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1、初三英语Unit15 Lesson57-Lesson60知识精讲一. 本周教学内容: Unit 15 Lesson 57Lesson 60(一)词汇 1. vet n.(口语)兽医veterinarian which is a doctor for animals. e.g. Do you like being a doctor (vet) for animals ? 您喜欢当兽医吗? After Herriot graduated from high school , he made up his mind to be a vet , especially for dogs . 当赫里奥特高

2、中毕业后,他决定成为一名兽医,特别是针对狗的。/一心想当兽医,特别是为狗看病的兽医。 2. mostly adv.主要地,大部分most often (in this passage) e.g. Mostly , vets helped heal horses , cows , sheep and pigs . 大多数情况下,兽医帮助治疗马、牛、羊和猪的疾病。 We are mostly out on Sundays . 星期天我们通常都是出去。 The medicine is mostly sugar and water . 这种药主要成份是糖和水。 请举例写出加ly的副词。 3. cont

3、inue v.继续to keep doing something and met stopping . e.g. I hope this cold weather will not continue . 我希望这种寒冷的天气不会延续下去。 You must continue your study of English . 你必须继续读你的英语。 How long will May continue working ? 梅将继续工作多久? 4. make up ones mind下决心make a decision e.g. Lee has made up his mind , and noth

4、ing will change it . 李的决心已下,什么也不会使他改变主意的。 Has Mr Wood made up his mind to quit his job ? Wood先生已经决定辞职了吗?(二)课文重点解释 1. They dont complain and they are very grateful . 他们不抱怨,并且很感激。 complain作动词,是“抱怨,发牢骚”之意。 e.g. People complained about the high prices of houses . 人们抱怨房子的价格太高。 Some students complained th

5、at they didnt have enough time to have a good sleep . 有些学生抱怨他们没有足够的时间好好睡一觉。 grateful作形容词,表示“感激的,表示感谢,谢谢”之意。 ful是后缀,以前所学过的词还有:beautiful,careful,helpful,thankful,useful,painful。 2. Herriot loved the beautiful countryside , but treating large animals was very hard work . 赫里奥特喜爱美丽的农村,但医治大的动物是很困难的工作。 tre

6、at在这篇文章中表示“治疗,医治” e.g. My job is to treat peoples hearts . 我的工作是治疗人们的心脏。 treat的另外含义还有“对待,看待”之意。 e.g. The teachers treat the new student very well . 老师们对这新学生很好。 3. They regarded their pets as members of their families . 他们把宠物视为家中的成员。 regard作动词,有“认作,视为”的含义。 e. g. I regard this novel as one of the best

7、 Ive ever read . 我认为这是我读过的最好的小说中的一部。 He is regarded as one of the best teachers in our school . 他被视为我们学校最好的老师之一。 4. To help animals is help people .帮助动物就是帮助人类。 To many people a pet is like one of the family . 对许多人来说宠物就像家庭中的一员。 在这两句中的两个“to”,词性和意义均不相同,第一句中的to是不定式的to,无实际意义;第二句中的to是介词,意思是“对于”,请同学们不要混淆。

8、e.g. To drink water is necessary . 喝水是必要的。(to用作不定式,无意义) To go down the hill is easy . 下山容易。(to无意义,是动词不定式作主语) To me a student is like my child . 对我来说,一个学生就像我的孩子。(to是介词,表示“对于”) 5. This is often true for older people who are very lonely. 对年纪大经常感到孤独的老人来说这通常是真实的。 本句中的lonely虽然以-ly结尾但不是副词,像这样的词还有:friendly,

9、lovely,lively,orderly,daily等等。 e.g. He lives alone in the lonely house , but he doesnt feel lonely . 他独自住在一所孤单的房子里,但他并不感到孤独。 6. Mrs Parley said she felt as if they were in a storm at sea . 帕利夫人说她感觉好像在海上暴风雨中一样。 as if表示“仿佛,就好像(某事是真的似的)”之意。 e.g. Look at her face , she doesnt look very well as if she ha

10、s just been ill . 看她的脸,她脸色看上去很不好,就好像刚刚生了一场病。 Look at the sky . The kite is flying high up as if a bird is over there . 看天空,风筝高高在天上飞好似鸟儿在那里。(三)重点语法解释 1. 动词不定式(III) The Infinitive(III) It is important to do what the doctor tells you . 照医生告诉你的去做是很重要的。 这里的it是形式主语,后面的to do是真正的主语,英语中不定式作主语通常用这种结构表示。 e.g.

11、Its foolish of you to fish in the air . Its clever of you to kill two birds with one stone . Its important to take exercise . Its careful to put all eggs in one basket . 2. 有关“医疗”的典型表达法。 (1)病人的感觉 I dont feel very well . I have a headache and a cough . Im feeling even worse . She didnt feel like eati

12、ng anything . This morning I had a pain in my head . . But I dont feel any better now . I am always tired when I wake up in the morning . I dream so much . I often feel weak and tired . I feel terrible (bad) . Ive got a pain here . This place hurts . Theres something wrong with . (2)医生的询问、诊断和建议 What

13、s the trouble ? Whats the matter ? How are you feeling now ? Did you eat anything for breakfast ? Do you sleep well ? Let me take your temperature . Its a cold . Nothing serious . Theres nothing much wrong with you . Take this medicine three times a day . Have a good rest and drink more water . Try

14、to relax before you go to sleep . You are a little too heavy . Dont eat too much rich food . Take enough exercises . Youll be all right / well soon . (3)一般的表述 Doctors (Vets) help heal . He starts treating . It isnt easy to give the baby an injection . It is a little painful to get an injection . It is important to do what the doctor tells you .I. 根据句意和首字母填入适当的词。 1. Failure is the mother of s_. 2. The plane c_ when it landed. 3. They are



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