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1、This is me班级_ 姓名_ 一、翻译1. 在阳光中学_2. 12岁 _3. 放学后_4. 来自_5. 喜欢听音乐_6. 擅长于游泳_7. 高且苗条_8. 欢迎来到_9. 见我的新同学们_10. 7年级1班_二、单词拼写1Millie is twelve _ (岁数)old2She has _ (短的)black hair3She is a _(苗条的)girl4My father often _ (看)newspapers at lunchtime5Im free todayI like _(去)to the park?三、单项选择( )1. We are _ now. A. in c

2、lass 1 B. at Grade 7 C. in Grade 7 D. in grade seven( )2. Where _ Daniel _ from? A. does, is B. does, comes C. is, come D. is, /( )3. Simon often plays _football. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )4. Millie loves _ very much. A. reading B. read C. reads D. to reading( )5. My friends and I often listen to mus

3、ic _. A. after the school B. after school C. after the class D. after a class( )6. Simon is tall, but Daniel is _. A. tall too B. long C. short D. slim( )7. Are they your books? No. Our books _ old, but _ are very new. A. is; we B. is; you C. are; they D. are; we ( )8. He often _ with his friends.A.

4、 play basketball B. plays basketballC. plays the basketball D. plaies basketball( )9. My brother _ good at _.A. is; running B. are; runing C. is; running D. are; running( )10. Simons parents _ Shanghai.A. come from B. comes from C. come inD. come四、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. The boy is 5_(year) old.2. Jim loves

5、_(watch) TV and _(listen) to music.3. Sandy (like) music.4. Amy _(have) long hair.5. I am good at (play) football.6.Lets meet two new (classmate).7. Does Tom like _ to music? (listen)8. Are you good at _ badminton? (play)9. _ you_(do)your homework at home?10. Simon_(be not)good at football.11. I enj

6、oy_(play)tennis.12. Lets_(go)home together.五、根据要求变换句型:1I am in Class Eight. (对画线部分提问) are you in ?2. I was born in Shanghai .(对画线部分提问) you ?3. He is 12 years old. (对画线部分提问) is he ?4. Where is he from ? (同义句) Where he from ?5. His eyes are big. (同义句) big eyes. 6.I have long black hair. (同义句) hair long black. 六、翻译下列句子,每空一词1.我爱好阅读,但她爱好跳舞。I love , but she loves .2.我出生在上海。 I in Shanghai .3.我有长长的黑头发。I have black .4.我喜欢听音乐。I like .5.放学以后我常常踢足球。I often football school. . 6.她擅长游泳。She is at .7.丹尼尔戴着一副眼镜。Daniel a pair of . 8.他喜欢玩电脑游戏。He enjoys .2


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