江苏南京溧水区孔中学八级英语同步练习辅导9牛津 1.doc

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1、江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导9一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Whats your_(mean)?2.He is patient enough_(wait)for 2 hours.3.Young people should speak to the old_(polite).4.Why did you leave the tap_(run)?5.Please keep the door_(open).6.We played football after _(finish)our homework.7._(not drop)waste paper everywhere.

2、8.We will invite my friends_(come) to my birthday.9.I want to invite Han Mei_(have)dinner with me tonight.10.It is impolite_(push)in before others.11.People shouldnt shout or laugh_(loud)in public.12.These books are _(help)to you.13. “When in Rome,do as the Romans do”is a _(say).14.The young man avo

3、ided_(answer) the policemans questions.15.Chinese people usually shake_(hand) with you when they meet you for the first time.16.He hopes_(visit)the UK some day.17.He is sure_(come).18.The more_(polite)you ask people for help,the more willing they are to help you.19.When youre eating in a restaurant

4、,try _(not make) any noise.20.In Italy,_(kiss) is proper for greeting best friends and family members.二、根据首字母或汉语提示填词。1.We shouldnt throw_(垃圾)in our classroom.2.Its good m_ to knock at the door before coming in.3.Dont forget to turn off the t_before you go out.4.We take _(轮流)to drive the car.5.In the

5、 West people think its _(粗鲁的)to shout at others. 三、单项选择1.Who should I share my happiness_?A.mean B.meaning C.meaningful D.meaningless2.He is too old _fast.A.walking B.walk C.walked D.to walk3.He often_when others are talking.He is impolite.A.cuts in B.hands in C.gets in D.gives in4.Mr Huang wasnt at

6、 home,_.A.too B.as well C.also D.either5.I always share my happiness with my _friends.A.close B.closed C.closing D.to close6.-Sandy ,would you please not talk so loudly _the phone_a pubic place?-Sorry.It was very noisy on the end of the line.A.on;on B.on;in C.in;on D.in;in7.-Sir,would you mind my_be

7、fore you?My taxi is waiting for me.-Not at all.Take your time.A.standing up B.jumping in C.jumping out D.pushing in8.-_turn is it to make our daily speech today?-Its time for me to speak today,Mrs Lin.A.Whose B.What C.Which D.Where9.-_But your father has come,Mrs Lin.-Really?Thanks.A.I am really sor

8、ry. B.Excuse me for cutting in.C.Hold on for a minute D.Whats up?10.-In England ,its not polite to ask a lady_,right?-Yes.This is not a good question.A.where she works B.how the weather is C.how much she weighs D.how many children she has.11.-May I use your bike,Millie?-_.I will ride it to the marke

9、t.A.I hope so B.I am afraid not C.Never mind D.Not at all12.-_do friends greet each other in your country,Andy?-They usually give each other a hug(拥抱).A.What B.How C.When D.Where13.-Tom must be in a hurry.He_past me just now.-Yes.And he even had no time for a “sorry”.A.pulled B.caught C.pushed D.car

10、ried14.-Hey ,James.Do you still remember when we met_the first time?-It was in the library,two years ago.A.at B.on C.with D.for15.-Mum,may I go out to fly kites?-Sorry.Please dont go out_your work is finished.A.after B.while C.till D.since四、重点短语1.良好的礼仪_2.和某人分享某物_3.打断,插嘴_4.有礼貌地等待_5.到处乱扔垃圾_6.让水龙头流淌_7.

11、保持安静_8.摘花_9.遵守交通规则_10.依次排队_11.邀请某人做某事_12.问候人的合适方式_13.握手_14.一些别的东西_15.避免一些诸如体重、年龄的话题_16.撞到某人_17.挡住某人的路_18.一直_19.对有帮助_五、汉译英1.活到老,学到老。You are never_ _ _ _.2.第二,不要打断别人。_,dont_ _ _.3.他们避免谈论那个令人伤心的消息。They_ _ _the sad news.4.英国人在公共场合一直表现得很有礼貌。_people_politely in_ _ _time.5.如果有人挡住了你的去路,你应该说“劳驾”并且耐心等待他移开。If

12、someone is _ _ _,you should say “_ _”and be_ enough _ _till he moves.6.我的成功不是偶然,而是我努力的结果。My success doesnt come_ _.Its the result of my hard work.7.在阅览室请你压低声音说话。When you speak in the library,please_ _ _ _.六、阅读理解 (A)An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. “Whats that strange building?” asked the visit



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