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1、(4)Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments.范文:This cartoon displays a scenario that might arouse the memory of our childhood times. A group of children

2、is watching TV news about the successful launch of the Shenzhou-6 spaceship, which is a great symbol of our national strength and scientific competency. The children are so encouraged by this big event that they are determined to dedicate themselves to science after growing up. As is conveyed by the

3、 picture, it is of great significance to implant in the minds of future generations positive ideals and pursuits. However, it is not difficult for us to perceive that in todays society, a considerable number of children are greatly affected by negative influences especially from the entertainment fi

4、eld. Hence, they regard superficial fame and dazzling appearance as the signs of success instead of unknowndiligence. It goes without saying that such a trend might undermine childrens future careera and development.Consequently, the whole society should bear the accountability to help the next gene

5、ration shape a wholesome outlook of life and great dreams. It is of benefit for children themselves to work hard to fulfill their dreams, and contributes to our country in general by yielding more talents devoted to science and technology. 译文:这幅漫画展现的场景可能会唤起我们对于童年时代的记忆。一些孩子正在观看电视上播出的神州六号上天这则新闻,这一事件是我


7、ncy : n. 实力,能力implant : v. 灌输,植入affect : v. 影响dazzling : adj. 耀眼的,眼花缭乱的diligence : n. 勤奋accountability : n. 责任fulfill : v. 实践,实现万能句型:This cartoon displays a scenario that might arouseAs is conveyed by the picture, it is of great significance toHowever, it is not difficult for us to perceive thatCons

8、equently, the whole society should bear the accountability to(5) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.团结范文:

9、The scene in this picture is very inspiring. Members of a football team stand shoulder to shoulder ahead of an upcoming game. They place their arms around each other, a display of mutual support. Though not seeing their faces, we can feel their strong sense of solidarity. As an activity that require

10、s teamwork and cooperation, football places the spirit of solidarity in the highest position. Admittedly, a couple of talented and skilled players can contribute vastly to a football teams victory. However, a continuously satisfactory performance relies not on individual excellence, but on how each

11、member regards himself as part of a whole union, and how well they collaborate. Exactly speaking, it is this spirit that makes football one of the most popular sports around the world. It composes the games essence, endowing it with elements that allow it to attract heated enthusiasm and devotion. F

12、ootball also inspires people to apply the spirit of solidarity in daily life and work. This spirit can be extened to the hisorical truth that the rise and fall of a nation depends on how citizens are united by one heart. When people strive collectively for their nation, the country is bound to step

13、towards prosperity.译文: 这是一个非常鼓舞人心的情景。一个足球队的成员们肩并肩地站在一起迎接一场新的比赛。他们把手搭在其他人的后背上,象征着对彼此的支持和鼓励。尽管我们不能看到他们的脸,但却可以强烈地感受到他们的团结。 作为一种要求团队合作的活动,足球比赛把团结精神放在一个很高的位置。诚然,几个球技很高的球员会为球队的胜利做出非常大的贡献。但是球队持续令人满意的表现却不是取决于个人的优秀程度,而是每一个成员如何把自己看成是一个整体的一部分,如何完美地合作。确切地说,正是这种精神使得足球比赛成为了风靡世界的一项运动。这种精神是该运动的精髓,使它具有了吸引人们疯狂和热爱的特质。

14、 从更广泛意义上来说,足球比赛也激励了人们把团结精神运用到日常的生活和工作中。这种精神同样也证明了一个历史真理,即一个国家的兴旺取决于该国的人民是否团结一条心。当人们为他们的国家共同奋斗的时候,这个国家一定会走向繁荣和兴旺。闪光词汇及词组:shoulder to shoulder: 肩并肩upcoming: adj. 即将来临的solidarity: n. 团结teamwork: n. 团队协作excellence: n. 优秀,卓越collaborate: v. 合作compose: v. 组成essence: n. 基本,本质endow: v. 赠与,给与inspire: v. 激发,鼓舞

15、the rise and fall of a nation: 国家兴亡collectively: adv. 全体地,共同地be bound to: 一定万能句型:The scene in this picture is very inspiring.Exactly speaking, it is that(6) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its inte

16、nded meaning, and then 3) give your comments.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文: This cartoon displays a very soothing scene. An old lady bought some stuff from a convenience store, and just at the moment when she was about to leave, the store keeper ran out to her because she had paid an extra two yuan. Th



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