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1、 英语教学课件系列 Go for it 七年级下册 Unit7It sraining SectionB Let ssingasong sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy Whatdotheymean A How stheweather B It s raining rainy sunny cloudy snowing snowy windy A What stheweatherlike How stheweather What stheweatherlike Watchandlearn dry humid wet foggy A Howistheweatherin W

2、hat stheweatherlikein B It ssunny rainy windy cloudy humid Howistheweather cold cool warm 100 coldcoolwarmhot hot Howistheweatherin Whatistheweatherlikein sunny andwarm暖和的 hot热的 cloudy andcool凉爽的 It swindy andcool raining rainy andhumid潮湿的 snowing snowy andcold寒冷的 How stheweatherinspring It sraining

3、 humid warm How stheweatherinsummer It ssunny hot hot hot What stheweatherlikeinautumn It scool cool cool What stheweatherlikeinwinter It ssnowy cold cold cold Chant 今天你要和同学去公园 和妈妈商量要穿什么衣服 A It s CanIwearmy B Yes youcan No youcan t Pairwork 1a Matchthewordswiththepictures 1 dry3 cool5 hot2 cold4 war

4、m a b c d e d a e b c 1b Askandanswerquestionsabouttheweatherinthepicturesin1a How sitgoing whatareyoudoing How stheweather Mary Eric great notbad 1c ListenandwritewhatMaryandEricanswerto How sitgoing 1d Listenagain Writetheanswersto Whatareyoudoing and How stheweather How sitgoing whatareyoudoing H

5、ow stheweather Mary Eric great notbad I mvisitingmygrandmother I mhavingaparty hot dry sunny terrible cold raining 1e Role playaconversationbetweenMaryandEric 2a Talkaboutthepicturesbelowwithapartner How stheweather Whatarethepeopledoing How stheweather It swarmandsunny Whatisthepeopledoing Sheissit

6、tingbythepoolanddrinkingorangejuice How stheweather It scoolandcloudy Whatisthepeopledoing Theyareclimbingthemountain How stheweather It sraining Whatisthepeopledoing Sheiswritingaletterinherroom 2b Matcheachpostcardbelowwiththecorrectpicturein2a DearJane How sitgoing I mhavingagreattimevisitingmyau

7、ntinCanada She sworkinghereandI mgoingtosummerschool I mstudyingEnglishandI mlearningalot I malsovisitingsomeofmyoldfriends I msohappytoseethemagain It safternoonrightnow andI msittingbythepoolanddrinkingorangejuice It swarmandsunny andit sveryrelaxinghere Seeyousoon SuLin ToJane DearJane Howisyours

8、ummervacationgoing Areyoustudyinghard orareyouhavingagreattimeinEurope MyfamilyandIareonavacationinthemountains Iwanttocallyoubutmyphoneisn tworking soI mwritingtoyou It shotinyourcountrynow isn tit Theweatherhereiscoolandcloudy justrightforwalking Seeyounextmonth Dave ToJane 2c Fillinthechartwithin

9、formationfromthepostcardsin2b SuLin Dave Canada Europe warmandsunny coolandcloudy visitingheraunt studyingEnglish visitingoldfriends sittingbythepool walkinginthemountains writingtoJane DearXiaoLu It swinterinHarbin Theweatheris and Peoplearewearinghatsandsweaters butthey rehavingfun Friendsare Russ

10、iabreadtotakehome Inapark someboysare inthesnow Onegirlis onariverandamanis aphotoofasnowman Imissyou Kate snow windy buying playing skating taking 3a Fillintheblanks skatingbuyingplayingtakingsnowywindy 3b Imagineyouareonvacation Writenotesaboutyourvacation 3c Writeapostcardtoafriendaboutyourvacati

11、onandwhatyouaredoing Whereareyou What stheweatherlike Whatareyoudoingrightnow Whatareyourfriendsorfamilydoing Areyouhavingagoodtime Japan enjoytheflowers spring warm Hawaii 夏威夷 swim summer hot Canada watchleaves autumn cool America skiing winter cold LanguagePoints MyfamilyandIareonavacationinthemou

12、ntains 我和我的家人在山上度假 onavacation onvacation在度假 美国英语习惯用语 summervacation暑假wintervacation寒假holiday 假期 英国英语常用的词汇 一般是几天的休息 如各种节日或休假日 如 Onholidayssummerholidays vocation暑假 2 Iwanttocallyoubutmyphoneisn tworking soI mwritingtoyou 我想给你打电话 但是我的电话坏了 所以我写明信片给你 1 这里的work用来表示仪器 设备的 运行 工作 若是用于否定结构如isn twork 则表示某一件物

13、品 不工作了 或 坏掉了 如 Thebikeisn tworkingnow 自行车现在坏了 2 writeto表示 写信给某人 如 Myfriend Tom oftenwritestome 我的朋友Tom经常写信给我 3 It shotinyourcountrynow isn tit 你们的国家现在很热 对吗 这种的句子 在陈述句后面加一个简短的问句 用来对陈述部分内容进行确认 称为反意疑问句 例如 It sveryhottoday isn tit 今天天气很热 是不是 回答用 Yes itis 是的 很热 Amanistakingaphotoofasnowman 一个男人正在给雪人照相 ta

14、kephotos 照相 takeaphotoofsb sth给某人某物照相 如 Pleasetakeaphotoofmybaby 请给我的孩子照一张相吧 ExerciseLucy Chinaismyfriend 来自中国的露西是我的朋友 A isfromB fromC doesfromD comesfromTheboy write isDave 正在写字的孩子是大卫 B writing Thereisagreatdealofevidence thatmusicactivitiesengagedifferentpartsofthebrain 2009浙江 A indicateB indicati

15、ngC toindicateD tobeindicatingAtthebeginningofclass thenoiseofthedesks couldbeheardoutsidetheclassroom 2007全国 A openedandclosedB tobeopenedandclosedC beingopenedandclosedD toopenandclose B C 5 Theylookcool 他们看起来很酷 look 看起来 是一个连系动词 后只能接形容词作表语 如 Theylookveryhappy 他们看起来很高兴 Lindalooksyoung 琳达看起来很小 学过的连系

16、动词还有 be动词 sound 听起来 Thatsoundsgood 那听起来不错 6 Iamsurprisedthattheycanplayinthisheat 我很惊讶他们能在这么热的天玩 1 besurprised后可接 句子 atsth todosth都表示 对 感到惊奇 如 Iamsurprisedheisapoliceman 我很惊奇他是一位警察 Heissurprisedatyou 他对你的行为感到惊讶 Wearesurprisedtomeethimonthestreet 我们很惊讶在街上遇到了他 toone ssurprise令某人惊奇的是 如 Tomysurprise heiscoming 令我惊奇的是 他居然来了 2 inthisheat 在这种热度下 注意用介词 in 7 Thepeoplearereallyveryrelaxed 人们真的很放松 berelaxed 放松 轻松 常用人作主语 如 Aftertheweekends weareallrelaxed 经过一个周末 我们全都很轻松 8 scarf 围巾 复数为 scarfs或scarves 9 Butev



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