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1、-CONTRACTCONTRACT NUMBER: HY93S-2010CONTRACT DATE: 11th January 2010BetweenHuayang Technologies Pte.LtdNo.30 Tuas View Loop,Singapore 637691hereinafter called “Seller”andHUNAN JINGSHI GROUP CO., LTD.Xiangshi Western Road,Shifeng District, Zhuzhou, Hunan Province 412007, Chinahereinafter called “Buye

2、r”1. Material and Quality 品名及质量Zinc concentrate with the following specifications: 锌精矿Zn锌 35.0% basis (30% min.)Fe铁 20.0% max.Pb铅 4.20% maxF 氟 0.10% max.Cl氯 6.00% max.Moisture水分 3% maxThe typical assays shall be close to the actual quality. If the Zn content is less than 30%, the Buyer has the right

3、 to reject the cargoes,and claim all fees includes expenditure, losses, Interest, etc which are accurred by the business to the Seller for compensation.该典型分析值应与实际到货品质保持相近。如果锌含量低于30%,买方有权拒收货物,可权向卖方就该业务项下发生的支出,损失,利息等向卖方提出索赔。2. Duration, Origin And Quantity合同时效、货源及数量The contract commences on Jan. 20, 2

4、010 and shall remain in force until completion of the parties obligations herein. If the Seller fails to ship the cargoes before Mar.10th,2010, the Buyer has the right to reject the cargoes.本合约自2010年1月20日起生效,直至本合约项下相关方的义务全部履行完毕时止。如果卖方未能在2010年3月10日前装运,买方有权拒收货物。The Seller will sell approximately 3,000

5、 wmt (Three-thousand Wet Metric Ton) of Zinc concentrate (Concentrates) to the Buyer and the Buyer agrees to buy approximately 3,000 wmt of Zinc Concentrate (Concentrates) from the Seller in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.The quantity shall always be +/-10% at Sellers optio

6、n.买卖双方同意根据合同约的规定,装运约3000个湿吨的货物,具体数量可以溢短装10%,具体由卖方确定。Origin: Thailand货源:泰国3. Packing 包装In bags of about 1mt big bags. 1000千克大袋包装。 4. Shipment装运In bag/bulk in containers during Jan. 28, 2010, Feb 25, 2010 and Mar.4, 2010. 2010年1月28日,2010年2月25日和2010年3月4日期间装运。If the cargo is arrived late than April 2010

7、, which are accurred by the business shall be for Sellers account.如果货物无法在2010年3月10日前装运,卖方需承担相应责任。Partial shipment are allowed. 允许分批装运。Transhipment are allowed. 允许转运。5. Delivery交付The Concentrates shall be delivered CIF CY (Incoterms 2000) Liner Terms Chang Sha Port, China.Inland China transportation

8、cost shall be responsible by the Buyer.该货物的交货条件为:CIF CHANGSHA,CHINA即运保费付至中国长沙港的集装箱堆场止(按2000年国际贸易术语解释通则)。之后,包括清关及内陆的运费由买方负责。The shipment shall be in containers, duty unpaid, customs uncleared. 集装箱运输,关税未付未清关。At the discharge port, Buyer shall be responsible for all costs beyond CIF Liner Terms. THC, c

9、ontainer cleaning etc., at discharge port is for the account of the Buyer.在卸货港,买方负责CIF班轮条件之外的所有费用,码头操作费、集装箱清洁等。Seller has option to load upto 28wmt in one FCL. 卖方可以每柜装28吨。If THC is more than RMB 370 Yuan/Container, for the account of the Seller. 如果码头操作费高于370元每柜,卖方承担高出费用。 Seller will guarantee 14 day

10、s container free detention at discharge port. 卖方保证提供14天的滞箱免费。6. Price 价格6.A.1 Zinc (Zn) 锌The price payable by Buyer to Seller for Product delivered hereunder shall be USD$4.70 (Four U.S, Dollars and seventy cents) per 1% pro-rata contained Zinc (Zn) metal on a dry basis if Zinc (Zn) content between

11、30.00%-34.99% per dry metric ton, as determined in accordance with this Agreement.当锌含量为30.00%-34.99%每干吨时,每1%锌金属价格为4.7美元 (美元肆元七角)。The price payable by Buyer to Seller for Product delivered hereunder shall be USD$4.80 (Four U.S, Dollars and eighty cents) per 1% pro-rata contained Zinc (Zn) metal on a

12、dry basis if Zinc (Zn) content between 35.00%-39.99% per dry metric ton, as determined in accordance with this Agreement.当锌含量为35.00%-39.99%每干吨时,每1%锌金属价格为4.8美元 (美元肆元八角)。The price payable by Buyer to Seller for Product delivered hereunder shall be USD$5.0 (Five U.S, Dollars) per 1% pro-rata contained

13、Zinc (Zn) metal on a dry basis if Zinc (Zn) content over 40.00% per dry metric ton, as determined in accordance with this Agreement.当锌含量超过40.00%每干吨时,每1%锌金属价格为5.0美元 (美元伍元)。6.B.1 If the cargo is lower than Zinc (Zn) purity 30%, the Seller shall provide another cargo with the same spcification which is

14、 stipulated in the caontract and all fees includes expenditure, losses, Interest, etc which are accurred by the business shall be for Sellers account.如果锌含量低于30%,卖方将另行提供符合本合同要求之货物给买方,所有相关的费用由卖方承担。7.Payment 付款7.A.1 Currency 货币All invoices or credit notes shall be in U.S. Dollars and Cents, and all pay

15、ments shall be made by the relevant party in U.S.Dollars and Cents. 所有的发票和贷记通知的货币为美元。7.B.1 Provisional Payment 临时付款90% (Ninety percent) provisional payment in U.S. Dollars against Letter of Credit, net cash, at sight, against Sellers presentation of the following shipping documents to Buyers bank:买方需即期以美元现金形式支付90%临时付款在卖方根据信用证条款提供以下船运单据给了买方银行后,1) Full set Original clean shipped on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order blank endorsed, marked “freight prepaid”, 3 originals and 3



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