江苏仪征月塘中学八级英语上册Unit8NaturaldisastersGrammar2学案新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 8 Natural disasters Grammar 2课 题 Unit 8 Natural disastersGrammar(2)past continuous tense with “while” and “when” and “as”学习目标知识目标单词:Snowball ,snowman , hit词组:Make a snowman, fall over能力目标能够了解并掌握用when和while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的几种情况。情感目标学习重点学习用when和while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的几种情况。学习难点在过去进行时中正确使用when和whi

2、le 。课 前 自 学*找出用when / while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的情况.查资料搞清楚它的用法.一根据汉语意思翻译下列句子。1. 当发生地震时,我正在购物。I _ _ some shopping when it _.2当玻璃、瓦片往下掉的时候,人们正慌乱地跑着。People _ _ wildly while pieces of glass and bricks _ _ down.3我正在寻找出路时,突然我听到头顶上有声音。I _ _ to find my way out when I suddenly _Some noise above me. 二.讨论:有时为了句子表达

3、的需要,我们可以用复合句来表达过去进行时.如以上3句。在过去进行时中when和while用法及其区别。昨晚当我到家的时候,妈妈和爸爸正在看电视. My parents_(watch) TV when I arrived home last night.刚才当老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在读书. Students _(read)when the teacher came in just now.在这些句子中,when引导的句子表过去的某一个具体的时间,when从句用一般过去时,而它的主句用过去进行时.但是若强调某个动作正在进行中时,又发生了别的动作,用when从句. when从句必用过去进行时,

4、主句用一般过去时.(表示在when从句正进行期间又发生了主句的动作)此时, when=while,表时间段.如_we were having supper, the light went out._he was riding a bike, he fell off and hurt his leg.若主,从句两个延续动作同时进行,用while,则主句与从句都用进行时, 此时,while译为“而” “一边,一边”,如:He was reading the newspaper _ I was studying.三(热身一下吧)用 when和while填空。1My mum was sleeping

5、_ my aunt came to visit her.2. My father was working in the garden _ I was sitting in the sun.3._ he came yesterday, we were playing basketball.4._ we were laughing , the teacher came in.5._ the Whites were having supper, I knocked at the door.五.完成句子.1.当到Simon的时候,Amy正在从地上取雪._ Simon _ , Amy _ _ some

6、snow from the ground.2.正当Danial在做雪球时, 他摔倒了._ Danial _ _ a snowball , he _ _.3.Suzy在堆雪人的而Kitty就站在她的旁边.Suzy _ _ a snowman _ Kitty _ _ beside her.4.正当Mary在拍照的时候,Andy朝她跑了过来.Andy _ towards Mary _ she _ _ _.5.正当我在买东西的时候,地震发生了.The earthquake _ _ I _ _ some shopping.6.刚才我看见李平和他的父母在路边等公共汽车.I _ Li Ping and hi

7、s parents _ _ the bus _the side of the road.课 堂 交 流 展 示 展示一:在组内和班内展示课前自学中重要的短语及句型.展示二(1):根据图形用正确的时态回答问题.例句T: What was the girl doing when I came? S: She _ _ when I came.= When I came , she _ _.(2)小组模仿回答。并根据课本100页A2回答下列问题。What was Mr. Wu/Simon/Millie/Sandy doing when the snowstorm came? Mr. Wu _ when

8、 the snowstorm came. = _. Simon _ when the snowstorm came. = _. Millie _ when the snowstorm came. = _. Sandy _ when the snowstorm came. = _. 总结规律:句子1(延续性动作) (过去进行时)+ When +句子2(短暂性动作) (一般过去时) = When +句子2(短暂性动作),句子1(延续性动作)(注: When也可延续性动作)展示三:可用while改写例句I came while the girl was dancing= While the girl

9、 was dancing, I came.(2)用while改写以上第一题中的4个答句。 _.=_.=_.=_.= _. 总结规律:句子1(短暂性动作) (一般过去时) + while +句子2(延续性动作) (过去进行时)= While +句子2(延续性动作),句子1(短暂性动作)展示四:根据图形用连接两句含有过去进行时的句子. S1: What was she doing while we were watching TV? S2: She _ _ while we were watching TV. = While we were watching TV, she _ _ . 总结规律:

10、句子1(延续性动作) (过去进行时) + while +句子2(延续性动作) (过去进行时)=While + 句子2(延续性动作) , 句子1(延续性动作).展示五:让两个学生同时表演不同的动作,其他学生用while造句。展示六:完成课本101页练习。核对答案并朗读。 课 堂 达 标 检 测一 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Your cousin _(not play) basketball when I saw him.2. When I _(leave) home ,my sister _(eat) breakfast.3. When I came to see him, Daniel

11、_ (search) for some information on the Internet.4. Girls _ (dance) while boys _ (sing).5.When the teacher looked for them, where _ they _( play ) football.6. When I saw you, who _ you _(talk) with?二用when 和 while填空1. Mother was cooking _father was watching DVD last night.2._ Tommy got there, the famous scientists was giving a talk on traveling.3._ the famous scientists was giving a talk on traveling,Tommy got there.4. The singer waved to us _ she was singing the song.5._ they were playing basketball, we were cheering for them.6. The telephone rang _ David was sleeping last night.7._


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