复习课件:(人教版)八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks

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《复习课件:(人教版)八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《复习课件:(人教版)八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语 新课标 RJ Unit2I llhelptocleanupthecityparks 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 单项选择 1 HaveyoueverreadthebookHarryPotter Yes andIthinkit svery Iwanttoreaditagain A boringB excitingC boredD excited 2 Jimmyhassixteenbrokenbikesto andgiveawaytokidswhodon thavebikes A fixupB setupC putupD lookup B A 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 R

2、J Unit2 能力提升训练 3 Hisgrandparentslive inasmallhouse buttheydon tfeel A lonely aloneB alone lonelyC lonely lonelyD alone alone 4 Lucy whataboutgoingcampingifit tomorrow Soundsgreat A didn trainB doesn trainC won trainD don train B B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 5 TrytosingmoreEnglishsongs andyouwillfinditin

3、teresting aforeignlanguage A learningB learnsC tolearnD learned 6 Thesportsmeetingwillbe becauseofthebadweather A putonB putoffC putupD putdown C B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 7 Iwanttoknow Whynotringheruptoask A whydoesAlexislikegameshowsB whattimeisAlexisarrivingC thatthishairbandbelongstoAlexisD howAl

4、exiswillcometomyparty 8 Cathy couldyoucometoourartclubtomorrow A I msorrytohearthatB Sure I dlovetoC NevermindD You rewelcome D B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 完形填空DearJenny How sitgoing Areyoubusywithyourstudythesedays I vebeenbackatschool 1 nearlyfourweeks I mverygladtotellyouthatgreat 2 havetakenplacein

5、ourschoolthisterm Firstofall we reaskedto clearourplates whenhavingourmealsandsay 3 towasting Someofususedtoordermorethanwhatwecouldeat Thatwasabig 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 wasteoffood Nowweneedto 4 thefoodweorder Weshouldalsostopwastinginsomeotherways Forexample weshouldturnoffthelightswhenwe 5 thecl

6、assroom Andourschoolhasopenedupsomefieldsforustolearnhowtogrowvegetables Eachclassisgivenasmallgardenandourclasshasdecidedtogrowsometomatoesandbeans 豆类 inour 6 time Ithinkthat llbeveryinteresting MaybeI llbeableto 7 yousomebeanswe vegrownby 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 ourselvesnexttime What smore wehaveo

7、nlytwoclassesintheafternoon 8 wehavemoretimeforafter schoolactivities I moneofthetrafficsafetyvolunteersinourschool Afterschool wetaketurnstogotothestreetsnearourschoolandaskpeopleto 9 thetrafficrules Ithinkwearehavingadifferentschoollifenow Pleasewritebacksoonandtell 10 moreaboutyourschool Yours Wa

8、ngWei 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 1 A inB forC onD at 2 A changesB thingsC interestsD lessons 3 A yesB helloC noD thanks 4 A cleanB payC cookD finish 5 A leaveB reachC openD build 6 A busyB freeC happyD sad 7 A plantB buyC postD lend 8 A becauseB whenC beforeD so 9 A followB makeC breakD think 10 A himB

9、herC youD me B A C D A B C D A D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 补全对话 方框中有两个多余选项A Excuseme Madam 1 B Sponsoryou 2 A Well weareholdingaHopeEventinourschool We reaskingpeopletodonatemoneytous B Isee 3 A Wearegoingtogiveittocharity B 4 A ChildrenInternationalCharity B 5 F C A E D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 A Theyim

10、provethelivesofpoorchildrenallovertheworld B Soundsgood I lldonate200yuan A Butwhatareyougoingtodowiththemoneyyouget B CanIhelpyou C Whatdoyoumean D Whatdotheydo E Whatkindofcharity F Wouldyouliketosponsor 赞助 us G Yes youareright 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 还原短文阅读下面短文 把A D四个句子填入文中空缺处 使短文内容完整 正确 Chinesesp

11、aceloverWangYuanhasbeenchosenasoneofthevolunteersfortheMars 500testproject 1 Anotherfivevolunteersareallspacelovers TheyarethreeRussians anItaly ColombianandaFrenchman Theywillfeelwhatit sliketotraveltoMarswithoutleavingtheearth Duringthewholeprocess 过程 theyarelockedupforoneandahalfyearsunderthecond

12、itionwhichissimilartotheredplanet SotheexperimentiscalledMars 500 D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 2 Althoughthevolunteerswon tleavethebuilding theywillfeelasif 好像 theyareonarealtriptoMars Themostdifficultthingisthattheywillbeseparatedfromthepeopleoutside 3 Thatwillbehard Whenreportersaskedwhattheywouldmiss

13、mostduringthe500 dayspeciallife CharlesfromFrancesaid Forme itwillbemainlymyfamily thesunandfreshair C B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 Themaintaskistostudy ManandEnvironment Itwillcareabouttheastronauts physicaleffectsandtheexperienceofstayingthere 4 Sotheywillhavetomakedecisionsbythemselvesandthenreportto

14、theearth andtheearthwilltellthemwhethertheydotherightthingornot Eachastronautispreparingforthegreatchallenge Andpeoplearelookingforwardtotheresultoftheexperiment A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 A Everyonewillstayandworktherealone B For18months theywon tseesunsetsorsunrises C TheMars 500testwillbeinaspecial

15、buildinginMoscow D Hewasveryhappytobechosenandwillacceptthechallenge 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 书面表达在和谐社会里 人与人之间的互帮互助已构成我们生活中的重要组成部分 下周英国友好学校将来你校访问 你校英语俱乐部将举行一次以 HelpingEachOtherMakestheWorldWonderful 为主题的英语演讲比赛 假如李智要参加演讲比赛 请你以李智的名义用英语写一篇演讲稿 内容要点提示 1 帮助同学 友谊 2 帮助老人 幸福 3 帮助病人 快乐 4 帮助别人体会 要求 80词左右 开头和结尾已给

16、出 不计入总词数 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 HelpingEachOtherMakestheWorldWonderfulHello everyone I mLiZhi It snicetospeakabouthelphere Thankyouforyourlistening 英语 新课标 RJ Unit2 能力提升训练 Onepossibleversion HelpingEachOtherMakestheWorldWonderfulHello everyone I mLiZhi It snicetospeakabouthelphere Inourlifeweoftenhelpothersandalsogethelpfromothers Whenwehelpourclassmateswiththeirstudyandotherthings wecandevelopourfriendship Ifwegiveahandtooldpeople wecanunderstandthemeaningofpleasure Ithinkwecangetmuchwhenwehelpt



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