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1、Module 9 Life historyUnit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve一、 单词与短语:1. as well 2 .be different from 3.write about 4.find out 5. real name 6取名、起名 7. at the age of 8. on the Internet 10. National Day 11在九月 12教师节 二、知识详解:1、Bettys grandfathers life was different from dif

2、ferent from: different adj. 不同的; difference n. He his brother他和他的哥哥不同。What is the ? 有何不同? 2、 Tom Sawyer, by the famous American writer, Mark Twain. by “由.创作”;“用,靠,通过”Who is this music by? 这是谁的曲子?Its Mozart. 是莫扎特写的。Send it email. 用航空邮件寄吧。3、We can find out about him on the Internet.find out“发现;查明;弄清 ”

3、,;find “找到”“发现”;强调结果look for “寻找”强调动作。At last we the truth of that thing.You can the answer. Im my pen.4、 His real name was Samuel Clemens and he was born in 1835 in Missouri.real adj. 真实的;真正的; really adv. No, it wasnt a dream. It was . 不,它不是一个梦。是真实的She was that day.那天她真的很开心。5、 他十二岁时离开学校开始工作at the a

4、ge of 在.岁时= at .years old=when sb was years oldHe began to write forty. 他在四十岁起开始写作。= He began to write =He began to write 6、exact adj. 准确的;确切的I dont remember the . 我不记得确切的话语。Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.一、单词与短语:1、的平生 2、一名的作家 3、the same 4、two of 5、enjoyvery much 6、决定成为 7、around the world 8、finish

5、 school 9、join a theatre company 10 in many other languages 11、have children 二、知识详解:1、William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and poems.a writer of 一名的作家 Andersen is fairy tales.安徒生是一名写童话的作家。2、two of his famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.two of”当中的两个” two/one/some of+可数名词

6、复数或不可数名词 the are from China.学生中有两个是来自中国。3、At school he liked plays ,so he decided to be an actor when he finished school at fourteen. decide to do sth.决定去做某事We there by bus. 我们决定乘公共汽车去那儿4、 他成为一名成功的演员,并且开始写戏剧。 1)begin to do sth=begin doing sth 开始做某事He tell the story. = He the story.2)successful adj.

7、; succeed v. success n. The meeting was quite_.Did Tom_in passing the examination? He is a great_as a teacher.5、Queen Elizabeth I enjoyed his works very much.enjoyedvery much= enjoyeda lot 非常喜欢The man smoking . = The man smoking .6、You can visit the theatre today, but it isnt the same building.the s

8、ame “相同” the same as反义词be different fromUnit 3 Language in use一、 选择题:1. Last week Sue _. A. will see a movie B. saw a movie C. see a movie2. Yesterday Mary . A. will wash the dishes B. wash the dishes C. washed the dishes3. Where _ you last night? I was at home. A. am B. were C. was4. Did you visit

9、a friend yesterday? Yes, _.A. I did B. I do C. I was5. He played the piano _ at the age _ six. Agood;of Bwell;in Cwell;of 中考链接:6. Nick a new camera. He took lots of pictures with it. A. buy B. is buying C. bought7. Jim his jacket in the gym. A. left B. is leaving C. leaves 三、请用正确动词形式填空。1. I _ (have)

10、 an exciting party last weekend.2. _ she _ (practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _.3. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening?4. They all _ (go) to the mountains yesterday morning.5. She _ (not visit) her aunt last weekend.6. She _ (stay) at home and _ (do) some cleaning.7. My sister and I (see) an English movie last night. 四、写作:My childhood. (我的童年) 2



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