

5、oints they dont know and try to explain them.4. Ask some of them to read the paragraphs and summarize the main ideas.5. Do some written work in class.Step 5 Homework 1. Try to recite the text. 2. Review the paragraphs and new vocabulary.课内研讨1. 仔细阅读课文,回答下列问题。(1) For most sports fans who cant often wa

6、tch TV, what kind of TV programme is suitable? Why?(2) What does Sport World cover?(3) If you arent a football fan, why is this weeks Sports World a bit boring?(4) What will also be covered this week?(5) How will this years Beijing Music Award be covered?(6) Who will attend the presentation?(7) What

7、 have lots of fans voted online for?(8)When will the results be announced?(9) How can people win two free concert tickets?2. 阅读P60-P61课文,完成下列表格。StationProgrammeAbout whatTimeSports WorldSunshine TV7p.m -9.30p.m.How much danger Asian tigersface训练巩固This Saturday you can watch _ and _ on Sunshine TV. I

8、f you watch Sports World, there is _ of what is happening in sports. The pragramme are mainly about _. There are _ with the famous football players.The _ of Beijing Music Awards will be held this coming Saturday and it will be _. Before the awards, there will be _ with the most famous stars. Two tho

9、usand fans _ _ their favourite songs, singers and music videos. Murder in a Country House is a _ film. The director is _. In the film, a doctor is found _ in his house. But you wont find out if he was killed or he killed _ until the end of the film. The film is full of _ and _. Tiger watch will last

10、 for _. It talks about _ and how much danger these tigers face. They are disappearing _ than pandas. If you love animals, you might find this programme a bit _ as you watch it. This programme was taken _ between 2003 and 2005. While watching, you can also enjoy _ of India. Tiger Watch won an award for _. 拓展延伸完成句子。1. 主持人已宣布了获奖结果。 The host has _ the _ of the _.2. 我希望他们不会发生危险的事情。 I hope nothing _ will _ _ them.3. 你要直到电影结束才能找出答案。 You wont _ _ the answer _ the _ of the film.4. 我发现这部纪录片有点激动人心。 I find this _ a _ _.5. Sandy很勇敢,她不在乎受到惊吓。 Sandy is _, she doesnt mind _ _.教(学)后记(我的问题,体悟,收获)3



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