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1、 精选文档 欢迎下载 LABOUR CONTRACT 劳劳 动动 合合 同同 Echo Network CO LTD 广州市众飞信息科技有限公司广州市众飞信息科技有限公司 ANDAND 与 人名人名 精选文档 欢迎下载 INDEXINDEX 目录目录 1 POSITION 由于发生自然灾害 事故或其它危及该员工生命 健康 财产及 安全的事件 必须采取紧急措施 b Urgent repair which must be carried out in case of breaking down of operation equipment communication transportation

2、and other facilities which will endanger COMPANY business or public interest 由于运营设备 通讯设备 运输设备及其它设备发生故障 危害 到本公司的业务或公共利益 必须进行紧急维修 c Continuous of the operation or business of the COMPANY which shall not be interrupted on stipulated holidays and rest days 由于无法因为法定休假和双休日而中断本公司持续开展的经营运 作或业务 d Overhaul an

3、d maintenance of the equipment which shall only be made on stipulated holidays and rest days and 只能在法定休假和双休日进行的设备检修与维护 e Emergency operation assignment concerning national defence 精选文档 欢迎下载 由于国防原因需要采取紧急措施 ARTICLEARTICLE 9 9 DISCIPLINEDISCIPLINE 第九条 劳动纪律第九条 劳动纪律 9 1Apart from the provisions of this C

4、ONTRACT the EMPLOYEE must respect all relevant laws and regulations of the People s Republic of China rules and regulations of the COMPANY and provisions of any relevant collective labour contract 除本合同所规定之条款外 该员工还须遵守中华人民共和国相关法 律法规 本公司制定的规章制度 以及其它劳动合同方面的相关规 定 9 2The EMPLOYEE must respect and execute

5、any and all formal instructions given to him her regarding the duties and responsibilities of his her tasks of work 该员工须遵守并执行一切与其工作职责有关的正式指令 9 3In cases of an offence gross misconduct and or any violation of labour discipline the COMPANY will normally carry out the following procedure 若该员工出现过错 严重过失及

6、 或其它违反劳动纪律的行为 本公 司一般依照以下程序对该员工进行处罚 1 Oral warning 口头警告 2 First written warning 第一次书面警告 3 Final written warning 第二次书面警告 4 Dismissal 开除 9 4However the COMPANY reserves the right to omit any of these stages as the case may be 然而 本公司有权根据实际情况对上述某些步骤进行调整 9 5The EMPLOYEE has the right to appeal against wri

7、tten warnings or dismissal to the Labour Dispute Committee if any 该员工有权针对其受到的书面警告或开除决定向劳动争议委员会提 出申诉 如需 精选文档 欢迎下载 ARTICLEARTICLE 10 10 SICKNESSSICKNESS and 本公司无须向该员工支付本合同第 5 条规定的年终奖金 b The EMPLOYEE shall refund to the COMPANY all the expenses and costs for the training provided to the EMPLOYEE accord

8、ing to Article 7 hereto 该员工应按照本合同第 7 条的规定退还本公司为其提供培训投入 的所有费用 ARTICLEARTICLE 18 18 AMENDMENTAMENDMENT OFOF THETHE CONTRACTCONTRACT 精选文档 欢迎下载 第十八章 合同修订第十八章 合同修订 18 1This CONTRACT may be revised upon agreement of both PARTIES Any amendment to this CONTRACT shall come into force only after a written agr

9、eement has been signed by both PARTIES 本合同经合同双方同意可作修订 本合同任何修订内容须经合同双 方签署书面协议后方能生效 ARTICLEARTICLE 19 19 APPLICABLEAPPLICABLE LAWLAW 第十九条 适用法律第十九条 适用法律 19 1The formation validity and performance of this CONTRACT and disputes thereon shall be governed by the laws of the People s Republic of China 本合同的格

10、式 有效期 履行 以及对本合同的争议应遵照中华人 民共和国法律法规执行 ARTICLEARTICLE 20 20 SETTLEMENTSETTLEMENT OFOF DISPUTESDISPUTES 第二十条 争议的处理及解决第二十条 争议的处理及解决 20 1Any disputes arising from the performance of or in connection with this CONTRACT shall be settled through friendly consultations between the PARTIES 任何因履行本合同或由本合同相关事宜引发的

11、争议 应由合同双方 友好协商解决 20 2In case no settlement can be reached through consultations the PARTIES can apply for mediation to the labour dispute conciliation committee established by the COMPANY if any 若无法协商解决 合同双方可根据需要向本公司组建的劳动争议管 理委员会申请调解 精选文档 欢迎下载 20 3If mediation can not be reached the PARTIES may appl

12、y to arbitration to the relevant labour dispute arbitration committee 若无法实现调解 合同双方可向相关劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁 If a PARTY disagrees with the arbitrage award rendered by such committee this PARTY may file a suit in the Guangzhou Tianhe District People s Court within fifteen 15 days of being notified the said ar

13、bitrage award 若合同任何一方对上述劳动争议仲裁委员会给予的仲裁结果持有异 议 该合同方可于接到仲裁结果后十五日内向广州市天河区人民法 院提起诉讼 ARTICLEARTICLE 21 21 MISCELLANEOUSMISCELLANEOUS 第二十一条 其它事宜第二十一条 其它事宜 21 1 This CONTRACT shall be written in Chinese and English versions In a case of discrepancy of interpretation between the Chinese and English versions

14、 the Chinese version shall prevail 本合同以中 英文两种语言书写 若出现中 英文翻译上的差异 以中文为准 21 2 This CONTRACT is signed in three originals 本合同一式三份 SignedSigned andand oror choppedchopped byby thethe followingfollowing PARTIESPARTIES onon th th 20 20 合同双方于 年 月 日签署本合同并盖章 广州市众飞信息科技有限公司 Echo Network Co Ltd 20 年 月 日 20 年 月 日 精选文档 欢迎下载 欢迎您下载我们的文档 后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 精选文档 欢迎下载 致力于合同简历 论文写作 PPT 设计 计划书 策划案 学习课件 各 类模板等方方面面 打造全网一站式需求 Ppt 课件制作设计 word 文档制作 图文设计制作 发布广告等 秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户 做到让客户满意 精选文档 欢迎下载 感谢您下载我们文档


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