2020年春人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit1Section A 1a-2d导学案(无答案)

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《2020年春人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit1Section A 1a-2d导学案(无答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年春人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit1Section A 1a-2d导学案(无答案)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、北大附中武汉为明实验学校八年级英语导学案2020年春人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period 1 Section A 1a-2d (P1-2)Date: Name: 【Learning Aims 学习目标】1. 掌握本课时单词词组。2. 掌握句型Whats the matter?并能谈论身体情况。3. 掌握情态动词should句型表建议。预习导学【Preview Aims 预习目标】1. 掌握本课时单词短语。2. 学会询问他人身体状况及表达身体不适,并给出建议。【Preview Tasks 预习任务】Task 1 Body parts预习指导二次备课

2、头 _ 脖子 _ 肩膀 _脸 _ 耳朵 _ 眉毛 _眼睛 _ 鼻子 _ 嘴巴 _ 舌头 _ 喉咙 _ 牙齿 _ 胳膊 _ 肘部 _ 背 _ 腰 _ 手 _ 手指 _ 手腕 _ 胸膛 _ 胃_腿 _ 膝盖 _ 脚 _ 脚踝 _ 脚趾 _明确身体各部位的英语表达,不会的可借助工具书。Task 2 New words 词性 词义 matter _ sore _ stomachache _ foot _ neck _stomach _ throat _ fever _ lie _ rest _ cough _ X-ray _ toothache _ headache _ break _ hurt _

3、根据音标学单词,注意词性和词义.Task 3 Phraseshave a cold/fever/cough _have a stomachache/toothache/headache _have a sore throat/back _have a running nose _sneeze _sprain the ankle _lie down and rest _drink some hot tea with honey _see a dentist _get an X-ray _take ones temperature _by accident _take breaks _in the

4、 same way _go to a doctor _请大家参考考点第一页,写出短语相应的汉语意思。用红笔在书上划出这些短语写出其汉语意思并记忆。Task 4 Sentence Pattern询问他人的身体状况句型_表示各种身体不适的句型_给予建议的句型_参考课文,先独立思考,再小组合作探究总结句型。【Preview Reflection 预习反思】_课堂活动Date: Name: 【Discussion 小组讨论】Have a discussion about the tasks in preview. (小组讨论预习的内容)二次备课【Presentation 展示】Activity 1 W

5、arm-up1) Enjoy a video-Head, shoulders, knees and toes.Learn the body parts together.2) Touch game. (one say the body parts, one touch the body parts)3) Finish 1a.Activity 2 Words and phrasesCheck the words and phrases (Group work) Activity 3 Sentence PatternActivity 4 Listening1) Finish 1b.2a.2b.2)

6、 Fill in the blanks.Section A, 1b.Conversation 1Nurse: You dont look well._, Sarah?Sarah: I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didnt _my jacket. Now I_.Conversation 2Nurse: Whats the matter, David? Are you OK?David: I ate too much junk food at my friends birthday party. So last night, I_. I almost couldnt get _out of bed this morning.Conversation 3Nurse:


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