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1、八年级(上) Units 12河北中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.advise(名词)_2like(反义词)_3paint(名词)画家_4angry(副词)_(名词)_5.discuss(名词)_6please(名词)_7finally(形容词)_8my(名词性物主代词)_9.south(形容词)_10recent(副词)_11sudden(副词)_12surprise(形容词)_短语互译1.oneand the other_2introduceto_3adviseto do_4_由定5_同意6_(口语)请吧,说吧7play the violin _8spend(in) doing

2、_9_让感到惊奇的是10._达成协议11feel lucky to do_12encourageto do_13_迟到14_两分钟之内15have a cough _16notat all _17be convenient for_18remindof_句型温故1.我应该用哪一支?_ should I use?2我可以问你一些问题吗?_ I ask you _questions?3你讨厌做什么?_ do you _?4她作为我的英语老师,我感到很幸运。I feel lucky _her _my English teacher.5今天,丹尼把我们介绍给他的新朋友。Today Danny intr

3、oduced us _his new friends.6我已经看过你的一些画了。I _some of your paintings.7它是我的最爱之一。Its _my favourites.8.你可以向她自我介绍一下。you can _her.9他建议我选那张。He _me _that one.10我还有一个问题。I have _question.11她鼓励我提问并彼此讨论问题的答案。She _questions and discuss the answers with each other.12两分钟后上课!Class will start _two minutes!13除了老师,每个人都笑

4、了。Everyone _the teacher.语法总览1.简单句。2现在完成时。话题再现1.描述人。2提出建议。3谈论时间及时间表达法。4表达爱好。河北五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2012年84题)Students are _ (encourage) to share their thoughts by teachers.2(2011年81题)Betty is a good friend of _(I)We often help each other.语法类 现在完成时( )3.(2014年42题)Monica,you _ the exam!Congratulations!Apass Bhav

5、e passedCwill pass Dare passing( )4.(2013年43题)Dont return the video to Peter.I _ it.Adont watch Bwont watchChavent watched Dwasnt watching( )5.(2012年40题)Miss Zhang,the most beautiful teacher,_ many flowers and letters these days.Areceived Bwill receiveCwas receiving Dhas received( )6.(2011年42题)I _ m

6、y homework.I guess I cant join you.Adont finish Bdidnt finishChavent finished Dwont finish( )7.(2010年41题)My brother left school in 2005,and since then he _ in Beijing.Alives BlivedCwill live Dhas lived河北中考重难点突破 辨析besides,except和except for【考点抢测】1除了一些拼写错误之外,汤姆的作文很好。Toms competition is very good _ _som

7、e spelling mistakes.( )2.(2015唐山龙泉中学模拟)No one was late for work today _Mr.Zhang. Abeside BbesidesCexcept Dexcept for( )3.We have lots of hobbies in common _ drawing.Abeside BbesidesCexcept Dexcept for【考点剖析】(1)besides意为“除之外(还有)”。如:Besides intelligence,hard working is the most important part of succes

8、s.除了聪明,努力工作是成功最重要的组成部分。(2)except意为“除之外”,一般表示同类之间的关系。如:All the students in my class have visited the museum except Tony.我们班所有学生除了托尼之外都参观了博物馆。(3)except for意为“除之外”,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。它同except的区别是:except for后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面;而except后接的词同整体词(主语)一般是同类,指在同类的整体中除去一个部分。 辨析do with和deal

9、with【考点抢测】do with,deal with1We cant _such carelessness.2This is a book _Asian problems.3As a middle school student,you should know what to _the problems between study and relaxation.4They found a way to _the elephant.【考点剖析】(1)do with为动词短语,意为“处理;对待”,常与疑问词what连用。如:We should learn what to do with the p

10、roblems.我们应该学会处理问题。(2)do with的同义词组为deal with,意为“处理”,常与疑问词how连用。如:I dont know how to deal with that wallet.我不知道如何处理那个钱包。(3)细微差别:一般说do with表示处置、忍受、相处等含义,deal with常表示对付、应付、处理、安排、论述、涉及等含义。 辨析please,pleasure,pleasant和pleased【考点抢测】1We spent many hours in a _(please) conversation.2I am very _(please) to he

11、ar the news.3Youll _(对感到满意) the results if you take time to decorate your home.( )4.(2015石家庄28中模拟)My friend in America sent me a message that the economic forecast is _there.Ahappy BpleasantCsatisfying Dsmiling【考点剖析】(1)please作动词是“请,使高兴的意思”,不能和be动词连用。(2)pleasure是名词,意思是“高兴”指人的情绪。(3)pleasant是形容词,意思是“愉快

12、的,快乐的”,可以修饰人也可以修饰物。(4)pleased作形容词意思是“高兴的,愉快的”但是它的主语通常指人。 remind的用法【考点抢测】1The picture often reminds me of my school days.(同义句转换)I often _ _ my school days when I _the picture.2The picture often _ me _those days when grandma was with us.3Be sure to remind her _(回来)back early.( )4.(2015保定13中模拟)He reminded me _ I ought to do it at once.Awhere BthatCwhat Dhow【考点剖析】“remind宾语to do”,表示“提醒某人做某事”。如:Please remind me to post these letters.请提醒我寄这些信。remind宾语of,表示“某物使某人想起过去的某事”。如:The smell of hay always reminds me of our old


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