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1、Unit5必背词组1.be made of 由制成(可以看出材料)2.be made from 由制成(由知识判断出材料)3.be made in 在何地被制造4.be made by 由某人制造5.be made into 被制成6.be made with 用(工具)来制造7.be famous for= be well-known for= be widely known for 以闻名,因而闻名8.be famous as. = be well-known as= be widely known as 作为而闻名9.the art and science fair科学艺术展10.bot

2、h in the past and now 在过去和现在11.many diffident areas 不同的地区12.as far as I know, 就我所知13.on the sides of mountains 在山坡上14.by hand 手工15.places around China 中国的地方16.be good for对有好处17.be good at 擅长于18.be good with 和相处得好19.search for 搜寻, 寻找20.avoid doing something 避免做21.everyday things 日常用品22.high-technolog

3、y products 高科技产品23.get better at doing something 变得更擅长于做24.in all parts of the world 在世界各地25.shopping experiences 购物经历26.things made in China 中国制造的东西27.be allowed to do something 被允许做28.children under 18 18岁以下的孩子29.on the last Friday of each month 每个月的最后一个周五30.the earths surface 地球的表面31.careless dri

4、ving 粗心驾驶32.traffic accidents 交通事故33.go on a vacation度假34.many different kinds of kites 不同种类的风筝35.kite flying 放风筝活动36.fly a kite 放风筝37.the international kite festival 国际风筝节38.be held in 在(何时或何地)被举行39.be painted with colorful drawings 被涂上了彩色图案40.beauty in common things 普通事物中的美41.according to根据, 就看来42

5、.sky lanterns 孔明灯43.sent out送出44.sentup 送上45.be in trouble 遇到麻烦46.be covered with由所覆盖47.rise into the air 升上天空48.hot-air balloons 热气球49.be seen as .被看成50.be regarded as被看成Unit61. 被发明 2. 的样式3. 具有特殊跟的鞋 4. 考虑 5. 我很荣幸 6. 日常生活7. 似乎传播到 8. 偶然的/意外的 9. 最受欢迎的饮料10. 据说 11. 作为饮料 12. 在户外的火上 13. .掉入里/落入/陷入14. .茶圣1

6、5. 被带到 16. 发生17. 毫无疑问/确信Unit5必背词组1. 由制成(可以看出材料)2.由制成(由知识判断出材料)3.在何地被制造4.由某人制造5.被制成6.用(工具)来制造7.以闻名,因而闻名8.作为而闻名9.科学艺术展10.在过去和现在11.不同的地区12.就我所知13.在山坡上14.手工15.中国的地方16.对有好处17.擅长于18.和相处得好19.搜寻, 寻找20.避免做21.日常用品22.高科技产品23.变得更擅长于做24.在世界各地25.购物经历26.中国制造的东西27.被允许做28.18岁以下的孩子29. 每个月的最后一个周五30.地球的表面31.粗心驾驶32.交通事故

7、33.度假34.不同种类的风筝35.放风筝活动36.放风筝37.国际风筝节38.在(何时或何地)被举行39.被涂上了彩色图案40.普通事物中的美41.就看来42.孔明灯43.送出44.送上45.遇到麻烦46.由所覆盖47.升上天空48.热气球49.被看成50.被看成Unit618. 被发明 19. 的样式20. 具有特殊跟的鞋 21. 考虑 22. 我很荣幸 23. 日常生活24. 似乎传播到 25. 偶然的/意外的 26. 最受欢迎的饮料27. 据说 28. 作为饮料 29. 在户外的火上 30. .掉入里/落入/陷入31. .茶圣32. 被带到 33. 发生34. 毫无疑问/确信【2015

8、江苏盐城】Can Mr. King spare sometimes for the charity show? If he _, he will try his best to make it. A. will be invited B. is invitedC. invitesD. invited 2. 【2015河北】Everybody _ deeply after they heard the story. A. movesB. movedC. is movedD. was moved3. 【2015广东】Have you heard of the song Little Apple?

9、Yes. It _ every morning when aged people do square dancing downstairs. A. is playedB. playsC. was playedD. played 4. 【2015上海】Over $30,000 _ for a childrens hospital by a British girl several months ago.A. is raised B. was raised C. will be raised D. has been raised5. 【2015山东临沂】Teenagers should _ to take care of themselves from a young age.A. educate B. be educatingC. have educatedD. be educated 3



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