2020年八年级英语上学期词汇默写小卷Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day(背诵版)

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2020年八年级英语上学期词汇默写小卷Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day(背诵版)_第1页
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2020年八年级英语上学期词汇默写小卷Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day(背诵版)_第2页
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1、精品资源备战中考2019-2020学年仁爱英语八年级上学期单词,词组,句子背默 Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.1、精选资源战胜中考1. toothache牙痛 2. dentist牙科医生3. backache背痛4. headache头痛 5. suggestion建议,提议 6. fever发烧,发热 7. cough咳嗽 8. stomachache胃疼 9. have a cold 患感冒10. coffee咖啡 11. tea茶;茶叶 12. enough足够的,充分的 13. boil沸腾;烧开 14.

2、 lift举起,抬起;消散 (英)电梯 15. hey(引起注意或兴趣、惊讶或生气)嘿,喂16. terrible糟糕的;可怕的 17. flu流行性感冒18. medicine药 19. suggestion建议,提议 20. day and night日日夜夜21. candy糖果22. brush刷;擦 刷子 n.23. tooth牙齿 n.( pl. teeth ) 24. lie躺,平躺 25. lie down躺下26. while当时候;而,然而 conj.一段时间,27. skateboard滑板 n.28. cry叫喊,叫声 n. 哭;喊叫 v.29. taxi出租车 n.3

3、0. X-rayX光照片;X射线 n.31. serious严重的;严肃的;认真的 adj.32. pill药丸,药片 n.33. check查看,核实;检查 v34. care照顾,;小心,谨慎 n.关心,在意 v.35. care for关心,照顾36. sincerely真诚地;诚实地 adv.37. still仍然,还是 adv.38. fruit水果;果实;结果 n.39. worry担心,担忧 v.n.40. worry about担心,烦恼41. advice忠告,劝告,建议 n.2、 1. have a cold感冒2. follow the doctors advice听医生

4、建议3. have a backache背疼4. Not too bad不太坏5. have a headache头疼6. stay in bed待在 床上7. have a stomachache胃疼8. be careful小心9. have a toothache牙疼10. too much candy太多糖果11. have a fever 发烧12. have an accident发生事故13. have the flu得流感14. fall down摔下15. day and night日日夜夜16. run to sb.跑向某人17. lie down躺下18. ask for

5、 one weeks leave请一周假19. take care of照顾20. fly a kite放风筝21. worry about希望某人做某事22. lift heavy things举重物23. take medicine吃药24. cold water冷水25. have a rest 休息26. boiled water开水27. feel like doing sth.喜欢做某事三、1. You dont look well.你看起来不好 .2. I am sorry to hear that.听到这件事我觉得很遗憾 .3. You should see a dentist

6、.你应该看牙医 .4. I hope you will get well soon.你希望你能很快好起来 .5. Whats wrong with you?=Whats the matter with you?你怎么啦?6. You should drink enough/lots of/ a lot of boiled water.6. 你应该喝足够多的/很多开水 .7. You shouldnt drinking coffee or tea in the evening. 你不应该在晚上喝咖啡或者茶 .8. I cant sleep well at night. 我晚上睡不好 .9. Im

7、 feeling terrible.我觉得很难受 .10. How long have you been like this?你这样多久了?11. Youd better take some medicine.你最好吃些药 .12. Shall I take you to hospital?需要我带你去医院吗?13. How are you feeling?你觉得怎样了?14. You should brush your teeth twice a day.你应该一天刷两次牙15. I dont feel like eating.我不想吃东西 .16. You had better not eat too much candy.你最好不要吃太多的糖 .17. Id like to ask for one weeks leave.我想要请一周的假 .18. Youd better stay in bed and not move your leg too much.你最好待在床上,不要大幅度的移动你的腿 .19. Follow the doctors advice, and youll get well soon.听从医生的建议,你将会很快好起来 .20. Be careful when you play. 当你玩的时候要小心 .



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