四川岳池第一中学七级英语下册Module 5 Shopping 第4课时 Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet学案新外研.doc

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《四川岳池第一中学七级英语下册Module 5 Shopping 第4课时 Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet学案新外研.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川岳池第一中学七级英语下册Module 5 Shopping 第4课时 Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet学案新外研.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 5 Shopping 第4课时 Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet一 学习目标:1.掌握本单元重点单词和词组与句型2.能读懂网络购物的文章并能推测和概括关键信息。3.了解网上购物的优点和不足,学会正确使用网络。二、学习重点:1. first ,second,third, finally的运用2. 能按顺序描述网上购物的优缺点。三、学习难点:常见的特殊疑问句的用法。课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导:1.自主学习、合作学习的效果由学生自我评价。2.小组内制定具体的评价方案。二、预习自测:Writing. (请用first ,sec

2、ond,third, finally描述一下网上购物或者超市购物的优缺点,参照课本五 六部分。) 三、我的疑惑:_课内探究一、质疑探究:1. 表示花费: Pay .for sth. 为某物付.钱,主语是人 Sb. Spend some money on sth./(in) doing sth. 某人花多少钱买某物 Sth. cost sb. Some money 某物花了某人多少钱 例题 -What a beautiful sweater! How much did you for it? -198 yuan. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend 2. Ways o

3、f doing sth. 干某事的方式/方法,还可以说:ways to do sth. 如:学习英语的好方法_. 3. One of.表示.之一,后跟可数名词时,跟可数名词的复数。 如:男孩子中有一个跑的确实很快。_. 4. First,首先,then, 然后,用来表示做一件事情的顺序。First, next, then, finally. 如:首先,打开电脑。然后,打开一个新文件。First, turn on the computer. Then, open a new document. 首先,把冰箱(refrigerator)打开。然后,把大象放上。最后,把冰箱门关上。_ . First

4、还可表示第一,为序数词,second, 第二,third第三,用来表示顺序,也可以用于列举。 如: Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can shop at any time. Second, you can save a lot of money. 5. by post 意为_,介词by有“通过”之意,类似的短语还有 by email通过电子邮件 6. be able to do sth.能够做某事,相当于can+动词原形,但be able to 不是情态动词,be动词有人称和数的变化。 9.Not.any more=no

5、more 不再. E.g He smoke . 他不再吸烟了二、当堂检测:根据句意和首字母填空。(10分) There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them. You can buy a_1_everything on the Internet, and its very e_2_. First, you choose something - clothes, tickets, a mobile phone, even a new computer and pay for it. Then you r

6、eceive it a few days later by post. Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can shop w_3_ you want. The shops are always o_4_. Second, shopping usually t_5_ a lot of time. But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse! You can also compare the p_6_ of the same product a

7、nd spend a lot. or save money. But many people like going out and shopping with friends. They dont like shopping on the Internet because they cant s_7_ the product or try the clothes on. Also paying over the Internet isnt always s_8_. Online shopping is c_9_our way of life. One day no one will go to

8、 the shops any more, because youll be able to buy anything on the Internet, and you will be able to receive it a_10_ in the world at any time! 教学反思:课后训练I按要求完成下列句子(10分) 1.Lisa spends two hours finishing her homework。.(改为同义句) _ _ Lisa two hours _ _ her homework2. I can buy everything on the Internet.(

9、对划线部分提问) _ _you buy on the Internet? 3. She likes red very much. _ _ does she like very much? 4.What is the price of these lemon? (改为同义句) _ _are these lemons? 5.Id like to buy a pair of shoes for my father. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _to buy a pair of shoes for your father? II从方框中选择合适的词填空。 1. Are you ready to

10、_? -Yes, please. Id like some noodles. 2. We like him and he is _ among us. 3. Dont worry. It is a _ way to do that. 4. Dont forget to _ the two products. Then you will know the second one is better. 5. She will leave for London a few days _. III阅读理解Do you know anything about the way of shopping in

11、Western countries? People there usually make a shopping list first and then they go shopping. Most people like to go to the supermarket because they can get almost everything at one supermarket. For example, many styles of clothes, food, sports thing. And the things at the supermarket are cheaper. W

12、hen they get into the supermarket, they carry a basket. Then they buy things and put them in the basket. After getting everything they want, they pay for them. Most people go to the supermarket once a week1. Things at the supermarket are_. A. cheaper B. more expensive C. better D. fewer 2. People can buy _ from the supermarket. A.food B.milk C.clothes D.A,B and D 3.After people put the things in the basket, they go _. A.home B.to the checkout(收银台) C.out D.to another shop VI.写作(20分) 你喜欢网络购物(online shopping)吗? 请


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