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1、Unit3 Is this your pencil代词一、人称代词 1人称代词的形式人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit 2. 人称代词的用法 1) 在句中作主语,用主格。 如: I am a teacher Are you OK?2) 在动词和介词后作宾语,用宾格。 如: Please give me a pen3)单数人称代词连用时,其词序为:第二人称,第三人称和第一人称。如: you and I ; you and he ; he and I ; you ,he and I4) 复数人称代

2、词连用时,其词序一般和汉语一样。 如: we and you ; you and they5) we,you ,they,he都用来泛指一般的人。如: They say Mike is a good boy6) it用作人称代词,指动物或其他事物,有时也指人,尤指婴儿,小孩。如: I have a ballpen It is very nice Who is it ? It is me 7)it用作指示代词,表示“这”或“那”。 如 :How far is it from here ? Its about 1km away二、物主代词 1 物主代词的形式 数 人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第

3、三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs 2. 物主代词的用法 1) 形容词性物主代词用在名词前,不能单独使用。 如:This is my bag2) 名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,等于“容词性物主代词+名词”,使用时后面不再加名词。 如:Is this your book? No,,it isnt, its hers (her book)3)名词性物主代词相当名词的所有格。如:Jims , Toms, Marias三、指示代词 1 表示“这个”,“那个

4、”,“这些”,“那些”,等指示概念的代词叫做指示代词。有this ,that ,these ,those等。数指示代词意义单数this这个that那个复数these这些those那些2 this(these)一般用来指在时间和空间上较近的事物;that(those)则指较远的事物。如:This is a table That is a sofa These books are theirs Those books are ours四、疑问代词疑问代词在句子中用来构成特殊疑问句,主要用于询问“何人”“何物”“什么”。小学阶段常用的疑问代词有who, whose, which和what。疑问代词意

5、义替代范围who谁人whose谁的which哪一个人、事、物what什么事、物虽然who和whose都用于对人的提问,但whose询问的是所有关系,相当于一个定语,因此whose后常跟名词,而who则没有这种用法,who只能用于对人的提问。五、不定代词凡不是用来指明代替特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。常见的有:both ,all ,some ,any , every , each, many, much, few, a few, little, a little。1both 和all的用法both指两者“都” ;all指三者及三者以上“都” 。如:Both of you are wrong All

6、 students are right2some 和any的用法(1)some表示“一些,某些,某个” ,any表示“一些,任何” 。some 多用于肯定句中,any多用于否定句和疑问句中。如: There are some trees in the street Are there any trees in the street?(2)如果说话人希望得到肯定回答时,疑问句中可用some 。 如:Would you like some coffee?(3)some还可用于表示请求和邀请的疑问句中。 如:Can I have some glue?3.every 和each的用法(1)every表

7、示“每一个” ,可以和one ,body ,thing组合成everyone ,everybody ,everything 。当every及其复合词做主语时,后面动词要用第三人称单数形式。如: Everyone of this class does well in Chinese Everybody is at school now (2)each 表示“每个”,强调个体概念,谓语动词用单数形式。4、many 和 much的用法many 和 much 都是表示数量的不定代词,都有“许多、大量”的意思。much 后面接不可数名词,many后面接可数名词。5、few 和 little的用法few

8、和 little 也是表示数量的不定代词,为否定含义,都有“几乎没有”的意思。few后面接可数名词,little 后面接不可数名词。6、a few 和 a little 的用法a few 和 a little也是表示数量的不定代词,为肯定含义,都有“少数、少量”的意思。a few 后面接可数名词,a little 后面接不可数名词。六、反身代词 myself ,yourself , itself / herself / himself , ourselves ,yourselves ,themselves 另外:one的反身代词为oneself人称 数单数复数第一人称myselfourselv

9、es第二人称yourselfyourselves第三人称himselfthemselvesherselfitself不定人称oneself(某人自己)1 有些动词需反身代词,如:dry ,cut, enjoy, hurt, help等。如:We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我们昨晚玩得很开心。注意:有些动词后不跟反身代词,如:get up , sit down , stand up 等 。 如:Please sit down.请坐。2 用作表语,如:结构be oneself 。 如: I am not myself today. 我今天不舒服

10、。习题检测(一)一、把下面表格填写完整单 数复 数第一人称第二人称第 三 人 称第一人称第二人称第三人称主 格宾 格形容词性物主代词myhisherourtheir名词性物主代词yoursitsyours反 身 代 词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves二、根据下列句子说法.从方框中选出恰当的9个代词填空。(注意大小写) my his we its him their mine hers our it yours they 1. Andy and I are making a model plane._a

11、re making a model plane.2.Does the black bike belong to you ?Is the black bike_?3.The big house among the mountains belongs to them. _big house lies among the mountains.4.It is her computer. The computer is _.5.I cant find my glasses.The glasses are not _.Where is _glasses?6.The tail belongs to the

12、white dog. The white dog is waging (摆动)_tail happily.7.Mom and Dad bought a birthday gift for him. _bought a birthday gift for him. The birthday gift was_.三、从括号中选择正确的词填空。1.(This/These)are my letters and (that /those)is my brothers.2.(This/These)shoes are Ms. Jones. 3.How (many/much)apples do you hav

13、e?4.-Is there (some/any )water in the fridge? -Yes. there is (some/any).5.(Everybody/Nobody)needs friends. 6.Hurry up !There are (a few /few )minutes left. 7.(What/Which)do you like better ? Surfing or skating?8.-Whats in the letter? -Its (anything /nothing)important.9.-So you are James Cotton! -(Its/Thats)right. My name is James.10.-What did you say just now? -(Nothing/Everything). 四、选择填空1.Are they _raincoats or _? A. their, ours B. their, our C. theirs, ours D. their, us2.Help _ to some chicken .



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