复习课件:(人教版)八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean theroom

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《复习课件:(人教版)八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean theroom》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《复习课件:(人教版)八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean theroom(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语 新课标 RJ Unit3Couldyoupleasecleanyourroom 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 单项选择 1 Ithinkdrinkingmilkeverymorningisgood ourhealth Yes Iagree you A to toB with toC at withD for with 2 Lilyisn tas asPeter SheoftenmakesmistakesinhercompositionA carelessB carefulC carelesslyD carefully D B 能力提升训练 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3

2、能力提升训练 3 StudentsatGreenHighSchooloften booksfromtheirschoollibraryandcan themforaweek A borrow keepB lend keepC borrow borrowD keep borrow 4 Excuseme wouldyoumind yourvoicedown please A tokeepB keepingC keepD kept A B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 5 Toprotecttheenvironment supermarketsdon t freeplasticbag

3、sforshoppers A takeB showC provideD carry 6 IhaveneverbeentoHawaii WhataboutMike A SohasheB SohedoesC NeitherhehasD Neitherhashe C D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 7 exerciseyoutake you llbe A Thefewer thefatterB Theless thefatterC Theless themorefatterD Thefewer themorefatter 8 Atruefriendcanseethepaininyo

4、ureyes everyoneelsebelievesthesmileonyourface A whileB becauseC beforeD until B A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 9 Idon tknowwhen tomorrow Iwillcallyouassoonashe A willhecome arrivesB hewillcome arrivesC hewillcome willarriveD willhecome willarrive 10 MayIcomein I msorryI mlate Comein please Butcouldyoutell

5、me A howdoyoucometoschoolB whatwereyoudoingthenC whoyoutalkedwithD whyyouarelate B D 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 完形填空A Hey May couldIaskforsomehelp I mhavingsometrouble 1 myroommate 室友 Tom He ssolazy Heneverdoesthedishesor 2 outtherubbish Idon tknow 3 B Oh boy I msorrytohearthat It sawfultolivewithsucham

6、an Henever 4 chores Didyoureallytrytalkingwithhim Maybehejustdoesn tunderstand 5 hismotheroftendoessomethingforhim 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 A Yes Itriedtotellhimsomething But 6 changed YesterdaymorningIaskedhimpolitely 礼貌地 Isaid Couldyoudothedishestoday ButwhenIgothome thedishes 7 stillinthesink 水槽 An

7、dsomeofhisfriends 8 tothehouseandtheyateupthefoodinthefridge 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 B Oh no Whatabout 9 notes 便条 Didyoutrythat Youshouldwritesomenotes Forexample pleasesweepthefloororremembertodothedishes Didyoutryanythinglikethat A No Ididn t Butitsoundsgreat MaybeIwillmakealistandstick 贴 it 10 the

8、kitchenwall Thanksforyourhelp 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 1 A withB forC inD of 2 A takeB takesC bringD brings 3 A whattodoitB whattodoC howtodoD howtodoing 4 A didB doesC makesD takes 5 A ifB soC becauseD though A B B B C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 6 A somethingB anythingC nothingD everything 7 A areB wereC

9、 isD was 8 A cameoverB cameoutofC comesoverD camein 9 A towriteB writesC wroteD writing 10 A inB onC underD of C B A D B 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 补全对话 方框中有一个多余选项Mom Okay Brian It stimetomakeascheduleforchoresaroundthehouse Brian Oh Mom Mom Nocomplaining comeon 1 Brian That swhatIliketodo WhenshallIwal

10、khim Mom 2 Andthen whenyougoout don tforgettotakeouttherubbish Brian 3 Doessheneedtodoanything E B C 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 Mom Ofcourse ShehastowashthedishesfromMondaytoFriday Brian That sfairenough Mom AndIwantbothofyoutomakeyourbedsandpickupyourthingsafteryougetupinthemorning 4 Brain Okay Butyouk

11、nowIdon tlikedoingthat 5 Mom Yes Youcanhavearestonweekends F A 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 A Isthateverything B Inthemorningbeforebreakfast C WhataboutAngela D IhopeIcandoeverything E First youneedtowalkthedog F Thatmeans youshouldmakeyourroomstidy 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 任务型阅读TherewasagirlnamedBeth Bethh

12、adalittlebrothernamedMatt Shewasveryniceandshelovedgoingtothemall 商业街 EveryFriday shewenttothemallwithherfriends OneFridayhermomhadacall Thecallwasaboutwork HermomsaidthatshehadtogoforaspecialdinnerthatnightandthatBethhadtobabysitMatt Bethwasreallymadbecauseshecouldn tgotothemallasshealwaysdid 英语 新课

13、标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 Thenightcame HerparentsleftandBethhadtobabysitMatt Bethhadanidea SheleftMatthomeandwenttothemall WhenBethleft herbrotherstartedcrying Hewasonly5yearsoldandhewasscared 恐惧的 ThenBeth smomcamehomeandfoundthatBethwasout Hermomgotangryandwenttothemalltopickherup ThenBethgotintobigtrouble

14、 Shegotgrounded 儿童被罚不准出门 fortwomonths Finallyshedecidedthatshewouldn teverdothatagain becausemissingonenightisbetterthanmissingtwomonthsofFridaysatthemall 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 阅读短文 根据短文内容回答下列问题 1 WhydidBethhavetotakecareofMatt 2 DidBethwanttobabysitMattthatnight 3 WheredidBethleaveMattwhenshewentt

15、othemallthatnight 4 WherewasBethwhenhermothercamehome 5 WhatdidBethlikedoing BecauseherparentswereoutoneFridaynight No shedidn t BethleftMattathome Shewasatthemall Shelikedshopping 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 书面表达假设你是Linda 你是Emma 请根据表格内所提供的信息 描述你和Emma的周末活动 要求 60词左右 MynameisLinda Ihaveasister andhernameis

16、Emma Wewerebusylastweekend 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 能力提升训练 Onepossibleversion MynameisLinda Ihaveasister andhernameisEmma Wewerebusylastweekend Wehelpedmomdothechores EmmamadedinneronFridaynight andIdidthedishes OnSaturdayIwashedclothesandEmmadidthedishes OnSundayIsweptthefloor andEmmacleanedtherooms Weweretiredbuthappy 英语 新课标 RJ Unit3 易错点针对训练 1 Tom wouldyouplease thebox It sforyoursister A notopenB don topenC nottoopenD tonotopen 2 Sir couldyoupleaseputoutyourcigarette Thisisasmoke free 无烟的 school A I



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