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1、组合练六(限时35分钟).完形填空(2018石家庄质检)At the age of nine, I was taking swimming lessons at a pool. The day arrived when I was to be tested to see if I could 1 to a higher level class.Fifteen of us were to 2 swimming from one side of the pool to the other and back. I watched as my 3 , one by one, tried and fai

2、led. Then it was my turn to 4 , I mean, my turn to attempt to pass the test. It was about halfway when I got 5 . I immediately stopped and 6 the side of the pool, ending my test. Our instructor, a college student, was standing 7 me. “Why did you stop?” he yelled, in a less than 8 voice. “I got water

3、 in my nose,” I 9 .Thats when this college student 10 me one of lifes great lessons, 11 he probably never realized that. Bending down, he shouted, “So?”“So?” The 12 shocked me. It had just seemed 13 to me that the answer to pain was to remove the thing causing the 14 . My nineyearold brain had not u

4、nderstood the fact that a valuable 15 is worth achieving, however difficult to get there. Recognizing that, I was 16 nothing would keep me from completing the test. In fact, I did it rather 17 on my next attempt. Seeing me 18 the test, almost all the others did so as well.Life is a journey, and the

5、road wont 19 be easy. We have to focus on the final destination, not the 20 along the road.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己九岁的时候参加游泳考试的一段经历。从这段经历中,作者认识到了这一点:有价值的目标是值得一个人为之努力和奋斗的。1A.skipBreferCadvance Dadd解析:选C空处所在句子表示作者要参加游泳考试以便确认能否“升级到”一个更高层次的课程,advance to“达到(某地等),前进到”符合语境。2A.take turns Binsist onCtake risks

6、Dput off解析:选A根据“one by one”可知,作者和同学们是“轮流”进行考试的,take turns doing sth. “轮流做某事”符合语境。insist on“坚持”;take risks“冒险”;put off “推迟”。3A.competitors BclassmatesCstudents Dinstructors解析:选B根据首段首句“At the age of nine, I was taking swimming lessons at a pool.”可知,作者参加了一个游泳班,由此可知,作者观看的是“同班同学”轮流考试,所以答案是classmates。comp

7、etitor“竞争者”;student“学生”;instructor“指导者”。4A.show BleaveCfail Dobserve解析:选C上文讲到,作者眼看着他的同学们一个跟着一个进行游泳考试,但都失败了,接下来,轮到自己“失败”了,所以答案是fail。show“显示,显出”;leave“离开”;observe“观察”。5A.injured BblamedCtrapped Dchoked解析:选D根据下文中的“I got water in my nose”可知,作者在游泳考试中被水“呛”着了,由此可知答案是choked,choke的意思是“呛,窒息”,get choked“被呛着了”。

8、get injured“受伤”;get blamed“被责备”;get trapped“被困住”。6A.pushed BpressedCgrabbed Dcontrolled解析:选C作者被水呛到后马上停止了游泳,“抓住”了泳池的边,结束了考试。grab“抓住”符合语境。push“推”;press“按,压”;control“控制”。7A.above BbelowCbeside Dbeyond解析:选A作者因为被水呛着停止了游泳考试,抓住了泳池的边,此时,他的教练一个大学生,正站在他的“上方”。作者在泳池里,教练应是站在游泳池边上,所以要用above,表示“在上方”。below“在下面”;bes

9、ide“在旁边”;beyond“超出(某个数量、水平或限度)”。8A.surprised BsympatheticCannoyed Dcold解析:选B作者因为被水呛着停止了考试,抓住了泳池的边。结合下文可知,此时,教练用毫不“同情的”声音对作者喊:“你为什么不游了?”所以答案是sympathetic“同情的”。surprised“吃惊的”;annoyed“烦恼的”;cold“冷淡的,不友好的”。9A.explained BreactedCdeclined Durged解析:选A当教练用毫不同情的声音质问作者为什么停止游泳的时候,作者“解释”说:“我的鼻子进水了。”所以答案是explained

10、“解释”。react“反应”;decline“拒绝,谢绝”;urge“敦促”。10A.delivered BowedCtaught Dpromised解析:选Cteach sb. a lesson是固定短语,意思是“给某人一个教训”,符合语境,所以答案是taught。deliver“分送”;owe“欠”;promise“许诺”。11A.so that Bas ifCin case Deven if解析:选D作者感慨,这个大学生,也就是教练,给了他人生中一个很大的教训,“虽然”他(教练)很可能并没有意识到这一点。even if“虽然,即使”符合语境。so that“以便”;as if“好像”;i

11、n case“以防”。12A.problem BexcuseCquestion Dvoice解析:选C根据So可知,此处表示这个“问题”使作者很吃惊,所以答案是question。problem“难题”;excuse“理由,借口”;voice“声音”。13A.logical BillegalCridiculous Dimpossible解析:选A在作者看来,解决痛苦的办法就是清除引起“不适”的事物,这似乎是“合乎逻辑的”,所以答案是logical“合乎逻辑的”。illegal“违法的”;ridiculous“荒谬的,可笑的”;impossible“不可能的”。14A.disaster Bdisc

12、omfortCdamage Dfear解析:选B参见上题解析。disaster“灾难”;discomfort“不舒服,不适”;damage“破坏,毁坏”;fear“害怕”。15A.result BadvantageCgoal Dtask解析:选C作者九岁的脑袋此前还不明白这个事实:一个有价值的“目标”是值得实现的,无论实现它有多么难。goal“目标”符合语境。result“结果”;advantage“优势,长处”;task“任务”。16A.concerned BsensitiveCembarrassed Dsure解析:选D作者意识到无论多么难,一个有价值的目标是值得实现的之后,“确信”什么也

13、阻挡不了自己完成这次考试。sure“确信的,有把握的”符合语境。concerned“担心的”;sensitive“敏感的”;embarrassed“难堪的”。17A.slowly BeasilyCclumsily Deagerly解析:选B作者在坚定了信心之后,在下一次的尝试中,很“轻易地”通过了考试,所以答案是easily“容易地,轻易地”。slowly“缓慢地”;clumsily“笨拙地”;eagerly“热切地,渴望地”。18A.attend BtakeCgive Dpass解析:选D根据第二段中的“my turn to attempt to pass the test”及该段中的“I

14、did it rather 17 on my next attempt”可知选D。19A.always BsometimesCever Dseldom解析:选A生活如同一次旅行,道路不会“总是”平坦的。always“总是”;sometimes“有时候”;ever“曾经”;seldom“很少”。20A.sights BbarriersCsurprises Dharvests解析:选B我们要关注最终的目的地,而不是沿途的“障碍”。sight“景象”;barrier“障碍”;surprise“令人惊奇的事物”;harvest“收获”。.语法填空(2018山西八校第一次联考)When 1 (face)

15、 a setback, most people will feel upset and complain about it.Whenever there is an activity or a competition, I take part, but a series of 2 (fail) leave me disappointed.One rainy day after I had failed once more, I walked along a path.The path was so muddy that I could hardly walk even a little 3 (far)What was worse, I fell down.I burst into tears because of tiredness under great pressure.F


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