2020年中考英语考点专项突破:动词短语辨析 单选题(学生版)

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2020年中考英语考点专项突破:动词短语辨析 单选题(学生版)_第1页
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《2020年中考英语考点专项突破:动词短语辨析 单选题(学生版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年中考英语考点专项突破:动词短语辨析 单选题(学生版)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考点突破备战中考专题13 动词短语辨析 单选题1.(2019安徽)Shall we go to the airport to _ your sister?I dont think its necessary. She will come here by taxi.A. see off B. pick up C. look after D. come across2.(2019江苏连云港)April 5 was a sad day for France. A large fire _at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame.A. broke out B. carried ou

2、t C. gave out D. ran out3.(2019江苏苏州)Would you please _ the light? I cant sleep well with it on.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn to D. turn around4.(2019江苏宿迁)Miss Lee likes _. She tells everyone that she has got a new car.A. coming out B. showing off C. turning out D. taking off5.(2019山东滨州)Theyll succe

3、ed in working out the problem because they never _.A. wake up B. give up C. look up D. make up6.(2019山东青岛)The English Speech Competition _ the best in her. As a result, she is more active now.A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out7.(2019四川南充)-Its cold outside, Jimmy! You should _your

4、 sweater.-Thanks, mom.A. take off B. take in C. put on D. put up8.(2019江苏淮安)Those young firemen were brave enough to _ the fire in the forest.A. work out B. put out C. hand out D. look out9.(2019湖北黄冈)I dont know how to_the old books.Why not give them away to poor children?A. hand out B. give up C. d

5、eal with D. take up10.(2019武汉)Why were you shouting at Tom? I told him to be quiet,but he _ talking.A. joined in B. ended up C. kept on D. put off11.(2019江苏泰州)A forest fire _ at the end of March in Liangshan, Sichuan Province. Firemen rushed into the mountains but 27 of them never came back.A. turne

6、d out B. carried out C. put out D. broke out12.(2019湖北孝感)All the members decided to _the money from the book sale to homeless people.A. give up B. give away C. take up D. take away13.(2019湖北鄂州) Tom, What are you doing? Im _ drawing because I want to be a painter.A. taking up B. cleaning up C. puttin

7、g up D. making up14.(2019甘肃兰州)Can I help you, Sir?Yes, please. I am _ a blue T-shirt.A. looking up B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through15.(2019山东临沂)Cathy sold some of her things in a yard sale and _the money to a childrens home.A. gave away B. gave up C. gave out16.(2019贵州安顺)-I dont th

8、ink teachers should give too much homework to_ the free time of students.-Exactly!A. give up B. take up C. look up D. put up17.(2019山西)Fighting for your dream is like climbing a mountain. Whatever difficulties you meet, dont _ . Just move on.A. set off B. come out C. give up18.(2019山西) After the big

9、 exams, we can finally have a good relax.How I _ a chance to have a trip! I cant wait.A. am worried about B. am thirsty for C. am good at19.(2019河北)On the first day of Chinese New Year, we_ new clothes and visit people.A. pick up B. put on C. take off D. throw away20.(2019四川眉山) Whats the meaning of

10、“One Belt and One Road”? Let me _ the words in the new dictionary.A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up21.(2019湖南益阳)- Kate, _ the TV, please. Its time to go to bed.-OK, mom.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up22.(2019黑龙江齐齐哈尔)Our school has _ a sign at the gate, saying “Greet your child with a

11、 smile, not a mobile”.A. put up B. put off C. put on23.(2019湖南湘西)一Tony,its cold outside. _ your coat when you go out.一All right,Mom.A. Put up B. Put off C. Put on24.(2019山东日照)The traveler _ his map to make sure he was not lost.A. looked after B. looked up C. looked for D. looked down25.(2019黑龙江哈尔滨)-

12、Some students dont know how to_ worries. -They can ask their teachers and parents for help.A. belong to B. deal with C. call in26.(2019河南)I asked my father to _ me _ at the school gate at 6:30 so that we could visit Grandma together.A. pick; up B. turn; down C. let; down D. cheer; up27.(2019江苏南通)Som

13、e jazz musicians are great because they can _ music while playing.A. put up B. set up C. take up D. make up28.(2019湖南岳阳)The volunteers _ the sick kids in the hospital on weekends.A. look after B. look for C. look through29.(2019吉林)We always _ our classroom every Friday afternoon.A. clean up B. put u

14、p C. use up30.(2019山东东营)Elder brother: Which is much braver, the sun or the moon, Tom?Younger brother: Of course the moon. Because it isnt_ the dark.A. harmful to B. afraid of C. sure about D. thirty for31.(2019山东东营)Could we _ the arriving time for school to 8:00 am, Mr. Li?You mean 7:30 is a little

15、 earlier? Lets discuss it with the headmaster.A. find out B. give up C. put off D. cut out32.(2019山东东营)Im going to learn some basic life skills, like cooking, washing clothes and tidying the rooms.So am I. We shouldnt always_ our parents.A. look after B. depend on C. take pride in D. get on with33.(2019广西河池)Zhang Lan usually looks after h



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