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1、up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual target task, ensure social overall harmony stable. T

2、hree, compacting the main responsibilities and strengthen the two leadership of educational organizations do a good job two education without a strong organization and leadership. Party construction of party organizations at all levels should firmly establish the main consciousness, grasping party b

3、uilding as the first responsibility, strengthen leadership, demonstrable, scientific to ensure solid education effectively. First, the layers of responsibility. Party committees (leading party group) to study education as a major political task, primary responsibility for effective implementation, s

4、trengthen leadership, carefully guiding the Steering, do a good job overall, study and solve problems in a timely manner. Progress evaluation by the grass-roots party building this year, to study education as the primary evaluation organizations, poor organization, the problems are many, to criticiz

5、e, to accountability. Main is responsible for comrade to consciously bear up first responsibility people duties, not only to tube good cadres, and with good team, also to tube good members, and with good team, both first examples, lead participate in learning education, and by Qian command, input en

6、ough of time and energy, strengthened Guide and checks role, on work programme personally validation, on important task personally deployment, on exists problem timely solution, throughout put responsibility carry in shoulder Shang, improper shuaishouzhanggui. The County party Committee and municipa

7、l party Committee municipal workers, Various enterprises and institutions, Commission, party committees and departments in charge of industry practice, develop specific implementation plan, organizing special forces responsible for educational work to strengthen this unit to the system study and edu

8、cation in the region specific guidance. Organization departments, as the lead department, to strengthen the planning, organization, coordination and guidance, good design, decomposition, each key action to implement. Carry out study and education, to rely on strict doc real guide, pressure conveying

9、 layer upon layer, step by step, compaction of responsibility. In steering the Steering must prevent formalism, catch the way the thinking of prevention activities, study and education, preventing routine aside, prevent simple, doing as much as meeting notes to judge the educational results. To take

10、 reports, customized research, attending the meeting, random spot checks, briefings and other means, to focus the push Guide to grassroots, on the party branch, in-depth understanding of education and actual effect, sum up fresh experience to promote grass roots, to detect and correct the signs of p

11、roblems. Public information包装覆膜工艺的分类覆膜是将涂布黏合剂后的塑料薄膜,与纸质印刷品经加热、加压后黏合在一起,形成纸塑合一的产品,它是目前常见的纸质印刷品印后加工工艺之一。经过覆膜的印刷品,由于表面多了一层薄而透明的塑料薄膜,表面更加平滑光亮,不但提高了印刷品的光泽度和牢度,延长了印刷品的使用寿命,同时塑料薄膜又起到防水、防污、耐磨、耐折、耐化学腐蚀等保护作用。如果采用透明亮光薄膜覆膜,覆膜产品的印刷图文颜色更鲜艳,富有立体感,特别适合绿色食品等商品的包装,能够引起人们的食欲和消费欲望。如果采用亚光薄膜覆膜,覆膜产品会给消费者带来一种高贵、典雅的感觉。因此,覆膜


13、刷品具有高强度、高品位,易回收等特点密不可分。目前,该覆膜工艺越来越受到国内包装厂商的青睐,已经广泛用于礼品盒和手提袋之类的包装。预涂覆膜法是覆膜厂家直接购买预先涂布有黏合剂的塑料薄膜,在需要覆膜时,将该薄膜与纸质印刷品一起在覆膜设备上进行热压,完成覆膜过程。预涂覆膜工艺始于上个世纪90年代。通过专用设备将热熔胶或低温树脂按照设计定量均匀地涂布在薄膜基材上,得到的就是预涂膜。预涂覆膜法省去了黏合剂的调配、涂布以及烘干等工艺环节,整个覆膜过程可以在几秒钟内完成,对环境不会产生污染,没有火灾隐患,也不需要清洗涂胶设备等。目前该工艺已用于药品、食品包装领域。1覆膜的概念及作用 覆膜又称过塑、裱胶、贴

14、膜等,属于印后加工的主要工艺之一。是指在透明塑料薄膜上涂粘合剂并与纸印刷品复合,然后经加热、加压后使之粘合在一起,形成纸塑合一的产品加工技术。 经过覆膜的印刷品,由于表面多了一层薄而透明的塑料薄膜,表面更加平滑光亮,从而提高了印刷品的光泽度和牢度,延长了印刷品的使用寿命,同时塑料薄膜又起到防水、防污、耐磨、耐折、耐化学腐蚀等保护作用。 2覆膜工艺分类 1)根据所采用原材料和设备的不同,可将覆膜工艺分为:即涂覆膜工艺和预涂覆膜工艺两种。 即涂覆膜工艺所用的薄膜是现场涂布的,所使用的粘合剂一般有溶剂型和乳液型两种,并且是随用随配。即涂覆膜工艺操作时先在薄膜上涂布粘合剂,之后再与纸复合热压。 预涂膜

15、覆膜工艺所用的薄膜是预先涂布好的,所使用的粘合剂一般有热熔型和溶剂挥发型两种。此工艺因覆膜设备不需粘合剂加热干燥系统,大大简化覆膜程序,且操作灵活方便,可随用随开机,能减少气泡、脱层等故障产生,其成品透明度高,具有广阔的应用前景和推广价值。 2)覆膜工艺也可按照冷热、压力状况和材料分为:冷(冷压)覆膜、热(热活)覆膜和液体覆膜等方式。 热覆膜技术是指将膜片上预涂的粘合剂加热活化,通过它将膜片与印品粘合在一起;而冷覆膜则是通过加压,直接靠粘合剂把薄膜与印品粘合在一起。这两种方法都可制作出紫外线防护膜、防水或抗摩擦膜等各类特种膜。最近,还出现一种新兴技术,叫液体覆膜法。就是将透明液体用刷子、喷枪、

16、滚筒或特殊覆膜机直接在产品表面刷上一层膜。技术操作虽简单,价钱亦低廉,但目前还不成熟。 3覆膜工艺 即涂膜覆膜的工艺流程为: 工艺准备安装塑料薄膜滚筒涂布粘合剂烘干设定工艺参数(烘道温度和热压温度、压力、速度)试覆膜抽样检测正式覆膜复卷或定型分割。 1)工艺准备工作 准备工作是否充分,对保证覆膜生产的正常进行,提高生产效率和产品质量有很大影响。覆膜生产的;隹备工作一般应包括:待覆印刷品的检查、塑料薄膜的选用以及粘合剂配制等。 2)安装塑料薄膜卷筒 将选定的薄膜按印刷品的幅面切割成适当宽度后,安装在覆膜机的出卷装置上,并将塑料薄膜穿至涂布机构上。要求薄膜平整无皱,张力均匀适中。如覆膜印刷品要做成纸盒,则须考虑留出接口空隙,否则粘接不牢。 3)涂布粘合剂 首先,粘合剂的粘稠度应视纸质好坏、墨层



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