初三英语Unit4 Stay HealthyL29L32知识精讲 冀教.doc

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1、初三英语Unit4 Stay Healthy(L29-L32)知识精讲【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: Unit 4 Stay Healthy (L29L32)1. 重点单词。n. smoke rest plenty disease habit cancer beer wine dare wheelchair appendicitis appendix v. smoke rest cause damage dare control adj. ill terrible worse public unable disabled lucky2. 重点短语。 plenty of 许多,大量 fal

2、l ill /sick 生病 feel terrible 感到不舒服 be bad for 对没好处 be able/ unable to do sth. 能/不能做某事 have a rest 休息一下3. 重点语法。复合句二. 重点、难点解析及词语辨析。1. Im going to phone him after school. 放学后我会去给他打电话。(L29)phone vtvi 打电话;给打电话 I phone my parents. 我给父母打了电话。phone n. 电话;电话机 My uncle gave me a nice toy phone. 我叔叔给了我一个漂亮的玩具电话

3、。链接 与电话有关的单词:call vt. 打电话给 call sb. Please call me at nine. 请九点钟打电话给我。ring vt. 打电话 ring sb. = give sb. a ring = ring up sb. She rang me at noon. 中午她打电话给我了。2. I rested and drunk plenty of water. 我休息了并且喝了很多的水。 (L29)plenty of “很多的,大量的”,既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰不可数名词 The box contained plenty of books.箱子里装满了很多书。

4、 (复数名词) There is plenty of furniture in the shop. 在商店里有很多家具。(不可数名词)拓展 同义词组: a lot of = lots ofplenty of ,a lot of, lots of等词组做主语时,谓语动词要根据主语是可数或不可数决定单复数形式。如There are a lot of /lots of /plenty of people in that room. 那个房间里有很多人。There is a lot of/lots of/plenty of rice in the bag. 那只口袋里有许多大米。3. A lot of

5、 people would live longer if they didnt smoke. 如果不吸烟的话,很多人会活地更长。 (L29)此句为虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反;除此之外,还可表示说话人的一种愿望、假设,目前不太可能实现。 If I were a bird,I would fly in the sky. 如果我是一只鸟,我会在天空中飞翔。 If I won a billion yuan,Id give it to the charity. 如果我赢了一百万,我就把钱送给慈善机构。4. Some people drink too much beer and wine. 有些人吸了太

6、多的烟,喝了太多的酒。 (L29)too much 太多He drank too much pop just now. 刚才他喝的汽水太多了。辨析 too, too much,much too too 用在形容词或副词前,表示“太”如: The water is too hot. 水太烫了。 much too“得多”,中心词是too You are much too kind to me. 你对我实在太好了。 The shirt is much too expensive. 这件衬衫实在太贵了。 too much“太多的”,中心词是much ,后跟不可数名词5. She controls he

7、r wheelchair with her mouth. 她用嘴控制轮椅。 (L30)with 用法小结 因为,由于She is excited with her success. 她因为成功而兴奋。 和一起They still lived with their parents. 他们一直和父母住在一起。 带有的心情、用的态度等You must look after the baby with more care. 你必须要再细心些照顾孩子。 有He filled the cup with water. 西蒙把杯子里装满了水。(表示对抗)跟,和Dont fight with others. 不

8、要与别人打架。 用(接工具)I can write with my hand. 我能用手写字。6. She is unable to do many things. 她不能做许多事情。(L30)is able to 能,会 反义词 is unable to 不能在英语中。can与 be able to 表示“能力”时是同义的。如: He can speak two foreign languages.= He is able to speak two foreign languages. 他会说两门外语。不同主要有:a. can只有两种时态, 即can和could, 而be able to有多

9、种时态,如was/were able to, will/shall be able to, have/has been able to 等。 I could swim when I was five years old. 五岁时我就会游泳了。 Ill be able to drive the car in a week. 一周后我将会驾车了。 Because his hard work, he has been able to work out the problem. 因为他艰苦的工作,他终于能够算出这道题了。 b. 表示通过努力终于做成了某事要用be able to,而不能用can。如 I

10、 was able to swim to the bank after hard practice. 经过艰苦的练习后,我终于能够游到河对岸了。 c. can能表猜测,be able to不能。 Somebody is knocking at the door. Who can it be? 有人敲门,会是谁?It cant be our teacher. She has gone to Shanghai.敲门的不可能是我们的老师。她已经去上海了。d. can表允许,与may可以互换,此时不能用be able to代替。如:Can/May I sit here?我能/可以坐在这儿吗?Yes,

11、please.可以。7. She enjoys encouraging her daughter. 她喜欢鼓励她女儿。 (L30) enjoy vt. 欣赏,喜爱,享之乐Yao Ming enjoys watching basketball game. 姚明喜爱看篮球比赛。提示:由enjoy构成的常用词组:Enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事Most young people enjoy watching football match.大部分年轻人喜欢看足球比赛。enjoy oneself 过得愉快,玩得高兴 (=have a good time)The students enjoyed

12、 themselves yesterday.学生们昨天玩得很愉快。8. Everyone is very quiet as Brian reads the letter. 当Brian 读信的时候每个人都很安静。(L31)(1)as prep. & adv.prep. 以的身份,作为,充当角色 He often tells us some history stories as a teacher.作为一名老师,他经常给我们讲一些历史故事。 He works as a driver.他以开汽车为业。pron. 正如,照 You should be quick, as the boy does.

13、你应该快一点,照着那个男孩那样做。conj.a. (用于比较)与一样 He can run as fast as I can.他能跑得和我一样快。b. 同时,当时 He sings as he is doing his homework. 他一边写作业一边唱歌。 (2) everyone 辨析:everyone与every oneeveryone是不定代词,相当于everybody只能指人,“人人,大家”,强调个体,做主语时,谓语动词要用单数。Everyone is here today. 今天大家都在。every one 不仅指人,也可指物“每个人,每件事”,后面可接of短语Every on

14、e of the students is here today. 今天每个学生都在。Every one of the trees has many oranges. 每一棵树都结了很多橘子。9. in the hospital 在医院 (L31)辨析: in hospital 表示生病住院。in the hospital表示在医院工作或是看望病人等He is still in hospital. 他仍在住院。I am going to the hospital to see my brother. 我要去医院看我哥哥。链接:有the无the的区别 at desk(在学习,在工作) at the desk(在课桌旁) at table(在



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