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1、初三英语书面表达(二)【本讲主要内容】 书面表达(二)第一讲我们主要是从话题这个角度出发,对写作进行了分析、讲解。这一讲我们将从文体的角度出发,对写作进行分析、讲解。文体主要涉及到记叙文、议论文、说明文和应用文。一. 如何写好记叙文。记叙文分写人和写事两种。下面分别谈一谈这两种文章的写法。如何写人1. 写出人物的外表和性格。2. 写人摆脱不了写事,必须通过具体事例来表现人的某种个性。3. 有较多语法现象。4. 使用恰当的连接词。【例文】我的妈妈 My mother is forty years old. She is medium height with black long hair. Sh

2、e is not the most beautiful person in the world, but in my heart nobody is as beautiful as my mother. My mother is a kind and outgoing woman who likes helping others. So she has many friends. And when I am in trouble, she often encourages me to face it and cheers me up. She is also a hard-working wo

3、man. Everyday she does a lot of things to take care of me. I still remember that once I had a high fever, my mother sent me to hospital without eating anything during the whole day. The next day I felt better, but my mother was ill in bed. I think mothers love is the greatest love in the world. For

4、the care and love she gives to me, all I want to say is: thank you, my mom.【评析】这是今年海淀区的中考作文题。这篇文章按要求使用了所给单词、词组:kind, outgoing, take care of, cheer up. 作者还用具体事例突出人物的特点,结尾点题,感谢妈妈。另外,文章语言流畅,并使用了较多语法现象。如何写事1. 选典型性和具体性的事例来写。2. 有感情色彩。3. 有较多语法现象。4. 使用恰当的连接词。中考作文一般是十句话,一百个字左右。下面的问题回答了,作文的字数肯定够了。因此,写事的记叙文可以根

5、据下面的这几个问题来构思。1. Who 2. Where3. When4. What you see and do5. How 6. Feelings7. Weather, people【例文】A school trip Class 9M had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First, they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then, they watched a do

6、lphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool where there was a giant octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop where they bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the students c

7、leaned the bus after the trip.【评析】这是书中的一篇文章,思路清晰,按照时间顺序描写了这次活动。这篇文章很有模仿性。二. 如何写好议论文1. 提出论点2. 论据 (使用恰当连接词)3. 点题, 首尾呼应【例文】你是否同意看电视?并请陈述理由I dont think TV is a good thing. It has a lot of disadvantages.First of all, watching TV is a waste of time. People often spend much of their time on TV. Also, TV ma

8、kes people lazy and become fat. They dont have to use their head when watching TV and they seldom go out to have sports. Finally, some programs are harmful to children. They are often full of violence and sex.Someone thinks that TV can get some knowledge. But we will learn more if we use this time t

9、o read.In conclusion, TV plays a negative part in our life. People should turn TV off.【评析】以上文章我们不难看出它的论点、论据和结尾的点题。同时我们还能看出论据部分使用了恰当的连接词,语法现象也比较丰富。三. 如何写好说明文 说明文就是客观地说明、介绍或解释客观的人或事。这就要求我们在写作时语言简练,说明过程有层次、讲条理。另外,还要求能够准确使用过渡词。【例文】How to make a banana split?To make a banana split, you need banana and ic

10、e cream. You only need one banana. First, you peel the banana, and cut it into two long pieces. Then you put the ice cream between the pieces of banana. Finally, you put chocolate sauce on top of the ice cream. It tastes delicious!【评析】这篇文章语言简练、准确,条理清楚,恰当地使用了过渡词。四. 如何写好应用文应用文一般是指书信、日记、通知和便条等日常生活中常用的一

11、种文体。写作时,目的不同,对文章的要求也不一样。一般要求格式正确,意思表达清楚。【例文】Dear Dr. Helper,Im a Grade 3 student. Im in trouble now. I need your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure. Every day I have to stay at school over ten hours to have lessons and take all kinds of exams. After that I must do lots of homework un

12、til mid-night. Im too tired to do anything I like. Also, I cannot get enough sleep. It seems that there are three causes about the heavy burden: the pressure of examinations, too much homework and the high expectations from parents and teachers. We are often told that if we dont work hard, we wont h

13、ave a bright future. I dont know what to do. Please help me! Im looking forward to your advice! Yours sincerely, Li gang 【评析】这是一封书信,格式正确,意思表达清楚。达到了写作的目的。五. 平时积累:背诵好句子(充分利用教育资源)我们要养成习惯:背诵课本内、阅读里的经典句子。在写作中,我们经常需要借用他人的一些精彩语句或表达。这就需要我们在平时多背诵一些各种体裁的文章,特别是一些名人名言、警句和贴近我们现实生活的好句子。如:Unit 1 book 5阅读:How do we

14、 deal with our problems?(1)Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problems. (2)As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.(3)By comparing yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible.(4)Lets

15、 face the challenge instead.Unit 13 book 5同步阅读:Rainy days make me sad.(1)To me, life without music would not be exciting. (2)Music plays are an important part in everyones life.(3)Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, express himself from the heart, feels the joy of doing things alone.Unit 9 book 5同步阅读:When was it invented?(1)Easier said than done. (2)Television has its good and bad sides.(3)Without it, we would have no pleasure and no window


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