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1、 Unit10n.名词1.风俗,习俗 2.首都 3. 正午,中午 4. 护照 5. 粉笔 6. 黑板 7. 海岸,海滨 8. 季,季节 9. 礼貌,礼仪 10.( 外)孙女 11.建议 v.动词1. 亲吻,接吻鞠躬 2. 和打招呼,迎接 3. 重视,珍视 4. 敲,击 5.交换 6. 表现,举止 adj.形容词1. 很生气,疯的 2. 北方/北部的 3. 东方/东部的 4. 值得的,有价值的 5. 空的,空洞的 6. .基本的,基础的 adv.副词1.除了(不包括 旧单词复习1.顾客 2.到达(v.) 3.不礼貌的. 词组1.应该做某事(三种用法).be supposed to do sth=

2、should do sth=be expected to do sth 2.不应该做某事 be not supposed to do sth.3.对时间很随意. be relaxed about time4.顺便拜访我们朋友的家. drop by our friends homes5.伸出手 hold out my hand6.和某人握手. shake hands with sb 7. 的首都the capital of 8.毕竟,终究after all 9.努力做某事make an effort to do sth.10.值得做某事. be worth doing 11.餐桌礼仪. tabl

3、e manners12.把擦掉. clean of13.对大动肝火,气愤get mad at14.起飞,脱下, take off15.使某人感到宾至如归make sb feel at home.16.特地做某事,格外努力做某事 go out of ones way to do sth.17.习惯于干某事get used to doing sth=be used to doing sth 18.出国. go abroad19.轻松自如地做某事. be comfortable doing sth20.切碎. cut up 21.用筷子吃 eat with chopsticks22.出席. show

4、 up 23 .敲门knock on the door.24见尽可能多的朋友 see as many friends as possible25说法语轻松自如be comfortable speaking French26如何在餐桌上举止得体 how to behave at the dinner table旧词组复习1.一就 as soon as2.在日常生活中In our everyday lives3.尽快 as soon as4.盼望很快与你相见. look forward to meeting you soon 5.第一次遇到某人. meet someone for the firs

5、t time= first meet sb6.做同样的事.do the same thing7.使某人惊奇的是.to ones surprise8.带某人到处逛逛 show sb. around 9.制定计划做某事 make plans to do 10.守时很重要. its very important to be on time 11.避免拥挤的交通. avoid heavy/busy traffic 12.让其他人一直等. keep others waiting 13等待某人 wait for sb.14.发现做某事是困难的 find it difficult to do sth.15.

6、晚了10分钟. be 10 minutes late16.进入之前敲门. knock before entering 17.握手之前脱下你的手套. take off your gloves before shaking hands. 18.把.插入到.中. stick .into .19.指着某人. point at sb.20.正如你想象的那样 as you can imagine21.她正面临的最大的挑战.the biggest challenge she is facing. 22.没有理由做某事.there was no reason to do sth23.给某人关于的建议 give

7、 sb. advice/suggestions about/on sth.24.空手 with empty hands25.了解一个国家的风俗learn about the customs of a country重点句型一.be supposed to 的用法be supposed to. 其中to是动词不定式,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形.当be supposed to. 的主语是人”时,意为“应该”,“被期望”,它可以用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等,相当于情态动词should. 1.Teenagers (应该听他们父母的话而不是跟他们顶嘴) I agree with you.(suppo

8、se)2.I thought you (应该到这儿)an hour ago (suppose)3.The final exam is coming, Mon.Yes, You (被期望作出努力通过它).Good luck to you, son.(effort)三.As soon as的用法;一.就.引导条件状语从句1.You look sleepy, Didnt you sleep well?No, How I wish I could sleep longer. However, I (闹钟一响就不得不起床)every day.(get)2. How about your trip Bei

9、jing last week?Wonderful!I (我一到那儿就爱上那座城市) (fall)四.It is +adj+for sb to do sth1.What did Miss. Brown say just now?She said (对于我们来说有必要避免接近危险的地方)(keep)2. I think (对我们来说学会如何处理问题是必要的) in our daily life.(deal)五、How与What感叹句的用法!1. For my parents, (如果我能最终通过这次考试将是多么棒的新闻啊!)2. I think teenagers (足够大去知道自己做决定是多么有

10、必要) So do I.(make)3._(我多么希望能最终成为一位科学家) some day! But it depends on your action. (end) 六、get used to doing sth=be used to doing sth 习惯于干某事1.Mike, I heard that you had gone to Beijing to study? I wonder _ _ (你是否已经习惯了在中国的生活)?Yeah, and I think its great. (use)当堂检测一、完成句子(10分)1. Since you (坚持你的计划,你就不应该让任何

11、事情阻碍到它)OK.I know it. (suppose)2. Could you please (让汤姆一到家就给我回电话)No,problem. (call)3.Do you like your new life in the USA.Paul?Yes, I (自从我搬到这里就已经习惯了当地的文化)(get)1. (我有多么后悔和我的父亲顶嘴)!He told me not to play computer games! Youd better say sorry to him. (regret)9. Do you like math? Yes, you_(无法想象成功地算出一道题是多么令人兴奋) (imagine)二、综合填词(11分) In many countries, people t_ (1) by car or by bike. They also get from place to place using p_ (2) transport such as buses and trains. However, some people l


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