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1、 英语试题 ( 基础模块上9-11单元) 姓名_一. 单词拼写: 1. 驾驶 2.ancient 3. 友谊 4. funny 5.道歉 6.pardon 7. 意思 8.smart 9.拖、拉 10. story 11.足,英尺 12. beside 13. 精神,情绪 14. once 15. 原谅 二. 短语翻译: 1. 顺便问一下 2.in anger 3. 在.起作用 4.make friends 5. 听- 6.get on with 7. 尽快地 8.lose ones temper 9. .擅长 10.keep silent 三 用所给汉语完成句子。1. We _(渴望)Lea

2、rn English well.2. I am _(寻找) my homework_(尽快)3. Tom born in Dalian _(擅长)swimming4. Even if he was Very tired he didnt_(放弃)5. We are still students now. We have to (依靠)our parents.四介词填空。1. We often go to America _air 2. My pen is just the same _yours 3. This song reminds me _my home town 4. None of

3、the student agree _you 5. I went to park _my parents last weekend五、完形填空。One day after _1_ for a long time, I wanted to have a rest. So I _2_my car at one side of a road. I _3_my eyes and covered a newspaper on my face. When I was almost _4_,someone knocked at my car window. I opened my eyes and saw

4、an old lady.”_5_,but can you tell me the way to the post office?” I told her the way, and then went on sleeping. A few minutes _6_,another person knocked at my car window, asking _7_question. I had to tell him the way. I thought that _8_I could not have a sleep. So I put a piece of paper on the car

5、window, _9_says, “I dont know the way to the post office,” I believed that no one would knock at my window. But to my _10_, only a few minutes later, the third man came, “I think I can tell you the way to the post office.”( ) 1.A. sleeping B. driving C. walking D. reading( )2.A. stopped B. brought C

6、. took D. carried( )3.A. opened B turned off C closed D turned on ( ) 4.A. sleep B. Sleeping C. asleep D. slept( )5. A. Hello B. How do you do C .How are you D.Excuse me( ) 6.A. before B. ago C. after D. later ( ) 7.A. the same B. same C. a same D. an some ( ) 8.A. in this way B. on that way C. by t

7、he way D. on my way ( ) 9.A. what B. which C. that D. /( ) 10.A. pleasure B. surprise C. pleased D. surprised六阅读理解 Reading newspaper has become an important part of our life. Many people begin reading the papers. In this way they learnt what is going on in the world. Sometimes,however, they do not h

8、ave time to read the news carefully, so they just take a quick look at the front page; at other times they may be in such a hurry that have time only to look at the headlines. There are newspaper to meet the need of every reader. In big cities there are many kinds of paper. In small towns there are

9、fewer newspapers. In some places the paper is published once a week. Today, as a group, English language newspaper enjoy the largest number of readers with the development(发展) of the world.( )1.Many people as the first thing every morning.A. read newspaper B. watch the TV newsC. listen to the radio

10、D. listen to the news on the radio ( )2.When people are busy, they A. Do not read newspapers B.still read newspapers carefully C.only look at the front page of the paper carefully D.either take a quick look at the front page of the paper or only look at the headline( )3.Which of the following is rig

11、ht?A.There are different kinds of newspapers to meet peoples needB.There are more papers in small towns than in big cities.C.In some place papers are published every two weeks.D.The most important news is not on the front page.( )4. enjoy the largest number of readers.A.Newspapers in Chinese B.Newsp

12、apers in English C.Newspapers in German D.Newspapers in French( )5. Some new newspapers will be published in the years to come”Means A.more newspapers will be published next year.B.more new kinds of papers will be read in the coming yearC.a great number of new newspapers will be seen in the futureD.some new newspapers will be sent in the future.7. 书面表达。 学校的英语角准备本周六去八达岭旅游,请你以学生会的名义写一个通知。(Notice)内容:1今天的日期是九月四号。 2.参加活动的同学要求全程都要讲英语。 3.周六早上准时从学校的西门出发,请做好准备。 4.详情询问46800341.



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