银行常用句子 - 英国人写的

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《银行常用句子 - 英国人写的》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《银行常用句子 - 英国人写的(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【Native英文】银行常用句子 - 英国人写的, 他(我)能保证都是地道,都是标准。(开户,汇钱,信用卡,特殊情况,贷款,存款,提钱,透支,等等) Opening an account 开户I would like to open an account 我要开户What kind of account do you want? 你要开什么样的账户A current account 活期存款账户A checking account 活期存款账户A deposit account 存款账户How much interest will I get with this account? 我可以得到多

2、少利息?Which account gives the highest interest rate? 哪样的账户得到最高的利息What fees will I be charged? 怎么收费?There is a maintenance fee of $100 per annum 账户年费100元Please give us proof of address 请提供住址证明Transfering money 汇钱 I would like to transfer money back to China 我要汇一笔钱到中国 Would you like a wire transfer? 你要汇

3、钱吗 I want to send it by bankers draft 我要用银行汇票发的 There will be a fee of 10 pounds 你得付10英镑费用 Which account shall we send it to? 转进什么账号? What is their account number 他的账号号码是什么? My parents said they wired me some money, has it reached my account? 我父母汇了一笔钱到我的账号,已经转进去了吗Cards 卡 Do I get a debit card with t

4、his account? 我能从这个账户获得一张借记卡吗?No, you have to pay an extra 30 dollars a year for one 不不不,你得付30元每年费为这个账号 I want a credit card 我要一张信用卡 If you pay us back within the month, we dont charge interest 一个月之内还款,不用付利息 If you do not settle your bill at the end of the month, then well charge interest 要是一个月之内未还款,

5、你得付利息 APR 年利率 Pin number 密码 You can change your PIN at an ATM 你可以在自动柜员机更改你的密码 Balance transfer 余额结转 Credit limit 信用额度 Do not tell your pin number to anyone, even bank staff 包括银行员,你千万别给其他人你的密码, There is an annual fee of 20 你得付20英镑每费 Issuing bank 发卡银行 With a credit card, you can shop first and pay lat

6、er 用信用卡的话,你可以先购物后付款 Problems 特殊情况I want to report a stolen credit card 我要报信用卡失窃 Okay, well cancel it right away 我们马上消除您的信用卡 We will send you a new one in the post 我们将会寄给你新的卡 When the card arrives, ring 0855 555 to activate it 如果您收到新卡,请拨打电话0855 555开卡 The cash machine didnt give me my money 机器没出钱 Sorr

7、y, there was an error, weve already refunded the money 对不起,机器出了点故障,我们已经退还您的钱 The transaction was declined 交易受拒 Getting a loan 贷款 I would like to borrow $5000 dollars 我想要借款5000元。 Whats the interest rate? 利息率是多少 What collateral do you have? 你有什么担保品? If you dont have any collataral, we cant give you a

8、loan 如果没有担保品,我们不会给您借款 If you dont have any collataral, we will have to charge extra interest 没有担保品,我们得升高您的利息 Mortgage 房贷Credit check 核对信用度 Credit rating 信用评级 Sorry, weve just run a credit check, and unfortunately, we cannot offer you a loan 对不起,我们已经查过您的信用度,很抱歉我们不能给您提供贷款。 How long is it for? 多久? Mini

9、mum monthly payment 最低的每月偿还债务 Will there be any penalty for early repayment? 提前还款有罚金吗? Early repayment fee 提前还款有罚金 Exit fee 提前还款有罚金 Depositing money 存款 Hi, I would like to deposit some money 我要存款 Please fill in this slip 请填写存款表 Paying-in slip 存款表 Please print the amount 请用大写字母写 You need to put all c

10、oins in bags 你需要把所有硬币放入袋子里 Sorry, we only accept American dollars 我们只接受美元 Cheques (英) 支票 Check (美) 支票 Ild like to cash a check, please 我要存款一张支票 Chequebook 支票书 Withdrawing money 提钱 Ild like to withdraw $6000 我要提6000元 Im sorry, but the maximum you can withdraw on one day is $2000 非常抱歉,一天内的最高提款额是2000。

11、Please fill out this slip 请填写好这张纸条 Do you have ID? 你有身份证吗?How would you like it? 你想兑换多大面额的? I would like it in twenties 请给我20元面值的 Foreign exchange 外币兑换 What currency would you like to change? 请问您换哪种外币? I would like to exchange RMB for US dollars 我想用人民币换美元 I would like to exchange Chinese Yuan for Br

12、itish pounds 我想用人民币换英镑 What is the current exchange rate? 最近的汇率是多少? See the sign 请看标牌(汇率表) We are currently buying at 6 yuan to the dollar 我们买的比价是6:1 We sell at 6.5 yuan to the dollar 我们卖的比价是6.5:1 Bureau De Change 外币兑换柜台 Forex 外币兑换 Foreign Exchange counter 外币兑换柜台 Chinese Yuan 人民币 NTD 台币 Hong Kong do

13、llar 港币 Australian dollar 澳元 British pound 英镑 Euro 欧元 American dollar 美元 Canadian dollar 加元 Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎 Japanese Yen 日元 Swedish Kroner 瑞典币 Overdrafts 透支 You are overdrawn 你透支的了 There is a 40, fee if you become overdrawn 如果你透支,会被扣掉40英镑。 This account has an interest-free overdraft of 2000 这个账号可以透

14、支2000英镑且没有利息费用 How much can I go overdrawn without a fee 我能免费透支多少钱? How much interest will I be charged if I go overdrawn? 透支的话,我得付多少利息? If you want to raise your overdraft limit, speak to the bank manager 如果你想要提高你的透支额度,您得银行管理人提出申请。 Other Bank statement 月结单 Bankrupt 破产的 ATM 自动取款机 Cash machine 自动取款机 Branch 分行/支行 Bank manager 银行管理人 Bank teller (美) 银行出纳员 Bank Cashier 银行出纳员 Loan officer 贷款员 Safe deposit box 保险箱 Online banking 网络银行服务/网银



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