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1、一、选择填空。(1*15=15分)1. He hasnt slept at all for three days. _ he is tired out. A .There is no point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no way2. our English teacher, our English has been greatly improved. A. Thanks to B. Thank for C. But for D. Except for3. I hope it will be fine this Sund

2、ay. , well go for an outing. A. If not B. What if C. Why not D. If so4.The news that Mr Smith was trying to his business all over the world. A. expanded, spread B. expanded, expand C. spread, spread D. spread, expand 5. he is a famous medical expert, youd better follow his advice. A. Even if B. In c

3、ase C. Now that D. So that 6.I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize silly mistakes I had made. A. what B. that C. how D. which7.In order to lose weight, the young lady prefers to regularly rather than take expensive weight-pills. A. hang out B. work out C. turn up D. figure up8.Which

4、one of these do you want? . Either will do. A.I dont mind B. Im sure C .No problem D .Go ahead9. Thank God youre safe! I stepped back, just _ to avoid the racing car. A .in time B. in case C. in need D .in vain10.In _ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

5、 A. traditional B .historic C. remote D .initial11. The news spread quickly through the village _ the war had ended, _ made villagers wild with joy. A. which; that B. that; what C. that; which D. where ; which12. greatly by what he had heard and seen, he made up his mind to stand on his own feet. A

6、.Persuaded B Expected C Discouraged D. Inspired13. We do not have enough money. we can not afford to buy the new car. A. Therefore B .But C. Besides D. However14. Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health. A .of; at B. by; in C. of ; on D. on; at15. Mari

7、a has written two novels, both of have been made into television series. A. them B. that C. which D. what二、完形填空。(2*20=40分) You may go to karaoke or disco clubs with your friends during the summer holidays .But be careful .In these 16 places you may see people selling small, colourful pills. Make sur

8、e you do not try them. The seller 17 say they are safe and can help you enjoy yourself or 18 from sadness .They may even offer you a free 19 , and tell you that everybody is using 20 .But you must be alert (警惕) to the 21 that these drugs could destroy your life .When you put them into your body, oft

9、en 22 swallowing, breathing in or injecting (注射), drugs find their way into your brain. Drugs may either speed up 23 slow down your senses .Their effects are different depending on body size, shape, and chemistry. 24 it can make you feel good at first, a drug can do a lot of 25 to your body and brai

10、n. One of the most popular drugs in nightclubs is the so-called head-shaking or ecstasy pill .The drug hits users with a fast high(情绪高涨), 26 them feel powerful and full of 27 .Heart rate, breathing and blood pressure 28 - risking damage to your nervous system (神经系统).Marijuana (大麻) is a 29 used illeg

11、al drug .It is called the gateway drug, because using it sometimes 30 harder drugs .It is mostly smoked in a cigarette. There is 31 risk related to taking drugs that must be 32 .Sharing a needle (针头) to inject a drug puts a user at a very 33 risk of being affected with HIV. Drugs may appear in many

12、different 34 , some with cool names, but taking them could 35 your health forever.16. A boring B .exciting C. noisy D. surprising17. A. may B. must C. should D. can18. A. keep B. stay C. escape D. stop19. A. drink B. try C. cigarette D. taste20. A. it B. him C. her D. them21. A. fact B. problem C. t

13、rouble D .reality22. A. with B. for C. by D .in23. A. and B. so C. but D. or24.A.Although B. Because C .If D. Despite25. A .hurt B .injury C. damage D .harm26. A. driving B .having C. making D. keeping27. A. food B. energy C. hope D. interest28. A. develop B. grow C .rise D. increase29. A. deeply B. widely C. strongly D. highly30. A. prevents B. causes


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