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1、融安县2019年秋季学期期中质量检测九年级英语听力材料及参考答案第一节 听音辨图。听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。1. I want to be a soldier when I grow up.2. We are not allowed to take photos in the museum.3. I have been to the Great Wall twice. 4. I like physics because it is very interesting.第二节 情景反应。听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。5. Have you ever be

2、en to Nanning?6. Dont be late for school again, Kate!7. How soon will your father be back?8. Hello! May I speak to Alice, please?9.My family is going to Beijing tomorrow.10.I think natural wonders are more exciting than man-made ones.第3节 对话理解听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。11. W: How do you like the bik

3、e? M: I think its not bad. The other one looks much better. Q: What does the man think of the bike?12. W: I think youve made a mistake. I am not a doctor. I dont work here. M: Oh, Im so sorry. Q: Where are the speakers talking?13. W: How do you usually go to school, Tony? M: I usually go to school b

4、y bike. But I walked to school this morning because my bike was broken . Q: How did Tony go to school this morning?14. W:Tom, What time is it now? M: Its ten to nine . Be quick! Our train will leave in thirty minutes. Q: When will the train leave?15. W: Whats your favourite subject, Tony? M: My favo

5、urite subject is English, but my brother Mike likes history best. Q: Whats Mikes favourite subject?第四节 语篇理解 听一篇短文,完成第26至第30小题。短文读三遍。Attention, please. I have something important to say. We will visit the Science Museum this Sunday. Here are some rules that we have to follow. First, dont shout in the

6、 museum. If you shout, the workers in the museum will ask you to leave. Next, you mustnt take photos in the museum. Because its bad for the paintings. But you can take a pen and a notebook to write down some important information. And please follow the guide and dont leave without the teachers. Fina

7、lly, keep the museum clean and tidy while visiting. By the way, call 8357416 if you have any more questions. I hope we will have a good time there. Thats all. Thank you.参考答案一、1-5: CABDA 6-10:ACBBC 11-15:AAACB 16-20:BABCB 二、 21-25:CBBAB 26-30:CBBBA三、 31-35: CACBB 36-40:CBAAC 四、41-45: ABABB 46-50: CCB

8、AB 51-55:DCEAF 五、56-60: DFEAB六、61. useful 62. Chemistry 63. twentieth 64. control 65.Whatever 66. looking 67. building 68. go 69. more 70. at七、71. What beautiful flowers they are!72. Your train is about to leave.73. It is not as important as homework.74. The box is so heavy that I cant carry it.75.

9、Betty hasnt decided where to go on vacation yet.评分要求1.全句无任何错误1分。2.主语、谓语位置摆放正确,0.5分。其它错误(包括拼写、大小写、句子成分位置摆放错误)每处扣0.5分。3.主语、谓语位置摆放错误,其它成分摆放正确,0.5分。4.全句句子成分摆放混乱,与中文意思不相符,0分。八、参考范文: Zhang Ming is my good friend. Since he entered Grade Nine, he has changed a lot in English learning. In the past, Zhang Min

10、g wasnt interested in English. He often slept in English class and he often didnt finish his English homework. So his English was very bad, and he wanted to give it up. Now, Zhang Ming studies English very hard because he wants to study in a senior high school. In English class, he listens to the te

11、acher and takes some notes carefully. He practices reading English words and recites words every day. He finishes his English homework carefully and he does a lot of exercises in his free time. He often asks teachers for help when he has problem. Zhang Ming thinks if you study hard, English will be easy for you. I hope his English will be better and better.评分要求第一档(14-15分) 所写内容包括表格内所提供的所有信息,虽有少许错误,但语句通顺,表达流畅,卷面整洁,数字达到要求。第二档(11-13分) 能写出大部分内容要点,有部分语法错误,但语句基本通顺,表达基本清楚,词数基本达到要求。 第三档(6-10分) 能写出部分内容要点,表达虽不连贯,但能看出基本意思。第四档(1-5分) 能写出少量与主题相关的单词或短语,看不出完整句子。第 3 页 (共 3 页)


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