中考命题研究冀教专中考英语基础知识梳理七下Units14 1.doc

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1、七年级(下) Units 14河北中考基础知识梳理 类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.safe(副词)_2help(形容词)_3win(反义词)_4hold(过去式)_5different(名词)_(反义词)_6.true(名词)_7interest(形容词)_8rich(反义词)_9expensive(同义词)_(反义词)_10visit(名词)_11.act(形容词)_(名词)_(副词)_12build(名词)_13invent(名词)_14win(名词)_15skill(形容词)_短语互译1._学习;了解2_爬上;攀登3_某人在去的路上4_跌落;下降;减少;离开5_数以千计的;许多的6plac

2、es of interest _7_谈论8work on_9_在岁时10try ones best _11makefrom_12_考虑13_迫不及待做某事14I hope so _15take part in _16get back _17._擅长18by oneself _19on ones own _20_有作用;有影响21_放弃22_退学;辍学23_将来24_想出;提出(主意、答案等)25a piece of _26_过来;来访27_在方面做得好28_交朋友29_同时30_把加起来31_在某人的闲暇时间32in a hurry to do_句型温故1.谁将会领导这次旅行?_lead th

3、e trip?2我可以在这儿拍照吗?_ I take photos _?3它怎样得到“丝绸之路”这个名字?_it get the name the “Silk Road”?4你有什么课程?What subjects _?5你每天有几节课?_ do you have every day?6这周末你将干什么?What are you _this weekend?7今天晚上过来吃晚饭怎么样?_coming over for dinner this evening?8“你想要周末和我一起吗?”“我想来。”_ to come with me this weekend?Id like to.9.你的学校生

4、活怎么样?_your school life _?10我想带着我的蚕项目参加这次展览会。I want to _the fair with my project _silk worms.11杰森格伦是来自河畔中学的一个12岁的男孩。Jason Glen is a _from Riverside High School.12我希望有一天写一本那样的书。I _to write a book like that _13你是不是急着去什么地方呢?Are you _ go somewhere?语法总览1.数词。2will的用法。3规则与不规则动词。4.一般过去时。5频度副词:always,often,us

5、ually,sometimes,never。6be going to的用法。话题再现1.A Trip to the Silk Road(丝绸之路之旅)2Its Show Time!(表演开始!)3.School Life(学校生活)4Afterschool Activities(课外活动)河北五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2010年84题)Steven _(参加) the school dancing club last year.2(2010年85题)How can you type and talk _(同时)?( )3.(2013年29题)Jason likes the _ of the c

6、ake.It is a heart.Acolor Bsize Csmell Dshape( )4.(2011年31题)Wed better wait _ more minutes.I think Jeff will come soon.Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle语法类 一般将来时,一般过去时( )5.(2015年31题)I _ the shops.Can I get you anything?Ago to Bwent toChave gone to Dam going to( )6.(2014河北37题)Someone _ at the door.Can you

7、 open it?Aknocks BknockedCis knocking Dwas knocking( )7.(2013河北36题)You _Dont talk on the phone.Awill drive Bare drivingCwere driving Dhave driven( )8.(2014年39题)Im busy now.I _ to you after school this afternoon.Atalk BtalkedCwill talk Dhave talked( )9.(2013年37题)Ken _ his jacket in the gym.He has to

8、get it back.Aleft BleavesCis leaving Dwas leaving( )10.(2013年33题)We have no more vegetables in the fridge.I _and buy some.Ago BwentCwill go Dwas going( )11.(2012河北38题)The clothing store _ a sale.The clothes there are very cheap.Ahas BhadCis having Dwas having连词成句类12(2015年81题)I,go on,yesterday,a trip

9、_.13(2015年82题)it,I,was,school trip,first_.14(2015年83题)we,happy,sang,on the way_.河北中考重难点突破 辨析news,information和message【考点抢测】message,news,information1I have a piece of good _to tell you.I passed the exam.2She knew much _about vacation last month.3Could you take a _to him?( )4.The Internet can help me f

10、ind much _in just a few minutes.Ainformation BmessageCnews Dideas【考点剖析】news作“新闻”讲,一般指通过广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体向大众发布的社会各方面的最新消息,它侧重一个“新”字,是不可数名词。如:Theres a piece of interesting news in todays newspaper.在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的新闻。information作“信息”讲,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等。它侧重内容,是不可数名词。如:They must find out some inf

11、ormation about planes to Yunnan as quickly as possible.他们必须尽快找到有关去往云南班机的资料。message作“消息”讲,一般指口头传递的或者书写的“消息”,这是可数名词。也可当书或者演讲稿的要领、要点、教训。如:He left a message for you.他给你留言了。 辨析a few,few,a little和little【考点抢测】few,a few,little,a little1There are _books left.We cant lend you any one.2The question is so difficult that _students can answer it.3There is _ink in my pen.Please give me _.( )4.(2015唐山9中模拟)Hi,I have something to tell you.Li Ping has learned Russian for fou


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