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1、Notice youwillhaveadayofftomorrow That isimpossible Ifitwerepossible whatwouldyoudo Iwish Iwereabirdandcouldflyintheskyandviewthewholecity Shewouldbemygirlfriend Sheissonice looking Iwish Iwish IIhadstudiedharder Ihadpassedtheexam IfIhadalotofmoney Iwould Ifhe morecarefully He thecaraccidentyesterda

2、y wouldnothavehad haddriven TheSubjunctiveMood 虚拟语气 Iwish HowIwish Ifonly 可惜 要是 就好了 悔不该 但愿 1 Iwishit 整年四季如春 2 HowIwishyou go withusnexttime 3 Ifonlywearrivedtheretwohoursearlier 4 Youhaven tbeentoBeijing haveyou HowIwishtogothere NMET99 A Yes Ihave B Yes Ihaven t C No Ihave D No Ihaven t 现在 did were

3、 将来 could would shoulddo 过去 haddone werespringalltheyearround couldgo had 二 虚拟语气在asif asthough evenif eventhough 等引导的从句中 1 Shestaredatherhusbandasifhe 他是一个陌生人 2 Hetalksasifhe theworkhimself butinfactTomandIdidmostofit A haddoneB didC woulddoD wouldhavedone3 Evenifhe be here hecouldnotsolvetheproblem

4、 wereastranger were 三 if条件状语从句if从句主句现在didwould should could might 动原将来同上过去haddonewould should could might havedone did should 动原 wereto 动原 1 要是我哥哥在这儿 一切都没有问题了 2 昨晚如果有时间 我就会来看你的 Ifmybrotherwerehere everythingwouldbeallright IfIhadhadtimelastnight Iwouldhavecometoseeyou Translation 3 Itishardformetoim

5、aginewhatIwouldbedoingtodayifI inlove attheageof17 withherinmyhometown A wouldn thavefallenB hadn tfallenC shouldfallD weretofall If条件句的注意点 1 当条件状语从句表示的行为与主句所发生的时间不一致时 被称为 错综时间条件句 注意主从句的时态 1 如果他早点出发 他现在已到家了 Ifhe earlier he homenow 2 Youwouldbemuchbetternowifyouhadtakenmyadvice 2 If从句中若含有should had或者

6、were 那么就省略if 用 Were Had Should 主语 IfIwereyou WereIyou Iwouldworkharder Hadyoubeenhereearlier youwouldhaveseenhim hadsetout wouldbe 假如你接受了我的意见 你现在就会好得多 Shewasamiddle agedwoman Onewhohadbornesixchildrenandburiedthree Shewasatallwoman standingaheadhigherthanherfierylittlehusband Shewouldhavebeenastriki

7、nglybeautifulwomanhadtherebeenanyglowinhereyes anywarmthinhersmileoranyspontaneity 自然 inhervoicethatfellwithgentlemelody 音律 ontheearsofherfamilyandherservants ShespokeinthesoftvoiceofthecoastalGeorgian withfewmarksofFrenchaccent TakenfromGoneWiththeWind Whichofthefollowingstatementsaboutthewomanisno

8、ttrue Shewastallerthanherhusband Shewasabeautifulwomanwithaglowofhappinessinhereyes ShespokeinasoftvoicehardlywithaFrenchaccent Threeofhersonsdiedveryearly Reading 3 有时用butfor 要是没有 的话 without suppose otherwise or等代替if虚拟条件状语从句 含蓄条件句 2 Whatwouldourlifebelikeiftherewerenoairorwater 3 We finish theworka

9、headoftimebutforyourhelp Whatwouldourlifebelike airorwater 1 Heinformedmeofyourbirthday orIwouldhaveforgottenit If Iwouldhaveforgottenit hehadn tinformedmeofyourbirthday without couldn thavefinished 四 A 表示要求 建议 命令等名词性从句中 从句用 should 动词原形 Idropcars insist demand request require recommendorder propose

10、command advise suggest 1 Iinsistedthattheslaves set free 2 Theordercamethateverybody fight againstbirdflu 3 Itissuggestedthathe watch toomuchTV 4 Hisadviceisthatshe theproblematonce 比较 Hiswordssuggested thathewasveryangry Heinsisted thatIdroveatthespeedof80kmperhour 暗示 表明 坚持说 B It snecessary natural

11、 important strange surprising better apity nowonder that 主语 should 动词原形 beset fight notwatch solve 五 It s high about time that sbdidsth wouldrather that sb didsth 表示与现在 将来的事实相反be用were haddonesth 表示与过去的事实相反 It stimewewenthome Iwouldratheryoucametomorrow Iwouldratheryouhadn tseenthefilmlastnight 六 情态动

12、词 havedone should oughtto could might not needn thavedone 一 should 动词原形 A suggest等引导的名词性从句 B Itis adj n that从句 二 从句用过去时 It s high about timethatsbdidsth 三 根据所表示的事实的时间来判断 A wouldrather从句 B Iwish ifonly C asif从句 D if条件句 四 其它 情态动词 havedone 2 动词原形包括主 被动式 didsth 与现在 将来的事实相反 haddonesth 与过去的事实相反 2 did were

13、现在haddone过去would could should do 与将来的事实相反 3 省if倒装 错综条件句 用butfor等词替代 1 注意suggest insist的词义 Listening Revision Lesson Audition practice R L A P 1 WhendidJohnleave A before6 00 B After6 00 C At6 00 Revision Lesson Audition practice R L A P 2 Whichofthefollowingistrue A Wewentforapicnic B Wedidnotgofora

14、picnic C Theweatherwasfine Revision Lesson Audition practice R L A P 3 Whatdoesthemanmean A HecanrunfasterthanTonyinspiteofhisage B HecouldrunfasterthanTonywhenhewasTony sage C Tonycouldhaveruneverfaster Revision Lesson Audition practice R L A P 4 Whatisthewoman scommentontheman spaper A Somepartsof

15、thepaperarenotwellwritten BThehandwritingofthepaperisnotgood C Thepaperisnotcomplete Revision Lesson Audition practice R L A P 5 whatdoesthewomanthinkofPhysics A interestingB notinterestingC neitherAnorB 英语是一门全世界广泛应用的语言 我们掌握好英语是很有必要的 我希望英语能学得象母语一样好 但这看起来似乎是不可能的 你知道吗 我本来可以学好英语的 因为有人曾建议我每天背单词 背范文 poss

16、ibleversion 重视语法等等 但现在是我后悔的时候了 我想我要是当初听了这些建议的话 现在我的英语一定是很不错了 要是没有英语该多好啊 如果没有英语 每天我会更快乐 Englishiswidelyusedintheworld Itisnecessarythatseniorstudentsmasteritwell IwishEnglishwouldbelearntaswellasourmothertongue Butitlooksasifitisn tpossible Doyouknow IcouldhavelearntEnglishwell BecauseitwassuggestedthatIrecitewordsandpossibleversions paymoreattentiontogrammarandsoon Butnowit stimethatIregrettedit IthinkifIhadfollowedthesesuggestions myEnglishwouldbeverywonderfulnow IfonlytherewerenoEnglish Withou



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