七级英语Review of Units 12仁爱知识精讲.doc

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1、七年级英语Review of Units 12仁爱版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: Review of Units 12二. 重点、难点: 书内习题讲解及Units 12的语法总结三. 具体内容:REVIEW 1 Review of Units 12 1. Put the following words into the balloons according to the pronunciations of the letters in bold. Try to add more words you know.Example: 2. Circle the word that is diffe

2、rent from the others. (1)bookpeneraserbike(2)mouthhandapplenose (3)redyellowlongblack (4)shirtbrowndresspants 答案:(1)bike(2)apple(3)long(4)brown 3. Complete the sentences. The first letters are given. (1)A:W_ are you from? B:Im from England. (2)A:What c_ are your shoes? B:Theyre brown. (3)Hello! Boys

3、 and girls, w_ to China. (4)We are in the same school, but in d_ grades. (5)Michaels telephone n_ is (010)9659-7981.答案:(1)Where(2)color(3)welcome(4)different (5)number 4. Listen and complete the conversations. Then practice with your partner. (1)A:Where are you from? B:Im from _. (2)A:What class are

4、 you in? B:Im in _, _. (3)A:Whose _ is this? B:_ Robins. (4)A:What _ are your pants? B:Theyre _. (5)A:What does your English teacher look like? B:He is _, and he has a _ face. (6)A:_ _ is his sister? B:She is _. (7)A:Who is that boy _ _? B:He is Li Ming. (8)A:_ do you _ it? B:C-A-K-E, cake. 答案:略 5.

5、Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B.AB (1)Nice to meet you.a. 883-8641. (2)Whats your phone number?b. See you. (3)See you later.c. Yes, it is. (4)Is this your book?d. She is Mary. (5)Where is Jim from?e. Nice to meet you, too. (6)Who is that girl?f. He is from Canada. 答案:(1)e (2)a

6、 (3)b (4)c (5)f (6)d 6. Complete the conversations. Then practice with your partner. (1)A:Do you know the boy _ white? B:Yes. He is my good friend, Michael. A:How do you _ his name? B:M-I-C-H-A-E-L, Michael. A:Are you in the _ class? B:No, we _. A:What _ is he in? B:He is _ Class 4, Grade 7. (2)A:_

7、you know Kangkang? B:Yes, I do. A:_ he have a small head? B:No, he _. He _ a big head. A:Does he _ a wide mouth? B:Yes, he _. A:Are you in _ same class? B:Yes, we _. 答案:(1)in spell same arent class in (2)Do Does doesnt has have does the are 7. Look at the picture and complete the conversation with t

8、he possessives. Jim:Excuse me, Kangkang. Is this _ eraser? Kangkang:No, its not _. I think its _. Jim:Whats _ name? Kangkang:Jane. Jim:Excuse me, Jane. Is this your eraser? Jane:No, it isnt. Its _. Jim:Whats _ name? Jane:_ name is Michael. Jim:Thank you. Jane:Youre welcome. 答案:your mine hers her his

9、 his His 8. Read and complete the sentences. (1)What _ these in English? They are _. (2)_ _ is this? It is his. (3)Are _ your _? No, _ arent. (4)Whats _? Its _ _. 答案: (1)are bikes(2)Whose orange(3)those knives they(4)that a rubber 9. Listen and fill out the table. 答案:略 10. Find the things in the cla

10、ssroom and write them down. 答案:There is a pencil, a knife and a rubber on one/the desk. 11. Discuss with your partner and fill in the blanks. (1)A:In Photo 1, what color is As T-shirt? B:Its _. (2)A:In Photo 2, _? B:Theyre black. 答案:(1)yellow(2)what color is Cs pants Compare the colors of their clot

11、hes in each picture using the sentence patterns above. 12. Read the passage and fill in the blanks. Sally White is from the U.S.A. She is twelve. She is a junior high school student. Her father(父亲)is Bill White and her mother(母亲)is Joan White. Her brother(兄弟)is a student, too. They are in the same g

12、rade. Sally is in Class Four and her brother is in Class Nine. (1)Sally White comes from _. (2)Sally is _ years old. (3)Sallys brother is a _, too. (4)They are in the _ grade. (5)Sally is in Class _. 答案:(1)the U.S.A.(2)12(3)student(4)the(5)Four /4 13. Read the passage and answer the following questions. Look at this young man. Hes a Chinese basketball player (篮球运动员). He plays basketball(打篮球)in the U.S.A. Hes ver


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