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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter 学习目标:1、根据音标正确认读词汇matter herself。重点练习发音有难度的单词,如:stomachache, throat ,toothache,headache,passager,trouble等 2、掌握新单词的词形转换,如:ache表疾病的表达方式,lie,hurt等重点动词,herself 反身代词。3、学习学生病痛的不同表达法。学习过程任务一:1.跟读Unit1部分单词matter herself2.读准Unit1单词的发音,明确词意。重点练习读不准的单词, 如:delete, housewarming, headmaster

2、任务二:1.完成下列各题1. Whats the matter (with you)? (汉译))_同义句:Whats / / with sb./ sth.?2. I had a cold.我感冒了。have a cold=catch a cold=have the flu have a fever have a cough_have a stomachache_ have a toothache_ have a headache_3. lie down躺下, lie(汉译)_,过去式_;lie(汉译)_,过去式lied4. trouble问题,麻烦 ;be in trouble ,make

3、trouble ,have trouble (in) doing sth. =have difficulties (in) doing sth 5. hurt (汉译)_,三单_过去式_知识梳理:归纳本节课所学习的重点单词用法。知识运用:完成习题用适当的反身代词填空。1. My classmate, Li Ming, made a card for _ just now.2. Bad luck! I cut _ with a knife yesterday.3. They tell us they can look after_ very well.4. My cat can find foo

4、d by_ .5. Help _to some beef, boys. Unit 1 Whats the matter ? 词汇课2 学习目标:1、根据音标正确认读词汇bandage nurse。重点练习发音有难度的单词,如:bandage,nosebleed,sunburned,situation,importance。spirit等 2、掌握新单词的词形转换,如:反身代词,合成词,名词形式变化等。3、学习新单词的用法,如:be used to等。学习过程任务一:1.跟读Unit1部分单词bandage nurse2.读准Unit1单词的发音,明确词意。重点练习读不准的单词, 如:banda

5、ge,nosebleed,sunburned,situation,importance。Spirit任务二:1.完成下列各题1. run out汉译_物sth. tun out. 汉译_ 人sb. run out of物sth. 汉译_。 2. risk (sb.) to do sth. 汉译_ take a risk=_冒险 3. importance n. 重要(性),形容词形式_,否定形容词形式_ the importance of (doing) sth. 汉译_ 4. decision 【名词】决定;抉择; make a decision make a decision to do

6、sth.= 。5. 【复习】mind意为 ,mind doing sth. , Would you mind my opening the window?6. give up (doing) sth. 放弃(做)某事,give up (playing) computer games;give up后可接_ _和_形式,也可不接,如 Never give up easily.知识梳理:归纳本节课所学习的重点单词用法。知识运用:完成习题用适当的反身代词填空。 1. Jenny enjoyed_ in the park yesterday afternoon.2 We can finish our

7、homework by_ .3. The blind girl lost_ in the beautiful music.4. Xiao Hui, can you introduce _ to us ?5. Bill wants to teach_ French from now on. Unit 1 Whats the matter ? 听说课1 学习目标:1. 能够听懂并进行以Whats the matter? 为话题的简单的健康话题的讨论。2. 能运用情态动词should句型给出建议。 3. 正确使用反身代词。学习过程任务一: 看P4 Grammar Focus中的重点句型,总结本单元重

8、点句型。听录音,完成1b,2a,2b内容。任务二:小组合作,仿照1c进行对话表演任务三:表演P2 2d知识梳理:归纳本节课所学习的重点句型。知识运用: 完成交际运用补全对话A:_?B:Imnotfeelingwell.Ihaveacold.A:_?B:Abouttwodaysago.A:Oh,thatstoobad.Youshouldgetsomerest.B:_.Thatsagoodidea.A:Ihope.Unit 1 Whats the matter ? 读写课(1)学习目标1.通过语法练习复习本单元重点句型。2.通过阅读文章,获取有关急救的信息。学习过程任务一:P.44a 4b 复习情

9、态动词should表建议的句型。任务二:1.认真阅读P3 3a,完成3b,3c。(写在书上)2.归纳3a中的重点短语。知识梳理:归纳本节课所学习的重点句型What should I do ?You shoud I have a headache/stomachache/toothache.知识运用:选择填空:1. I hope _. A. you better soon. B. you to be better soon.C. you are better soon. D. youll be better soon.2. I feel tired.- _. A. Why not go to b

10、ed?B. Youd better go to bed. C. Why dont you go to bed? D. All above.3. _does he take this medicine ?- Twice a day.A. How soon B. How long C. How much D. How often4.There is _with my back.A. wrong something B . something wrong C. wrong anything D. anything wrong5. If you _this medicine three times a

11、 day; you _ better soon.A. take; will get B. will take; get C. take; get D. will take; will get Unit 1 Whats the matter ? 听说课2 学习目标:1.能够听懂并进行以Whats the matter? 为话题的简单的健康话题的讨论。2.能运用情态动词should句型给出建议。3.掌握更多急救知识。学习过程任务一:完成P4 4c复习whats matter?及should句型。四人小组根据自己的情况编写新对话。任务二:P.51a任务三:1.完成听力1b,1c2. 根据听力内容及1

12、d 句型,角色扮演复述听力原文。知识梳理:归纳本节课所学习的重点句型。知识运用: 选择填空6.What is wrong with you ?My back is very _.A. sore B. hurts C. hurting D. pain7. - _? - I have a sore back.A. Whats the matter? B. Whats wrong with you ?C. Do you have a sore back? D. either A or B8. The nurse _ his temperature and found he had a bad fever.A. take B. takes C. took9.-Whats the matter _ you, Lucy? -Nothing much.A. on B with C. to D. of10. Billy had a _


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