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1、河北省唐山市丰南区2013年中考英语二模试题(扫描版)2013年丰南区毕业年级第二次模拟检测英语试题答案1-5BABCC 6-10ABCAC 11-15ABBAC 16-18 BCA 19-21 CAB 22-25 ABCA26-30 CADCB 31-35 BCACC 36-40 CDBCA 41-45 CBACC46-50 DACBC 51-55 CABCD 56-60 BCCDB 61-65 ACDCB 66-70 DACBA71. safety 72. protect ourselves 73. 2:10 pm. 74. discuss/talk about 75. Grade 8/

2、Grade Eight76. T 77. easy78. They believe that a bad situation will be improved/ A bad situation will be improved.79. It is daydreaming.80. What do they look for instead of doing nothing?What do they do instesd of doing nothing?Who look for opportunities and solutions, instead of doing nothing? (参考)

3、81. in front of 82. were taking out 83. waiting for 84. looked for 85. without 86. Isnt it a good idea? 87. How time flies! 88. How many sheep are there on the farm? 89. You will be sucessful if you work harder. 90. She saw a play on TV last night.B) 书面表达:(10分)1、评分原则与方法:(1)采用总体印象评分法。考核考生能否根据写作提示完成书面

4、表达任务。评分时,先确定所属档次,然后以该档次的要求微调,最后给分。原文照抄的,只能在第5挡中调整:但正确引用原文少数句子且运用得当的,不扣分。(2)注意内容的完整及语言表达的正确。语法、单词拼写和标点错误,每处扣0.5分。 (3)少于或多于规定词数30%的酌情扣分。 (4)对于在完成任务前提下的适当发挥,最多加分不超过2分。 档次分值标准一档9-10内容涵盖所有要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑,只有个别语言错误。二档7-8内容涵盖所有要点,表达清楚,意思连贯,符合逻辑,但有少数语言错误。三档5-6内容涵盖大部分要点,表达较为清楚、连贯,基本符合逻辑,但有一些语言错误。四档4-5内容涵盖部分

5、要点,能写出少量正确句子,但整体表达不太连贯,且语言错误较多。五档0-3只能写出一些单词,不成句子,缺乏逻辑性,错误很多。Possible VersionFood waste can be seen everywhere in and out of the school. In restaurants, people order more than enough food and throw away much food without eating it. (In school dining halls, we can see students leave their food uneate

6、n just because they dont like the taste of it.) In my opinion, everybody should stop wasting food as soon as possible. Waste can bring a lot of problems. If we go on wasting food, it will bring great damage to the environment. In our everyday life, much can be done to prevent food waste. Firstly, parents and teachers should educate the children about how food is produced and how hard farmers work is. Secondly, rules should be set up to punish those who waste food. I am sure food waste can be stopped if we do our best.14



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