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1、五年级英语试题第二学期综合练习一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将序号填入题前括号内:(6分)( ) 1. A. anyB. standC. lampD. fat( ) 2. A. skateB. tableC. maskD. cake( ) 3. A. tentB. telescopeC. elseD. chess( ) 4. A. slideB. liveC. pigD. fish( ) 5. A. findB. rideC. diamondD. ski( ) 6. A. potB. clothesC. stoveD. only二、翻译下列词组(每空填一词):(29分)1. 许多房

2、子a _ _ _2. 在学校_ _3. 在门后 _ the _ 4. 做模型飞机 _ model _5. 一匹瘦马 a _ _6. 在小山上 _ the _7. 寻找我的东西 _ _ _ _ 8. 下课后 _ _9. 唱首歌 _ a _10.在晚上 _ the _11. 需要些纸_ some _ 12. 喜爱睡觉 _ _13. a map of the world _ 14.at a camping site _三、在A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项:(15分)( ) 1. I like _ piano.A. play B. playingC. playing the( )

3、2. Sandy doesnt _ a telescope, but he _ a camera.A. have; hasB. has; haveC. have; have( ) 3. Theyre cleaning the library. Lets go and join _.A. theyB. themC. us( ) 4. New Years coming. Lets buy a New Year card _ our teacher.A. for B. giveC. to( ) 5. Look! The bees(蜜蜂们)_ in the flowers.A. danceB. dan

4、cingC. are dancing( ) 6. I get up _ seven _ Sundays .A. at ; on B. at ; in C. in ; on( ) 7. -Do you like this red coat ?-No, _ that green one .A. I dont like B. I like C. I cant( ) 8. - What shape is the mans head in the picture?- _.A. Its a triangleB. Its a squareC. Its a circle( ) 9. - Are there _

5、 maps on the wall?- Yes, there are _.A. any; someB. some; someC. some; any( ) 10 - What animal do you like, Ben?- Please guess. Its very tall. It has two big ears. Its(它的) nose is very long. It can do many(许多的) things with its nose.- Oh, I see . _.A. Its a pigB. Its a dogC. Its an elephant四、从方框中选择适当

6、的疑问词填入空格内,使句子意思完整(每个用一次):(7分)What WhereWhoWhoseWhat timeHow manyHow much1. -_ is the book?-Ten yuan.2. -_ is it now?-Ten oclock.3. -_ books do you want?-Ten books.4. -_ do you like doing?-Reading books.5. -_ are you going?-Going to the playground.6. -_ is that book?-Its Kates.7. -_ is that girl?-She

7、s Kate.五、从II栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句:(6分)III( ) 1.Is that David?A. No, thanks. Im washing bowls.( ) 2. Are they sweeping the floor?B. Good idea.( ) 3.Heres fifty yuan.C. Yes, this is David speaking.( ) 4. How to open the fish tin ?D. Thanks. Heres your change.( ) 5. Have some chicken, please.E. Perhaps

8、 they are.( ) 6. Why dont we make some Christmas (圣诞)cards?F. You can use a tin-opener.(反面还有题目)六、根据图意,回答下面的问题(回答要完整):(12分)1. Whose bedroom is it?_2. Whats under the bed?_3. How many cats can you see in the picture?_4. Are there any flowers in the vase on the desk?_5. Whats on the wall?_6. What can y

9、ou see in the bookcase?_七、根据所给情景和首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使意思完整:(15分)AIt is twelve forty in the afternoon. You can see some s_ in the classroom. Some arer_ storybooks, some are w_ the new words, some are p_ chess. Mike isnt in the classroom. Hes in Miss Lius o_. Miss Liu is helping h_ withh _Chinese.B( Y=

10、Yang LingN= Nancy)Its Sunday morning. Yang Ling and Nancy are talking on the phone.Y: Hello, Nancy. Are you l_ Chinese now?N: No, Im not. Our friend Helen is here w_ me.Y: Good! W_ is she doing now?N: She is t_ me how to play a new computer game.Y: C_ you play the new game with h_ now?N: No. I cant

11、play it well. But it is interesting(有趣的) .What are you doing?Y: Im d_ my homework. Can you come and help me with my M_?N: Sure. How about this afternoon?Y: OK. See you.八、阅读理解:(10分)A.阅读下面的短文,并判断下列各句是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示:(5分)How Many Names Does Your Mother Have?Tom is seven.It is the first da

12、y of school. The teacher is asking(问) new students about their families.“ Tom, whats your mothers name?” the teacher asks.“ Well, its not easy(容易的) to say,” Tom answers(回答). “ She has three or four names. I call(叫) her Mum. My father calls her dear. My grandfather calls her Jane. Our neighbors(邻居) call her Mrs Green.”( ) 1. Tom isnt a new student.( ) 2. The teacher wants to know Toms mothers name.( ) 3. Toms mother has three or four names.( ) 4. Toms mother is Jane Green.( ) 5. Toms father is Mr Green.B.阅读


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