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1、Unit13(II)一. 本周教学内容Unit 13(II)二. 知识归纳与总结1. ill 和sick 的区别ill 是表语形容词sick即可以作表语,又可以作定语2. 害怕做某事be afraid of +n./doing sth. be afraid that + Clausebe afraid to do sth.3. for 和because 因为4. I have a bad headache. 我头疼。5. I think we need to take you to hospital. 我想我们需要带你去医院。need v. 需要6. In Calcuttas hot and

2、humid climate,it was easy for them to get sick. 在加尔各答炎热湿润的气候中,他们很容易得病。 It is adj. for sb. to do.7. She is also remembered for her words of wisdom. 她因为智慧之言而被铭记。wisdom n. 智慧8. We had better get some more salt(salt). 我们最好再买一些(盐)。9. To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it. 要使油灯燃着,我们要不断的

3、添加灯油。10. We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. 我们自己感觉我们所作的事情就像大海里的一滴水。11. Love endures all. 爱就是包容一切。12. Love isnt jealous. 爱不是嫉妒。【典型例题】单项选择:1. Can you tell me which season do you like ?A. well B. better C. best D. more答案:C解析:你能告诉我你最喜欢那个季节?2. Wine grapes .A. is made of

4、 B. is made from C. is made by D. makes of 答案:B解析:葡萄酒是用葡萄制成的。be made from 由制成(发生的是化学变化)3. She is good doctor that everyone wants to see her .A. such a B. a such C. a very D. so答案:A解析:such+ a+adj.+n.4. I most of the TV programs because I was too busy then .A. missed B. watched C. have seen D. lost 答案

5、:A解析:miss v. 错过5. The lady until she was 40 .A. didnt get married B. got married C. hadnt got married D. married 答案:A解析:notuntil直到才, 不到不 6. Some students are sitting in the classroom while are playing on the playground .A. the other B. others students C. others D. other of the students 答案:C解析:others

6、 泛指,其他的7. Chinese is spoken the first language in China .A. as B. for C. by D. in 答案:A解析:as 作为 8. of the newspapers in the world are written in English .A. Three quarter B. Three fourths C. Three fourth D. Third four 答案:B解析:四分之三9. Signs can be seen on the roads . can people see them ?A. Where else p

7、lace B. Where place else C. Where else D. Anywhere 答案:C解析:else 要放在特殊疑问词的后面。10. Neither my father going to see the patient .A. nor I am B. nor I are C. or me areD. or me is 答案:A解析:neithernor即不也不11. Tianjin will become more beautiful .A. in a few years timeB. in a few years time C. after a few years t

8、ime D. after a few years time 答案:B解析:几年之后天津市会变得更漂亮。12. A: Are you tired after the long talk ?B: No, .A. not a little B. not a bit C. a little D. not a few 答案:B解析:一点儿也不。13. A: ? B: He is tall and thin .A. What is Jack like B. How is Jack C. Is Jack short D. Whats Jack 答案:A解析:Jack长得什么样子?14. Christmas

9、Eve is .A. the evening before Christmas Day B. the evening of Christmas Day C. the Eve after Christmas Day D. on December 25th 答案:A解析:圣诞前夜是圣诞节前的夜晚。15. When you go to see your friends at night , you greet , “ !”A. Good morning B. Good noon C. Good evening D. Good night 答案:C解析:当你在晚上见到朋友时,说晚上好。(答题时间:60

10、分钟)一. 完形填空:Mr. Hodge was a 1 farmer . He had hundreds of chickens , and sold eggs and the meat and got a lot of 2 them , but he lived in a very 3 part of the country , and he found 4 his hens(母鸡)laid 5 in the summer . So he decided to put air-conditionings (空调)into his chicken-house 6 they would lay

11、 well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way earn more money . The owner of the company which 7 the air-conditioning came to see him , and when he saw Mr. Hodges house , he thought that he might be able to persuade(说服)him to buy some air-conditionings 8 .“Your wife would be

12、much happier and more comfortable then,” he said to Mr. Hodge . But Mr. Hodge was 9 . “My wife doesnt 10 ,” he said .( )1. A. chicken B. chickens C. chickensD. chicken of ( )2. A. interesting from B. interesting for C. money for D. money from ( )3. A. hot B. cold C. warm D. cool ( )4. A. whether B.

13、which C. if D. that ( )5. A. hardly any eggsB. egg hard C. any eggs hardlyD. More eggs ( )6. A. such that B. that C. because D. so that ( )7. A. buy B. sold C. repair D. found ( )8. A. of it too B. for it too C. also with it D. for which ( )9. A. not very interested B. not interested at all C. very

14、interested D. very happy ( )10. A. lay eggs B. feel hot C. like cool D. bear children 二. 根据名片上信息选择问题答案:Jilin Childrens Hospital Zhao Weibing Doctor Add: 135 Jilin Street Jilin City 132011 China Tel(0432) 6983245 E-mail: Jilin Childrens Hospital Wu Dong Dentist(treating and remake all kinds of teeth)Add: 35 Heping Street Jilin City 1320 12 China Tel(0432) 4722386 E-mail: Xinxin Middle SchoolTom



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