河北兴隆半壁山中学中考英语总复习动词语态学案 1.doc

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1、语法专项:动词语态 学习目标:1.掌握一般现在时态、一般过去时态、一般将来时态、含情态动词的被动语态。2.根据语境选择正确的时态和语态同义句转换1. The story isnt easy enough for me to understand.The story is _ hard for me_ understand. The story is _ hard _ I cant understand it.2. We wont go fishing if it rains next Sunday.We will go fishing if it _ _ next Sunday.We will

2、 go fishing _ it rains next Sunday.3. When his mother came in, the boy was listening to English tapes.His mother came in _ the boy was listening to English tapes 4. Hard work leads to great success. =You can succeed _ you work hard. 被动语态的构成 : be + done一般现在时态 _+done一般过去时态 _+done一般将来时态 _/_+_+done含情态动词

3、 _+_+done跟踪训练 (07-12河北中考)( )1.The Spring Festival_in January or February.A celebrates B is celebrated C celebrated D was celebrated( )2. We_to close the windows before we left the lab.A tell B told C are told D were told( )3.Dont put off todays work for tomorrow. I mean todays work_today.A may do B

4、must do C may be done D must be done( )4. More money _ when we use both sides of paper. (12, 河北)A will save B was saved C has saved D will be saved5. Dont be afraid of making mistakes in class. You wont be_(嘲笑).注意:1.在主动语态中,感官动词(see, hear,watch, notice)或使役动词(make)后可接省略to的不定式,但变为被动语态时,要还原to.I saw her

5、dance yesterday.-She _by me yesterday.She made him do chores.-He was made_chores by her.( ) He _ in the classroom just now. A heard to sing B was heard sing C heard sing D was heard to sing2. 不及物动词(如happen, take place, drop)和感官系动词(look, smell, taste, feel,sound)没有被动语态。 Great changes _ in China since

6、 1919.A have been taken place B have taken place C took place D was taken placeThepiece of music _ wonderful, I like it . A is looked B looks C is sounded D soundsAn accident _(发生) on the road last night.The food _(尝起来) delicious.My book _(drop) on the ground while I was walking in the street.综合训练(

7、)1. A new club _ in our school at the beginning of this year and now it has many members. (12, 陕西) A starts B is started C has started D was started( )2. Everyone knows that books _ out of the library without permission. A should be taken B shouldnt be taken C should take D shouldnt take( )3. Plenty

8、 of food _ to poor areas in Africa last week.A were sent B was sent C sent D sends( )4. Food safety is important. Rules _ to stop people from food pollution. A must make B must be made C cant make D cant be made( )5.Our school will be more beautiful if it _ twice a day.A is cleaned B was cleaned C c

9、leans D clean( )6.Mary didnt go to Johns birthday party because she _.A wasnt invited B didnt invite C isnt invied( )7.People who drink wine _ to drive after May Day. A dont allow B isnt allowed C mustnt allow D mustnt be allowed( )8. -Do you have any problems if you _ five minutes to read? - Well,

10、Im thinking about the new words. There are too many. A give B are given C will be given D was given( )9.The task _ in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest.(12,安徽) A was finished B will be finished C has been finished D cant be finished( )10.Chinese _ by more and more people in the world

11、. (12,海南) A is spoken B is speaking C speaks D speak提高题 success, allow, rain, wear, careful1. Last year, a 12-year-old girl swam across the English Channel _.2. Mary took off her old dress and _ a new one.3. In most schools, students are not _ to eat in class.4. The _ you check your homework, the fewer mistakes you will make.5. We wont go for a picnic if it _ next Sunday.提高题6.nice, what, present, a, is, it _!7.you, he, or, stay, either, at, home, must _.8.speak, dont, reading-room, loudly, the, in_.2


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