中考英语复习课本知识整理 七级上Unit712.doc

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1、2010中考英语复习课本知识整理七年级上Unit 7-12.语音。 请找出下列单词划线部分的发音与众不同的一个。1.A. palB. SaturdayC. assessmentD. example2.A. homeworkB. alsoC. contestD. October3.A. likeB. excitingC. movieD. find4.A. summerB. trumpetC. musicianD. Sunday5.A. booksB. cakesC. storiesD. camps.单项选择。 1. _you like strawberries? Yes,I like them

2、very much.A .DoB. CanC. WouldD. Are2. -Can you play the guitar? -Yes,I _.A. amB. can C. doD. does3.Where _Jim and Bill _from?A. do,comeB. do,comeC. does,come D. does,comes4.- _is your birthday? -My birthday is October ninth.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhatD. How much5. - Does Ann like bananas?-_.A. Yes,he lik

3、esB. No,he doesnt C. Yes,she likesD. No,she doesnt6.- _is your favourite sport? -Baseball.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. watching7.My mother is _TV.A. Looking atB. seeingC. readingD. watching8.- _do you go to school? -At seven.A. What timeB. WhereC. WhatD. What times9. What are you doing?- _ A. I cant fin

4、d my book.B. I like ice cream.C. I am doing homework.D. Yes,I am.10.- _ -At eightthirty.A. What time is it now?B. How much is it?C. What time does it begin?D. What day is it tday?_Lucy _?3.June wants to study medicine.(改变为否定句)June _to study medicine.4.They play baseball every day.(对划线部分提问) _they _ev

5、ery day?5.My favourite subject is math.(对划线部分提问) _is _favourite subject?.句子翻译(局部或整体)根据所给的汉语,完成下列句子,每空词数不限。-1.保罗业余时间看动作片。 - Paul watches action movies.2.他的弟弟比同龄人长得高。His brother is - .3.我们的学校和其它的学校有点不同。Our school - other schools.4.西蒙想加入足球俱乐部。Simon - .补全对话:在对话的空白处填入一个适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一词)使对话完整并通

6、顺。 A:Hello,how are you?B: _1_,thanks. And how are you?A:Fine,thank you.My English name is Mark.B:Mine Bill. _2_.A:Mine to see you,too.B:Is this your frst day here?A:Glad to see you,too.B:Is this your first day here?A: _3_.B:How do you lke our school?A:Oh, _4_. Im used to (习惯)the life here.B:Thats gr

7、eat. But its different from what I expected(渴望).A:Oh, _5_ Ill help you.完型填空,在下列短文的空白处填上一个适当的词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。 分)It is evening an old cock(公鸡)is sitting _1_ a tall strew. A fox comes to the tree and_2_ the cock.“Hello, Mr Cock. I have some good news for you.”says the fox.“Oh?”says the cock,“What is it?

8、”“All the animals _3_ good friends now. Lets _4_ friends,too. Please come down and play _5_me.”“Fine!”says the cock,“Im very glad _6_that!”Then he looks up. “Look!”“There is something over there.”“What are you looking at?”asks the fox.“Oh,I see some animals over there.“ _7_coming this way.”“Animals?

9、”“Yes. Oh,they are dogs.”“Waat?Dogs?”asks the fox,“Well,goodbye.”“Wait,Mr Fox,”asys the cock, _8_go.They are only dogs. And dogs are our friends now.”“Yes, But they_9_ thay yet.”“I see,I see,”says the cock. He smiles(微笑)and_10_ to sheep.B)阅读短文,回答问题。Hi,there. Im Wang Wei and Im the reporter CCTV. Thi

10、s is my album. There are a lot of photos of famous people in it. Maybe you can recognize of them.A. San cai comes from Taiwan. She has a sweet smile and a strong will. She is often in romance movies. She is very popular among the young people. Now she is making another new TV play.B. Look!This is an

11、 ideal man in the eyes of the world. David Beckham is really a fantastic player. He is a father now. The name of his second son is Romeo. Why does he mane his son Romeo?“Its just a name we love.” Said Beckham.C. Look at this photo!Can you see him clearly?Yes,he is Li Tie,he is the midfielder on the

12、football ground. He was born(出生)on Sep 18,1977. His squad number is 12. He is from Liaoning.D. The last photo is Bill Gates. he owns a computer called Microsoft. He is from Seattle Washington. He is a clever man. His favourite sport is playing golf. he has a happy family.1.Where are the people from

13、in this article? _. 2.Whats San cai doing now? _.3.What language does Beckham speak? _.4.Whats the name of David Beckhams second son? _5.When is Li Ties birthday? ?_.6.Whats Bill Gates favourite sport? _.书面表达。 这是一个晴朗的早晨,孩子们在公园里活动,仔细观察下面的图,写一篇小短文,提示如下:Sunday,in the tree,read,baseball,work,near绘图说明:一些孩子在公园打棒球,一些孩子在房子附近劳动,两个女孩在椅子上读书,小鸟在书上歌唱。


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