初三英语Unit14 Shopping知识精讲 朗文.doc

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1、初三英语Unit14 Shopping知识精讲一. 本周教学内容: Unit 14 Shopping I. 词汇: excited, leather, online Canon shape decision, screen, form, successfully, interest, forever, lend, suit, opera, huge, advertisement II. 词组与惯用法 be excited about 对感到兴奋 try on 试穿 make a decision 作出决定 a place of great interest 名胜 go over 过一遍,仔细检

2、查 make a mistake 犯错误 drop off 放下(某物)、下车 Peking Opera 京剧 the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂 the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 the Summer Palace 颐和园 Tianan men Square 天安门广场 a pair of 一双wear out 穿破 a bit 一点credit card信用卡III. 日常交际用语: (1)Can I help you? / What can I do for you. Im /Were looking for Id like I want

3、(2)What colour / size / kind do you need / want? (3)How much does it cost? How much is it? How much do they cost? How much are they? (4)Have you got anything cheaper? (5)Could I have a look at it? (6)Could I try it on? Youd better try it on first. IV. 语法: (1)过去完成时had+过去分词 (2)由so that 引导的状语从句 重点与难点:

4、1. be excited about A. excited 激动的、兴奋的、修饰人 exciting 使人激动的,修饰物 The excited people had already left when I got there. 当我到达那儿的时候,那些激动的人们已经离开。 She was too excited to speak. The students are listening to an exciting story. B. be excited about / at doing sth. 对做某事感到兴奋。 I was excited at meeting her. 我遇到她很兴

5、奋。 The students were excited about winning the game. 学生们对赢了这场比赛感到兴奋。 2. wear out A. 穿破、用坏 He worn out two pairs of shoes this month. This old shirt is worn out. 这件衬衫穿破了。 Cheap socks wear out quickly. B. be worn out 表示精疲力竭 She was worn out by the housework. These children are wearing me out. 3. had b

6、etter do Youd better come on time. Youd better not trouble her. Youd better ask somebody else, hadnt you? 4. try on 试穿 May I try it on? He tried on the hat. 5. even though / if 连词,引导让步状语从句 Even though / if he is poor, she loves him. Even though / if they were tired, they still went on working. 6. a

7、little / a bit. A. 用作名词词组“一点,少许,一会儿” Can you give me a little / a bit? We can only speak a little / a bit. B. 用作副词词组,修饰形容词、副词及它们的比较级。 Could we drive a little / a bit faster? He is a little / a bit tired. C. 都可接不可数名词 There is a little bread on the plate. = There is a bit of bread on the plate. Tom ga

8、ve his brother a little money = Tom gave his brother a bit of money. a bit of 可数名词单数 He is a bit of a fool, if you ask me. 你要是问我,我觉得他有点傻。 He has caught bit of a cold. 他有点儿感冒。 D. 两个词组前加not,意义相反,not a bit = not at all. not a little = very / very much Im not a little hungry = Im very hungry. Im not a b

9、it hungry = Im not hungry at all. 7. take 的搭配 take sth to some place. 把某物拿到某地 take sb. to some place 把某人带到某地 take sb. down to 把某人带下 take sth. with sb. 带上某物 take out sth. 拿出某物 take sth. back 拿回某物 take some medicine 服药 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间。 take a look 看一看 take a message for s

10、b. 为某人带个口信 take exercise 进行锻炼 take off 脱下 take good care of 悉心照料 take a bus 乘公共汽车 take the first turning on the left 在第一个路口向左拐 8. think 的搭配 think about 思考,考虑 think of 想,想起、认为 think out 想出,研究出计划等 think up 设计,发明,想起方法等。 think twice 再三考虑 Who first thinks of the idea? Let me think it over. At last he tho

11、ught out the best way. I think he is coming. I dont think you are right. 9. mistake 的用法归纳 A. make a mistake 犯错误 Dont be afraid of making mistakes. B. by mistake 错误地、误会地 Im sorry to take your pen by mistake. I got on the wrong bus by mistake. C. mistake +n. 误解 You mistook my meaning. 你误解了我的意思。 I mist

12、ook the date. 我弄错了日期。 D. mistake +n+forn. 把错认为 He mistook me for my sister. 他把我错认成我姐姐了。 She is often mistaken for a famous singer. 她常常被误认为是一名著名的歌手。 10. 过去完成时 had+过去分词,表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。 (1)They had finished all the work when we arrived the factory. (2)Tom had finished writing the letter by 1

13、0:00 this morning. (3)Had he arrived at the airport before you got there. (4)What had you done before 9:00 yesterday morning. (5)She hadnt finished reading the book by yesterday. (答题时间:80分钟)I. 词汇练习A)根据释义写出单词,单词的第一个字母已给出。1. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _plan; firm idea2. s _ _ _ _ _ part of the television or cinema where the pictures appear3. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wanting to know or learn about something because it is important to you 4. f _ _ _ _ _ _ always; at all timesB)用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,每个空格只限填一词。 1. My brother is very _ about going to the Summer Palace for a holiday. (excite) 2. My football shoes are _ out,



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