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1、九年级英语The football match知识精讲学法旨要1学好本单元知识的关键是什么?本单元在语法上主要学习了过去完成时态,需要从理论上透彻的理解,才能熟练地运用。另外还学习了足球比赛知识,主要学习了谈论这些话题时的一些常用语。2学习本单元知识的目标是什么?(1)掌握过去完成时态的用法。(2)掌握有关足球用语。经点答疑1你知道beat和win之间的区别吗beat和win都可以表达赢得比赛,但在表达方式上是有区别的。(1)beat是及物动词,后面是比赛的对手,通常是由某人来充当的。例如:The girls beat the boys in yesterdays match. 女同学们在昨天

2、的比赛中打败了男同学。We are sure that we can beat that team. 我们确信我们能够打败那个队。No. 14 Middle School got beaten yeaterday. 十四中昨天被打败了。(2)win可作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,但作及物动词时,后面一般加比赛,游戏等。例如:Which team won? 哪个队赢了?He was determined to win the race. 他决心要赢这场比赛。Tom won the game. He beat Jim. 汤姆赢了这次比赛。他打败了吉姆。win the match/ a bet 赢

3、了一场比赛赌注Our team is winning32. 我们队3比2领先。2score在句中如何使用?(1)可以作可数名词,表示(比赛中一方得的)分数。例如:a high/big/low score 高分,低分Whats your score? 你得了多少分?(2)作名词,表示二十。例如:a score of people 二十人three score and ten 七十(3)scores为score的复数形式,表示很多。例如:How many people are there? 那里有多少人?There are scores of them. 有很多(人)。(4)也可以作动词,表示(比

4、赛中)得分或(考试中)得分。例如:He scored two goals before half-time. 他在上半场得了两分。She scored 120 in the IQ test. 她在智商测试中得了120分。3by the time通常和什么时态连用?by the time可以引导时间状语从句,主句搭配的时态需要根据实际情况选用。(1)by the time后面如果跟的是过去时间状语,那么句子一般要用过去完成时。例如:By the time I finished all my work, all of my classmates had gone home.我完成作业的时候,我的所

5、有同学都回家了。By the time I got there, the bus had already gone. 我到那里的时候,车已经走了。(2)by the time后面如果跟的是将来时间状语,那么句子一般要用一般将来时态或将来完成时态。例如:By the time he gets back, I will finish the whole work.他回来之前,我会把所有的工作都做完的。By the time this letter reaches you, I will have left the country.你接到这封信的时候,我已经离开了这个国家。Can you finis

6、h the work by five oclock/tomorrow/next Monday?你能在五点钟明天下个星期一之前做完这工作吗?(3)by the end of也是by的常用短语,用法上和by the time类似。例如:By the end of last term, we had nearly finished the whole book.到上个学期末为止,我们几乎完成了整本书。By the end of November, Mr Black had written another two books.到11月末尾为止,布莱克先生又写完了两本书。Country music wi

7、ll bring in 360 million dollars by the end of this year.到今年底乡村音乐将盈利360万美元。4realize和realise有什么区别吗?如何使用?realise是realize的另外一种拼写方法,我们常使用realize 。(1)realize表示“意识到”,及物动词,但一般不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。例如:realize ones mistakes 意识到某人的错误She realized that he had been lying. 她意识到他一直在撒谎。I fully realize why you did it. 我完全

8、明白你为什么做它。(2)realize表示“实现(计划)”等。例如:realize ones hopes, ambitions, etc. 实现愿望,理想等5surprising与surprised如何区分?(1)surprising为形容词,表示“令人吃惊的”,主语一般是物,表示这种事物具有使人感到吃惊的性质。例如:a surprising decision/news 令人吃惊的决定消息Its surprising that he lost 他竟然失败了,真是意想不到(2)surprised表示“感到吃惊”,也是形容词,主语通常是人,表达的是某人因为看到某一surprising thing而

9、产生的感情,常用于下列结构:be surprised at sth. / sb. ; be surprised to do sth. ; be surprised that。例如:We were surprised at the news. 听到这个消息我们感到很吃惊。We are surprised to see you are here. 我们万万没想到会在这里看到你。I am surprised that he didnt come. 我很吃惊他竟然没来。(3)surprise n.惊奇,吃惊,令人吃惊的事。surprise vt.使(某人)吃惊,后面可以加名词或者代词作宾语。例如:Sh

10、e is over 80 !You surprised me .她80多了!真想不到。(4)与以上两个词的用法相似的词有:interesting, interested; exciting, excited等。6“I told them before the match that they need to play well。”一句中need之后为什么要加to?need可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,作实义动词时,后面跟带to的动词不定式。例如:You neednt worry about it any more.(情态动词)你不必再担心了。Need you always come so e

11、arly?(情态动词)你需要每天都来这么早么? Yes, I must.(No, I neednt.) 是的。(不,不用)I need to leave right now.(实义动词)我得马上就走。Do you need to mend the shoes today?(实义动词)你今天就得修鞋吗?注need作实义动词的时,疑问句或否定句需要借助于助动词do, 而且在肯定句中need通常用作实义动词,比如课文中的这句就是。7如何使用relax?relax可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。例如:A holiday will help you relax after the exam.考试后过

12、假日有助于你缓解紧张的情绪。Go to have a sleep and relax yourself. 去睡一觉,休息一下。8你知道carry on表达什么意义吗?carry on表示“继续做某事”,常用于以下结构:carry sth. on; carry on doing sth. / with sth. 。例如:Carry on working / with your work while I am away. 我不在的时候,要继续工作。They decided to carry on in spite of the weather. 他们决定不管天气好坏都坚持下去。9be please

13、d with中使用的介词是with,而be surprised at中介词用的却是at,如何区分?一些表示感情色彩的形容词通常在后面加某些介词来表达产生这种感情的原因,但不同的形容词所搭配的介词各不相同,需要熟记。例如:be pleased with对感到满意高兴be satisfied with对感到满意be surprised at对感到吃惊 be angry with/about对感到生气be sorry for对感到抱歉遗憾10happen可以用在被动句中吗?happen是不及物动词,不能用在被动句中,相当于take place。(1)sth. happen 发生了某事。例如:The

14、accident happened last night. 事故发生在昨天夜里。It wont happen again. 不会再发生这种事了。(2)sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人的身上。例如:Nobody knows what has happened to him. 没有人知道他发生了什么事情He has never thought this would happen to himself.他从没想过这种事情会发生在他的身上。(3)sb. happen to do sth 某人碰巧做了某事。例如:When they came to talk about that book, I said a lot because I happened to have read that book.当他们开始谈论那本书的时候,我说了很多,因为我碰巧读过那本书。(4)it happened that碰巧发生了某事。可以和上面的句型转换。例如:When he came, I happened to be there.It happened that I was there when he came .当他来的时候我碰巧在那里。When they came to talk about t


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