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1、 Unit9单元测试卷一、单选题1Look! The women over there are _ mothers.AJenny and Lucy BJennys and LucysCJenny and LucysDJennys and Lucy2Im_ this afternoon. I have nothing to do. Lets go to watch a film.AinterestingBhappyCbusyDfree3Can you finish _ your dinner in an hour?AeatBeatsCeatingDto eat4Our English class

2、 is _ 9:15_ 10:00 every day.Ato; toBat; toCfrom; toDto; from5The news on Wechat (微信) is so _ that we are _in it. I agree with you.Ainteresting; interestingBinteresting; interestedCinterested; interestedDinterested; interesting6What _ does he like best? Football.AfoodBsubjectCcolorDsport7I dont like

3、the TV series(电视连续剧) _ its boring.AbutBandCbecauseDso8What day is it today ?_ is Friday.AitsBTodayCItDThis9_are you late for school again?Because the weather is too bad.AWhyBWhatCWhenDWhere10When _the girl _ her homework?Adoes; doesBdoes; doCdo; doesDdo; do二、完型填空Its_Monday. Dave comes to school at 8

4、:15 in the morning. He has science_ eight-thirty. He likes science_it is very interesting. Dave doesnt like math because its_. At eleven he has math. The math teacher teaches very well, but Dave doesnt like._ favorite teacher is P.E. teacher, Mr. Smith. His class sounds funny. He has P.E._ Monday af

5、ternoon. So Dave_Monday. On weekdays, from Monday to_, Dave has_at school at 11:45. After school Dave plays_on the school playground, then he goes home.11AonBatC/Din12AonBatC/Dof13AandBbutCbecauseDso14AinterestingBscaryCdifficultDeasy15ADavesBhesCDavesDhis is16AinBonCatDof17AlikeBwantClikesDis like1

6、8AFridayBSaturdayCSundayDTuesday19AbreakfastBlunchCdinnerDsupper20Aa soccerBsoccerCthe soccerDan soccer三、阅读理解Im Du FanIm a student in Class1, Grade1 at Shangdu Middle schoolMy school is small. You can see only one classroom in it. In the classroom, you can see three students and a teacher. The three

7、 students are He Dong, Tang Xiaolu and me. He Dong and I are boys. Tang Xiaolu is a girl. We are all twelve years old. Our teachers name is Tang Quanyou. He is fifty-nine years old. Every day we have Chinese, math, art and P. E. with the help of Mr. TangEvery day Mr. Tang is tired but very happy. Af

8、ter class Mr. Tang plays basketball with us. Mr. Tangs wife(妻子)is also at school with usShe is very friendly to us. We all like her.21In Du Fans classroom, you can see _ students.AthirtyBthirteenCthreeDfour22At school Du Fan doesnt learn(学习) _.AartBEnglishCChineseDmath23The passage(短文)tells(告诉)us Mr

9、. Tang can _.Aplay chessBplay volleyballCplay basketballDplay tennis24The underlined word“friendly”means(意思) _ in Chinese.A兴奋的B严厉的C羞涩的D友好的25Which of the following(下列)is True(对的)?ADu Fan is a girl.BTang Xiaolu is thirteen years old.CThere is one teacher at Shangdu Middle School.DThe teacher is fifty-

10、eight years old.Dear Xue Mei,Thanks for your letter.Now let me answer your questions.I go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.And we have many subjects to learn such as Chinese,math,English,P.E.,science,biology,music,history and so on (等等).We

11、also have many things to do after class.On Monday and Wednesday afternoons we play sports.On Tuesday afternoons some of us have a drawing class,and on Thursdays some have a dancing class.I like music,history and English.But my favorite is music.On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go to school.Usually I

12、go to the park and have a good time with my father and mother there.Love,Sandra根据短文内容判断正(T) 误(F)26Xue Mei has six classes on weekdays.27Sandra plays sports after class on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.28Music is Sandras favorite subject.29Sandra usually goes to see her grandparents with her father

13、 and mother on weekends.30She usually goes to the park with her parents on weekdays.Dear Liu Ying,Im Lucy from Heifei No. 1 Middle School. I am 12 years old and we are the same age (年龄). Now I want to tell you something about my school.I have lessons from Monday to Friday. We have P. E., music, Chin

14、ese, math and science on Monday. My favorite subject is science. I think it is interesting and useful. So Monday is my favorite day. Mr. Lin is my Chinese teacher. He is great fun and I like him very much. I like Chinese, too. I dont like Friday, because I have math on the day and I think it is very boring. I have no time to play after school. I have much homework to do.How about you? Please e-mail me.Your friend,Lucy31Lucy _.Ais in China nowBis 13 years oldClikes P. E. very muchDhas Chinese on Friday32The underlin


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