2013年高考英语 作文写作指南《如何写好高考作文描写文》.doc

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1、高考备考:如何写好高考作文描写文2013年高考在即,高考作文都是重头戏,如何写高考英语作文描写文,这里用几篇范文讲解描绘人物、地点、物品或场景以及描述对象的细节,供大家学习参考。描写文就是用语言文字来描绘人物、地点、物品或场景。描写文一般通过表现感觉的细节展开,描述人们通过五官所得到的印象与感受。写描写文时要精心挑选能体现所描绘对象的突出特征的细节,使人读后能抓住其主要特征,如见其人,如见其物,如临其境。请看下面的例子:1.描写地点我们的寝室题材以“Our Bedroom”为题写一篇不少于120词的短文,介绍一下你寝室的位置和内部陈设。范文Our BedroomOur bedroom, sha

2、red by 4 students, is on the second floor of No.3 Students Dormitory Building. It is a small room,about 15 square meters, and with white ceiling and green walls. As you enter the room, straight ahead you will see two large windows. Under the left window is my bed, which is covered with a blue sheet.

3、 Above mine is Xiaodongs bed. Chen Weis bed is under the right window, and Zhang Lu lives above him. In the middle of the room, there are two desks and four chairs. A lamp is hung in the middle of the ceiling. Behind the door, there is a built-in closet, where we put our belongings.注释No.3 Students D

4、ormitory Building 学生第三宿舍楼a built-in closet 墙柜评析本文先介绍了寝室的位置,接着按空间顺序由上至下、由左至右、由外及里描述了寝室的布局,结构清晰,语言平实、简洁。我们的学校题材下图为北京101中学平面图(diagram),请将此图用英语作具体说明(词数60-80),以便向参观者介绍该中学的校园风貌。A.学校大门 B.图书馆 C.花池 D.实验楼 E.教学楼(四层,两头为教师办公室) F.食堂 G.操场(校园四周均为树木)范文Our SchoolLadies and Gentlemen,This is the diagram of Beijing No.

5、101 Middle School. It is 720 meters long and 480 meters wide. Its gate faces south. In the middle of the school stands the four-storeyed teaching building with teaching offices at both ends. In front of it lies a flower garden. On the left of it is the school library building, and on the right, the

6、lab building. There is a large playground behind the teaching building. Beside the playground is the dining house. Trees are planted all around the school. How beautiful the school looks! Welcome to visit our school.评析本文按一定的空间顺序,即由整体到部分,由左至右,由前至后地介绍了学校的布局。文中方位词及倒装句的运用使上下文有机地衔接起来。全文行文连贯,表达清楚。2.描写人物表哥

7、我的榜样题材我表哥是一个勤奋而细心的学生。他立志长大后当一名科学家。为此,他刻苦学习数理化和英语。他以伽俐略为榜样,仔细观察周围的事物。为证实自己的某些想法,他总是反复做实验。他经常失败,但从不失去信心。根据以上所给内容,写一篇词数为100左右的英语短文。范文A Good Example to Me-My CousinMy cousin is a very diligent and careful student. He has made up his mind to become a scientist when he grows up. In order to realize his wi

8、shes, he works hard at maths, physics and chemistry. At the same time he studies English hard. Following the example set by Galileo, he observes everything around him carefully. He likes doing experiments and drawing conclusions from them. He never takes anything for granted. He always does experime

9、nts again and again so that he can prove his ideas. He has a lot of failures in his experiments, but he is never discouraged.明亮的灯光题材根据下列提示写一篇短文,题目自拟,词数120左右。1.每晚我路过我家邻居门前都能看到明亮的灯光;2.一次我遇到了邻居家的女儿,得知她是一位高考落榜考生,每天,她都在灯下学习到很晚;3.又一次与她相遇,她告诉我即使她考不上大学,也不放弃学习,这给了我启示。范文The Bright LightEvery night when I pass

10、ed by my neighbours room, I could always see the bright light through the window. Late in the night, the light looked especially bright.One night I happened to visit my neighbour. It was almost eleven oclock. When I entered the room, a thin girl was studying, She was very diligent but failed in the

11、college entrance examination last year.One day we met again and I asked her, If I fail in the examination, what shall I do?Dont think too much of it, she encouraged me. You know I failed last year. But I want to try again. If I fail this time, I wont give up. Her words shone in my mind like the brig

12、ht light in her window.评析本文的优点有三:一是文章题目新颖,有一语双关之意,它既明示出邻居家的女孩坚忍不拔的精神,同时也暗喻了她对我的启示如同一盏明亮的灯。二是文章首尾呼应,开头是实在的灯光,结尾是以灯光作了比喻。三是运用了直接引语,文章更具感染力。新东方高考备考:如何写好高考作文描写文分享到:栏目关注:高考语数英联报暑假住宿班(文)高考语数英联报暑假住宿班(理)大学听说读写拔高二级精品40人走读班摘要:2013年高考在,高考作文都是重头戏,如何写高考英语作文描写文,新东方老师拿几篇范文讲解描绘人物、地点、物品或场景以及描述对象的细节,供大家学习参考,更多内容请关注新东

13、方网高考频道。我们的班长题材请你根据下述内容,以“Our Monitor”为题,用英文写一篇短文(词数为80140)。在班上李明个儿最高。他为人正直,乐于助人,我们选他当了班长。几个月前,我因病耽误了两周的课,他帮助我补上。他擅长数学和物理。数学竞赛他得了第一名。他也爱英语,演剧时,教师和同学都认为他发音最好。他爱踢足球,比赛时他跑得很快。李明是值得我学习的人。范文Our MonitorIf you come among us, you will easily know who Li Ming is. He is the tallest boy in our class. He is hone

14、st and always ready to help others. Thats why we made him monitor.Several months ago, I was ill. I didnt go to school for two weeks. I was afraid I couldnt catch up with others. Then Li Ming came to help me. He explained the difficult points of the text to me and encouraged me. With his help I caugh

15、t up with my classmates at last.Li Ming is good at maths and physics. Last term he won the first prize in the maths contest. He is fond of English, too. Once he played a part in a short English play. Both the teachers and students considered Li Mings pronunciation to be the best of all.Li Ming likes to play football. In matches he runs fast. And at that time we all shout: Excellent, Li Ming!Li Ming is a worthy person for me to learn from.评析作者从以下三方面写李明:一是李明对我的帮助;二是李明学习优异;三是李明擅长体育。本章以众多的素材围绕一个


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