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1、Unit9Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum SectionA3Grammarfocus 1d playchessinsucharapidwayinthefuturesomanydifferentkindsofthinkaboutwaystodosthteaartteasetencouragesbtodosthbeabletomakeacupoftea 下棋以如此快的方式在将来这么多不同种类的考虑一些方法去做某事茶艺茶具鼓励某人去做某事能够沏一杯茶 revision acoupleof German theme ride province Unit9 Presentperfect

2、tense words sentences grammar Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum Yes IhaveNo Ihaven t 问题引领 明确目标 has havebeento theGreatWall Haveyoueverbeentotheseplaces Yes I vebeentotheGreatWall No I veneverbeentotheGreatWall HaveyoueverbeentotheGreatWall thePalaceMuseum Haveyoueverbeento Yes I vebeento No I veneverbeento t

3、heTerracottaArmy theBird sNest 1a Matchthepictureswithnames a b c d theTerracottaArmy theGreatWall theBird sNest thePalaceMuseum a b c d 1b Listentoastudentinterviewingaforeignstudent Check thequestionsyouhear HaveyouvisitedthePalaceMuseum HaveyoubeentotheGreatWall HaveyoubeentotheBird sNest Haveyou

4、seentheTerracottaArmy HaveyoutriedChinesefood Listening 1c Listenagainandtakenotes Name Country HowlonginChina Placesvisited Food BeijingDuck Australia twoweeks thePalaceMuseum theGreatWall theBird sNest theTerracottaArmy Peter Haveyoueverbeentoasciencemuseum Yes I vebeentoasciencemuseum No I veneve

5、rbeentoasciencemuseum Haveyouevervisitedthespacemuseum Yes Ihave Iwenttherelastyear No Ihaven t I vebeentotheartmuseummanytimes Me too AndI vealsovisitedthenaturemuseum I veneverbeentoawaterpark Meneither ever意为 曾经 用于疑问句或否定句中 放在助动词与过去分词之间 e g HaveyoueverbeentoHongKong 你曾去过香港吗 Ihaven teverspokentoher

6、 我未曾和她说过话 never意为 从来没有 常与before连用 多放在助动词与过去分词之间 e g Ihavenevertravelledbyplanebefore 我以前从来没有乘飞机旅行过 HehasbeentoBeijing 他曾去过北京 人已离开北京 HehasgonetoBeijing 他已经去北京了 人已走 去北京了 不在这儿 HehasbeeninBeijingforthreeyears 他在北京三年了 人还在北京 havebeento havegoneto区别 Whatplaceshaveyoubeento Askyourpartner Haveyouvisited Hav

7、eyoubeento Haveyouseen Haveyoutried 1d Speaking Workinpairs Unbelievableprogressrapidunusualtoiletencouragesocialpeacefulperfectitselfcollect Unit9 Presentperfecttense words sentences grammar Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum Yes IhaveNo Ihaven t 课堂小结 达标检测 has havebeento I 根据括号内的要求完成下列各句 每空一词 含缩写 1 Myparents

8、havecomebackalready 改为否定句 Myparents back 2 TheboyshavebeentoJapanlotsoftimes 改为一般疑问句 theboys toJapanlotsoftimes Havebeen haven tcome yet Exercises 3 Hasyoursistergonetothebookstore 作肯定回答 she 4 Ihavebeentothethemeparkthreetimes 对划线部分提问 timeshaveyoubeentothethemepark 5 Themoviehasbeenonforhalfanhour 对

9、划线部分提问 hasthemoviebeenon Howmany Yeshas Howlong 根据括号中所给动词的提示完成下列句子或对话 1 I work inthiscityfor7years 2 Howlong she live here Sinceshe get anewjobhere haslived haveworked worked got 3 Howmanywords you learn sincetwoyearsago 4 Mymother never hear ofthisman 5 Tom be toChinatwice have learned learnt has h

10、eard hasbeen 4a Putthecorrectformsoftheverbsintheblanks 1 A Doyouwant come tothespacemuseum B No I vealready be therethreetimes 2 A Haveyou see therobotsatthesciencemuseum B Yes I go therelastweekend tocome been seen went 3 A Let s spend thedayatthezoo B Well I vealready be thereacoupleoftimes butI

11、mhappy go again 4 A Howabout go totheartmuseum TherearesomespecialGermanpaintingsthererightnow B Sure Whendoyouwant go spend been togo going togo 5 A Haveyouever visit thehistorymuseum B No I venever be there visited been 4b Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinbrackets Mostofus see MickeyM

12、ouse DonaldDuckandotherfamousDisneycharactersincartoonsbefore Buthaveyouever be toDisneyland Disneyland be anamusementparkwithaspecialtheme Disneycharactersandmovies haveseen been is There be manyexcitingrides lovelyrestaurantsandfantasticgiftshopsthere Youcanalso see theDisneycharacterswalkingaroun

13、dthepark Andhaveyouever hear ofaDisneyCruise This be aboatridewithaDisneytheme Youcan take arideontheboatforseveraldaysandeatandsleeponit are see heard is take Ontheboat youcan shop andhaveDisneypartiesbeforeyou arrive attheDisneyisland shop arrive homework抄写单词从acoupleof到simply并背过读课文2b2遍 并完成2d 家长签字新课堂1 2 3 4题 4c Answerthesurveyquestionsandthenaskyourpartner Unbelievableprogressrapidunusualtoiletencouragesocialpeacefulperfectitselfcollect Unit9 Presentperfecttense words sentences grammar Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum Yes IhaveNo Ihaven t 问题引领 明确目标 has havebeento


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