2020中考英语复习资料 69.doc

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1、Unit1 Can you play the guitar?第二课时教学内容:2d-3c 教学类型:口语和写作教学目标:1掌握重点词汇及基本句型tell;story;show;or;be good at;talk to;kung fu; Can he play chess? Yes,he can/No,he cant.2. 继续学习用can表达个人能力,用can 和cant来谈论自己的能力3. 通过小组活动谈论彼此的爱好和特长,培养群体意识,并在活动中勇于展示自己教学重点:熟练的运用重点词汇及短语表达自己的能力和爱好教学难点:能够书面表达自己或他人的能力并能仿写招聘广告教学过程:活动一: 诊断

2、评价 汉译英1. 跳舞_2.唱歌_3.画画_4.游泳_5.下象棋_6. 讲英语_7.弹吉它_8.艺术俱乐部_9.加入_10. 游泳俱乐部_11.音乐俱乐部_活动二:预习检测 巩固新知1. 汉译英:擅长_写故事_讲故事_对某人说_学校演出_耍功夫_2. 分角色朗读对话in2d,并完成下面练习1你想加入什么俱乐部?_ _ _you want to_?我想加入象棋俱乐部。I want_ _ _ _ _.2Lisa想加入什么俱乐部?_ _ _Lisa want _ _?她想加入讲故事俱乐部。She_ _ _ the _ _club.3你会什么运动?_ _ _ _ _?4. 你非常擅长讲故事。You _

3、 _ _ _ _ stories.总结:1我们学会了用_ _ _来表达“擅长某事/擅长做某事”.如:我擅长篮球 I_ _ _basketball. 我擅长打篮球 I _ _ _ _basketball. 2 观察这两个意义相同的句子,它们的区别在于_. 3 还有一个短语也是“擅长”的意思。它是_.5.对话练习,掌握can在不同主语的情况下的变化如Can you ? Can she/he ?Can you and Tom? Can Lily and Jim?活动三:写作练习 推陈创新1. 用下面的单词和短语写出问题和回答,完成3a2. 用框框里面的词完成海报,完成3b3. 制作一份关于“你的团队

4、在学校演出中能做什么”的表格,完成3c.活动四:课堂作业 自主学习1.Canyou_(swim)inthewater?2.Myparentswant_(buy)apingpongbat3._your teacher_(want)tojointhemusicclub?4.He cant _(play)the piano,but he can play tennis very_(good)5.Can Lily and Lucy speak English? No, _cant.6.Can you help me with_(swim)?7.( )Can you play the guitar _t

5、he violin?A.and B.but C.or D.so8.( )Our English teacher wants us _English in class.A.speak B.speaks C.speaking D.to speak9( )_you good at drawing? _you want to join the art club?A. Do;Do B.Can;Can C.Are. Are D.Are, Do10. ( )My mother often _stories to us at night.A.tell B.tells C.talks D.talk课后练习 拓展

6、延伸1 用所给词的适当形式填空1. (2014 南京)Students in some schools can_(learn) to play tennis or basketball in PE class2. Please join our_(swim)club. 3.Jane is good at _(tell)stories4. The_(story) in the book are very interesting.5. Do you want_(come)to my party on Saturday?6. My friend is good at _(write)stories.

7、2 根据汉语完成句子1. 你姐姐会说英语吗?Can your sister_ _?2. 我爷爷擅长下国际象棋。My grandfather is_ _ _ chess.3. 放学后你可以和你的老师交谈一下。You can_ _your teacher after school.4. 参加音乐俱乐部怎么样?_ _ _the music club?5. 睡觉前妈妈总是讲故事给我听。My mom always_ _ _ me before I go to bed.3 单项选择。( )1.She likes playing_piano,her brother likes playing_basketb

8、all.(2014 兰州) A.the;a B.a;the C./;the D.the;/( )2.English is my favorite subject and I am good _it.A.for B.to C.at D.of( )3.-_you tell us a story in English.-Sure.A.Must B.Should C.Can D.Need(2014湖南)( )4.-Can you do Chinese Kung fu?-Yes, Let me _you.A.join B.find C.write D.show( )5.My parents always

9、 tell me _more(更多的)vegetables and fruit.(2014北京) A.eat B.eating C.eats D.to eat( )6.-Can he_it in English?-Yes, He can _English very well. A.speak;speak B.say;speak C.talk;say D.say;say( )7.Da Shan is_at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very_.(2014贵州) A.good;good B.well;well C.good;well D.well;good( )8

10、.Can you show_? A.your picture me B.me to your picture C.me your picture D.your picture for I( )9.Mr Green can_sing this song in Chinese. A.too B.either C.also D.as long( )10.-Can you _us?-Yes .A.join B.join in C.take part D.take part in( )11.We want some students_school show.A.with B.for C.to D.in四熟记拓展后的知识点。2



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