河北石家庄藁城区八级英语上册Unit2Howoftendoyourcise综合D新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、 Unit2 How often do you exercise?综合试卷DI.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分)( )1. -_do you go to the sports club?-At least once a week.A. How long B. How oftenC. How much D. How far( )2. He goes to the _for teeth cleaning twice a year.A. teacher B. dentist C. school D. museum( )3. -Could you tell me the answer _the qu

2、estion, Mrs. Li?-Of course.A. of B. toC. in D. at( )4. -Jeff is shy, so its difficult for him_ friends. -He should try to change.A. made B. makingC. to make D. makes( )5. You are too heavy. I think you must _eat_ meat.A. try; moreB. try to; moreC. try to; lessD. try; less( )6. -_she eats a lot every

3、 day, she is not fat at all.-How lucky!A. BecauseB. SoC. IfD. Although( )7.-Why do you like running so much, Mr. Green? -Well, its good for my_.A. diary B. time C. ideaD. health ( )8. A small river goes_ my village. There are many fish in it.A. cross B. in C. through D. out( )9. -The old woman wants

4、 us _ her with the housework.-I think we should help her.A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping( )10.-You look so tired, Sue.-I_ slept last night. I feel terrible now. A. almost B. hardly C. usually D. always( )11. I think the best way _is taking part in(参加) outdoor activities.A. to relax B. relaxin

5、gC. relaxed D. relaxes( )12. -Can you go swimming with me next Sunday?-Sorry, next week is _ for me.A. free B. good C. enough D. full( )13.-How many hours does your grandpa play chess every day?-_.A. Once a day B. OneC. First D. Once( )14.-My father often relaxes himself by _ to music after work.-Ho

6、w about your mother?A.listen B. listened C. to listen D. listening( )15. -Linda cant play_ soccer at all-_Soccer is her favorite sport. A. Thats too bad B. Come on!C. How come? D. Thats right.( )16. I _ ride a bike to school. But this morning I walked to school.A. never B. hardly C. usually D. alway

7、s( )17. What is Tom interested in? He is interested in sports, _ basketball, tennis and ping-pong.A. such as B. at least C. because of D. because( )18. Its good _ our health _ vegetables.A. for; to eat B. to; eat C. of; to eat D. for eating( )19. I think eating _ food can help you keep _.A. health;

8、health B. health; healthy C. healthy; healthy D. unhealth; unhealthy ( )20. Thirty percent of the students in the class _ watching game shows.A. likes B. like C. to like D. liking( )21. The man often spends his free time _ with his little daughter.A. playing B. to play C. plays D.played( )22. _ he i

9、s ill. So he _ at home now.A. May be; may be B. Maybe; may be C. Maybe; may D. May be may be( )23. _ he is ill, _ he goes to school. A. Although; butB. /; /C. Although; /D.Though; but( )24. Tom studies _. He _ plays with his friends. A. hard; hardB. hardly; hardlyC. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard( )25

10、. Eating a lot of vegetables _ good for your health.A. amB. isC. are D.beII.完形填空 Mrs Brown had a small garden is front of her house. She1some vegetables in her garden and2them carefully. When the summer came, the3looked very nice. One evening Mrs Brown said to her son, “Tomorrow I am going to4the ve

11、getables and eat them.”But the next morning she5that h er neighbors ducks had6her vegetables. Mrs Brown7and her neighbor was very8for that. On Christmas day, the neighbor9Mrs Brown a beautiful, fat roast (烤) duck, and said, “Mrs Brown, please10your vegetables now.”()1.A.plantedB.put C.tookD.carried(

12、 )2.A.watchedB.looked after C.looked atD.kept()3.A.houseB.garden C.vegetables D.sun()4.A.sell B.cook C.water D.pick()5.A.foundB.knew C.watchedD.noticed()6.A.dug upB.eaten up C.taken awayD.pulled up()7.A.shoutedB.smiled C.was gladD.spoke()8.A.sorryB.happyC.angry D.surprised()9.A.borrowedB.broughtC.sh

13、owedD.lent()10.A.cookB.pick C.enjoyD.save. 阅读理解AWe know that most children love junk food very much,although its bad for their health and their parents dont want them to eat too much junk food. Most children know its not a good habit,but they still want to eat it. Some of them eat this kind of food

14、every day. Some only eat it twice or three times a week.I know a boy called Bill. He isnt healthy. He hardly ever exercises. And he eats lots of junk food because he loves it. When he has pocket money(零用钱),he always buy junk food. His parents worry about him a lot,but he says,“Maybe Im not very healthy,but I enjoy myself.”His parents ha



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