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1、OutlinePart 1 IThe Outline of the Thesis (A Sample)Title:A Content-analysis of EFL Student-Teachers Questioning in the ClassroomAbstract: This paper introduces the difference in classroom questioning between EFL student-teachers and in-service teachers in middle schools by comparative analysis of th

2、eir classroom discourse focusing on the features of student-teachers questioning strategies (for linguistic knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) in three aspects: (1) the purposes of questioning, (2) the waiting time for students responses and (3) the feedback to s

3、tudents responses. It aims at clarifying whats lacking in student teachers classroom questioning skills & strategies and the reasons why they have the problems. The research may help EFL teachers understand classroom questioning and the way of classroom-teaching investigation by content analysis of

4、classroom discourse is introduced.Key words: questioning; question types; waiting time; feedback1. Introduction1.1. Understanding “interaction”1.1.1. “Interaction” in socio-culture theory1.1.2. Classroom interactions1.2. Classroom discourse1.2.1. What is classroom discourse?1.2.2. IRF Content-analys

5、is of classroom discourse2. Classroom questioning and the function2.1. Definition of classroom questioning 2.1.1. Conception of classroom questioning and its development 2.1.2. The criteria for effective questioning in the classroom 2.2. Categories of questioning and their functions2.2.1 Questioning

6、 for linguistic knowledge (for students to recall or rememberthe previously learnt structural knowledge)2.2.2 Questioning for comprehension (for students to translate, to grasp themeaning of materials)2.2.3 Questioning for application (for students to generalize, or to use learntmaterials in new and

7、 concrete situations)2.2.4 Questioning for analysis (for students to discover the material into itscomponent parts so that it may be more easily understood)2.2.5 Questioning for synthesis (for students to compose, to put materialstogether, to form a new one)2.2.6 Questioning for evaluation (for stud

8、ents to judge the value of thematerial for a given purpose)3. Investigation on classroom questioning3.1 Purpose and object of investigation2.1.1 The purposes2.1.2 The object3.2 Method of investigation2.2.1 IRF (Initiate-Response-Feedback) analysis on classroom discourse2.2.2 The transcription of stu

9、dent-teachers classroom discourse2.2.3 The transcription of in-service teachers classroom discourse3.3 Procedures of investigation3.3.1 Investigation on student-teachers classroom questioning3.3.2 Investigation on in-service teachers classroom questioning3.3.3 The findings of the investigation2.3.3.

10、1 Findings on student-teachers classroom questioning2.3.3.2 Findings on in-service teachers classroom questioning4. The analysis on the findings4.1 The difference in classroom questioning between EFL student-teachers and thein-service teachers4.1.1 Differences in the types of questions4.1.2 Differen

11、ces in the waiting time for Ss responses4.1.3 Differences in Ts feedback to Ss responses4.2 Main problems of EFL student-teachers classroom questioning4.2.1 Lacking clear objectives4.2.2 Lacking patience for waiting4.2.3 Lacking clear points in feedbacks4.3 Analysis on student-teachers classroom que

12、stioning4.3.1 The teachers intention & effectiveness of classroom questioning第2/4页 4.3.2 The main cause for lacking patience & points in classroom questioning4.3.2.1 Deficiencies in teaching experience4.3.2.2 Deficiencies in understanding students4.3.2.3 Deficiencies in understanding the textbook5. Conclusion5.1 Whats lacking in EFL student-teachers classroom questioning5.2 The main reason of EFL student-teachers problems in their classroomquestioning and the possible solutionsReferences



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